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Games > PC
275.7 MB

May 8, 2011


I found this using google. I've played one test run in Arcade mode, and everything seems to work.


Someone test this please.
Last 3 have been Viruses.
Reluctantly downloading as no one has said anything.
The files inside seem legit though. >>
Please post if it has a virus, I don't wanna have to reinstall windows again.
didn't u just download this from that ananymous guy who posted just sometime back.. u have got a comment on there as well asking for seeds.. thta download turned out to be a virus..
Adnrw: Was it legit? :)

Or if somebody else has tried this one, please let us know.

And IF this is the same rootkit virus called Alurion that's been uploaded a couple of times now... use TDSSKiller to remove it if u get infected
The virus is a bitch.
Hmm. Ok. I have the game up and running. I disabled norton real time protection because it removed steam.api.dll. Not sure if it's a false positive but i can play the game. Any tips anyone?
Works fine, AV didnt pick anything up. Fun game, Def worth the $8 from Steam.
So, can someone confirm whether it's legit?
Ok it works.
Just downloaded and searched thru it.
It's clean and it works :)

Thx uploader!
No Virus, but I can't get it to work. It immediately says it stopped working and has to shut down.
Same problem as Alpha, also the "Dwarfs" installer file, says it is missing required files. Please help us.
It works with no problems for me.
Alpha, or anyone else having the problems i mentioned. Download XNA 3.1, its what I did, and its fixed. CANT WAIT TO PLAY THIS, thank you Cohacq
worked fine.... thx dude i will send you a thx note in the comments :)
Hell yeah, after 3 fake downloads, a working one, gonna seed this alot.
I also get an error :(
i have XP but that souldnt be it i think... :S
and i have tried the XNA but i used 4.0 and that didnt work :( anyone knows what the problem is? =)
Can anyone please explain how to install/download and play this game? ^^
Okay, I got it working by installing that XNA 3.1, but I'm not sure why I need to install something extra to just play a game. It's all a bit shady.
Also, I like the game, but I think I won't spend more than an hour on it.
ok.. this is legit and it works but norton does not like the steam.api.dll file and removes it as soon as i switch norton on.. turning out to be a headache.. any pointers??
Confirmed real and working.

There is a secondary application in the folder which will install xna framework. if you're iffy about it, install the XNA Framework from the original online source.

You cannot play the game without installing the framework, otherwise dwarfs.exe will instantly crash and never play.

Any steam .dlls are hacked and may show a false positive for anti-virus/malware programs.
If anyone misses a dll file, look it up at
(don't worry, it's free to download), just follow the instructions.
Last ones were a virus alright, one of them broke my PC!
i know this may sound stupid but first of all i dint find any sub folder with the xna program in it, and second i tried downloading a version online installed it and still woulnt work... i have no idea what im doing wrong...
Avast cant find a virus in there, so its safe!
I love how people always ask whether there is a virus inside before downloading. Its like "I heard this bitch has a syphilis, can you fuck her first and let me know?"
ESET Found Nothing Bad.
I canĀ“t play it due to some graphics card error :(
@Viniter Haha, that's funny. but maybe more like "I heard this bitch has a really dry pussy, can you finger her first and let me know?" I say this because, all and all, you never want to go back to the same thing again, but you don't actually have to get it to know.
Downloaded this and tried to run the clickonce application, got the prompt to install it, ok'd it, and got the error that it was missing some files. Checked the details, says it's missing a "Game.ico.deploy". Any help?
Can't seem to download it
says unavailable
Good speed, +1 for Quality
Works great, just remember you need XNA Framework 3.1 . And not 4.0.
If you install 4.0 you wont be able to play the game, so once again, DL XNA framework 3.1

The game works great, and havent discovered any bugs so far.
Thanks for the upload!
this is a fun little game thanks for sharing it :]

il have to buy it sometime
Looking forward to play this.. though it takes a while till i can.. got to install Visual C# 2010 to get XNA 3.1 to get the game to work :/ hope it'll be worth it :)
I can confirm that the game works just fine.
Thanks for the upload, will seed! