Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
6.34 MB

Feb 14, 2013

X/ /.      Mental Works Computing Dr Batcher v2.2.2      . X
        / /X.                                                    .X 
         /X. Protection    : Serial                             .X/
        //X. Language      : English                            .X/
       /X/X. Release Date  : 14.02.2013                         .X/X
        X/X. OS            : WinALL                             .X/X
        X/X. Crack Type    : Keygen                             .X/X
     __ X/X' Release Size  : 02/5.00MB                          `X/X __
    ((__X/X__                                                  __X/X__))
     ` )X/X(                                                    )X/X( '
      / X///                                                    \/X 
     / /\//_                                                    _\// 
     / _// (                                                    ) \_ /
     / / / _/                                                    _   
     / / /                                                          /
     / //                                                          / 
     /  _   _                                                  _   _  /
      __/(___)                                                /(___)__
     / / /___/                                                ___/  
     / /_/                                                      _/ /
 .___/ / __/                                                      __  ___.
   \_/ _/  __/__                                          __/__  _ _//
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  _/  __//__/_________)                          (_________/__/__  _/
    _/_// /__/____//'                            `\______/ /_/_/
      : X/X/ /___//'___ ____  ______ _______ ______ ____`\___ X/X :
      : X/X \_.  /^  /  (_/^   (_/^    (_/^   (_/^   (_ ._// /X/X :
   _ _:_X/X /  __/    /    /      /       /      /  ____/__  / X/X_:_ _
   \____/X \\   _ /    /  (_  /__   __/  (___/_____,   //// /X____///
      : X/X ////   //    /   /' /  /  / /  __/  /  ______/// / X/X :
    _ : X/X   __/____/   __/   )_/     ___/____)        / /X/X : _
   : ': X/X/(             __)           _(                 )/X/X :` :
   `--' X/X. '                                                ` .X/X `--'
        X/X. Dr. Batcher is an easy to use and powerful         .X/X
        X/X. utility with two different modes of file editor,   .X/X
        X/X. designed to create and edit bach files in a fast   .X/X
        X/X. and simple way.                                    .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X. Using Dr.Batcher you can really simplify creation  .X/X
        X/X. of batch files, and using batch files you can      .X/X
        X/X. automate many routine operations. So, Dr.Batcher   .X/X
        X/X. will save your time.                               .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X. Batch file is a small script that allows you to    .X/X
        X/X. automate some routine operations: for example,     .X/X
        X/X. creation of backups, cleaning folders from         .X/X
        X/X. garbage files, etc. Batch file is like a small     .X/X
        X/X. program, and it's very easy to create it with      .X/X
        X/X. Dr.Batcher!                                        .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X. Here are some key features of "Dr. Batcher":       .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X. ┬╖ Simple mode: create batch files with visual      .X/X
        X/X. editors and wizards                                .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X. ┬╖ Easy switching between different modes of batch  .X/X
        X/X. file editor  ┬╖ Support for looking through         .X/X
        X/X. environment variables and copying their values     .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
        X/X.         Install and use keygen for serial!         .X/X
        X/X.                                                    .X/X
    ___ \/X:                                                    :X// ___

