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Video > Movies
1.37 GB

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Promised Land 2012 DVDSCR XVID AC3 AbsurdiTy

Jan 24, 2013


Release Info:

Release Name: Promised.Land.2012.DVDSCR.XVID.AC3-AbsurdiTy
Format: AVI
Size: 1.37 GiB
Video: XviD | 720 x 384 | 1 377 Kbps | 23.976 FPS | 1.875
Audio: English | 448 Kbps | 6 ch | AC-3
Runtime: 1h 46mn
Subtitles: None
Source: SCR DVDR

IMDB Info:

Name: Promised Land
Genre: Drama
IMDB Link:  
IMDB Rating: 6.0/10 from 1,650 users
Director:Gus Van Sant
Writers: John Krasinski, Matt Damon
Cast: Matt Damon, Frances McDormand and John Krasinski
Plot: A salesman for a natural gas company experiences life-changing events after
arriving in a small town, where his corporation wants to tap into the available


I'm sorry matt damon, but i can't wait for this to come to Sweden =(
Do not be sorry... im sure these guys have enough houses & money to last more than 5 life times.

Why pay for any of this stuff when we can share?

If you decide to buy it, then all you're doing is helping the economy of a currupted government.
i agree with you 99999999999,999999% of the time, but i really like matt damon =)
That's right wiseguy... Thanks for the up!
Another good release s4a, thanks. V9A10 on computer.
For some reason, audio doesn't work at all on ps3 (not cinavia related, just doesn't work from beginning), so hopefully someone can upload a copy that does. But can't fault you for that. Thanks again.
Holy moly hell batman! I love you Scene4All! :))

I mean umm... thanks!!
Just reencode to support ps3 using handbrake, format factory etc..
Fuck Matt Damon, and his shitty pseudo fracking science. The conceit of this movie is such complete bullshit.
Matt Damon is a shit actor. He's extremely over-hyped. In every movie you can see a smirk in his mouth even when playing dramas, and in a sad situation. He is crap
@balrog814 - smirk? Are you retarded? You've been watching too much anime faggot. Go outside and see what real people are like
Thnx s4a!
im with you topeak
Thanks for the up.
nah i'm not bothered to get into a troll fight, the movie was ok, nothing more then that.
English subtitles please?
@curvenger - thanks for the advice man. tried format factory for the first time and converted it to mp4. worked like a charm. thanks again.
Boo Hoo, Big bad oil is coming to town. I say frac til you break your back.

This movie is pandering. Specifically, to people who don't know much about environmental sciences other than "Oil Bad, Flowers Good".

If I see Matt Damon around LA I'm going to shove a Telecaster up his ass and tune it to open C.
Sorry scene4all... this is NOT your fault but I will watch nothing that has that cunt, Matt Damon in it. Even if it is free. This low-life, scum bag wants everyone to have to pay triple the price of gasoline with his STUPID contention that fracking is damaging to the earth, the air or any other fucking thing! I'd give a years pay to "discuss" this with Damon in private.

Wanna watch a cunt in action, just watch this fucking lib-tard.
Hello Internet, a question if you will.

I see people who comment on how much they hate whothefuckever all the time, it's rather perplexing and I'm very curious about this.

Do you think they were actually born retarded, thus the reasoning behind them being forced to wear retard helmets. Or did they just get plugged up the ass so many times, they actually think the rest of the world gives any fucks at all about them or their stinky 13 yo shit stained opinions.

Muslims are a great and noble people, they kill faggots.
Matt Damon!!! I wanna see this guy in another Bourne movie, seriously!
so much hate here. someone need to get some hetrosexual sex i guess.

I do find it ironic that wiseguyjonnie posts about how corrupt things are and how overpaid Hollywood is and people are all in agreement...

...but when I posted the same comments a year ago people thought it was absurd to not go to the theaters and pay ridiculous prices.

personally I don't care if they do manage to shut down torrents, I will just rent movies on the cheap. I will still never go to the theater and support these actors getting 5million dollar paychecks for less than a years work.

personally I think the system is completely corrupt when the government preaches to the middle and lower class about how bad the economy is doing and that's why you are so poor... but these actors who do nothing meaningful with their lives get paid more money than any reasonable person could ever spend.

being an entertainer is one of the most meaningless profession there is. they don't build anything, they don't fix anything, they don't create anything... all they do is play make believe in front of a camera and somehow that entitles them to more money than everyone else who actually contributes to a functioning society.
@yokey. you say no one cares about the opinions people post on here, yet you seem to think your opinion matters.

