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ceh hacking metasploit rapid7 backtrack
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Mar 9, 2012

The SecurityTube Metasploit Framework Expert (SMFE) is an online certification on the Metasploit Framework. This course is ideal for penetration testers, security enthusiasts and network administrators. The course leading to the certification exam is entirely practical and hands-on in nature. The final certification exam is fully practical as well and tests the studentΓÇÖs ability to think out of the box and is based on the application of knowledge in practical real life scenarios.

A non-exhaustive list of topics to be taught includes:

    Metasploit Basics and Framework Organization
    Server and Client Side Exploitation
    Meterpreter ΓÇô Extensions and Scripting
    Database Integration and Automated Exploitation
    Post Exploitation Kung-Fu ΓÇô Exploring the system, Privilege escalation, Log deletion and AV / Firewall bypass
    Token stealing and impersonation, Backdoors and Rootkits, Pivoting and Port forwarding, Railgun and Custom Scripting, Backdoor an Executable
    Ruby Primer for Hackers
    Writing Metasploit Modules ΓÇô Auxiliary and Exploit
    Exploit research with Metasploit- Buffer Overlows, SEH, DEP Bypass, Return Oriented Programming
    Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) and Armitage
    Scenario Based Hacking using Metasploit

This is the free community version of the training used to prepare students for the SMFE. We encurage you to check out the certification, and consider enrolling in the SMFE program!

File MD5: 0A880A1BE0817655E3762933E076659D

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