do you see the error in your logic?
yak yak yak
Thanks 4.89X. +1 to a quality DLer and those who seed.
Small screener notice at the bottom of the frame at 33:40 for 15 sec.
Oh yeah, I'm effing Matt Damon ;^)
@Fritz- i hope to God you are just a 13 year old angry girl because your little rant about entertainers being useless and contributing nothing is so fucking simplistically stupid that i just have to school you. Entertainers create something called "art" their art (if it is worthy) captures the imagination and interest of other human beings. This intern helps them forget just for a second that they are infact an ugly fat 13 year old girl hiding behind a computer (such as (hopefully) yourself). Look at the amount of people downloading and wanting what these entertainers have helped to create you moron. Do you see it? THAT is why they are paid so much for what they do and why you are payed so little.
@Fritz- i hope to God you are just a 13 year old angry girl because your little rant about entertainers being useless and contributing nothing is so fucking simplistically stupid that i just have to school you. Entertainers create something called "art" their art (if it is worthy) captures the imagination and interest of other human beings. This intern helps them forget just for a second that they are infact an ugly fat 13 year old girl hiding behind a computer (such as (hopefully) yourself). Look at the amount of people downloading and wanting what these entertainers have helped to create you moron. Do you see it? THAT is why they are paid so much for what they do and why you are payed so little.
@Fritz- i hope to God you are just a 13 year old angry girl because your little rant about entertainers being useless and contributing nothing is so fucking simplistically stupid that i just have to school you. Entertainers create something called "art" their art (if it is worthy) captures the imagination and interest of other human beings. This intern helps them forget just for a second that they are infact an ugly fat 13 year old girl hiding behind a computer (such as (hopefully) yourself). Look at the amount of people downloading and wanting what these entertainers have helped to create you moron. Do you see it? THAT is why they are paid so much for what they do and why you are payed so little. Do YOU see the error inb YOUR logic?
P.S. I fucking hate this comment setup tpb has. cant you edit or delete something you wrote?
You said it perfectly, and I still don't think saying it three times will get the point across to the cunt in question, so I wouldn't worry about it.
A:10 V10 M:5 fucking crap boring shit dont waste ur time
Thank you Uploader
V9 A9 Movie 7/10
Sound is horribly out of sync and so is the 700 mb version to :( Will wait for a real DvD version instead of this patch together film
I'd love to hear one of your comment about a movie you rate below 5 :)
Scary business.
No audio on PST...guess I shoulda checked the comments
No audio on PS3...guess I should have checked the previous page comments :(
Oh man, I look so noobish!! Haha, I agree with fastvw_52, I rerfreshed the page like 3 times looking for my comments and they weren't there. Oh well.
A:10 V:10 M:9. Pretty much DVD quality. Thanks to the uploader. This was a good movie.
Has anyone else had trouble formatting this to a dvd with ConvertXtoDVD? I've tried 3x, and the result each time is all screwed up....but the original file format plays fine. What's the deal with it not converting properly? Thanks...
@Fritz - I think you are on the right track. I generally don't even download movies anymore but this one caught my attention since I was already against fracking and wanted to see what kind of a message the movie was trying to share. I don't go to the movies mostly because I disagree with the current Hollywood view points and I feel that they are isolated from reality.
I really hate doing this cus I realize how stupid it is to write opinions here but I can't contain my self.
Fritz, actors get paid a lot because their talent is hard to come by. Following the simple rules of economics if there were less people capable of doing whatever your job is you to would be paid more. By buying movies you aren't paying actors they've already been paid for there services. Furthermore, I hate when people try to justify stealing piracy etc. Stealing is wrong and to think that its OK when you do it is really arrogant. I steal because I don't care that it's wrong and if you're going to steal I think you need to stop being a pussy and accept that you're doing it for your own selfish gain and not some higher agenda. Sorry to rant and that last part was directed towards everyone for the record.


i had a problem with the a/v syncing. on both my burned dvd's audio was off, so i just burned the files to a disk and all is in order. thanks for the upload....
Amazing movie, total realism and also educational.
U will learn a little something about fracking seeing this1! :D

M:10 (for drama)
Thanks scene4all + AbsurdiTy.
Scanned clean
Quality was good - A9 V9, thnx to the uploader! Movie was OK as i expected it to be! Storyline is intelligent and entertaining and acters were OK! I usually watch all the movies at because they have HD's but they didn't have this one so im happy to have piratebay :) Thank you once again uploader for this great share!
That Fritz is really a card. You'd think this was about the politics. Its about seeing this movie, you dope. I would have seen this in a theater. But it dropped from about 10 of them to none in one day, so I have no choice.
Dear AbsurdiTy + scene4all You are wonderful. Without you I'd never get to see movies. God bless you.
@Fritz - chances you will read this are slim but I felt the need to respond. You complain about actors who get paid millions to make a movie when others are poor? While I understand what you are trying to say, do you realize that the people behind the scenes (ie producers, studio heads, etc) make so much money that they are more powerful than your governement. All on money made from these actors who bring audiences to the theatres. No different than sports figures. The money they all make is peanuts compared to the money that is being made by people behind the scenes. You should really try thinking outside the box before you spew some BS that you really do not understand.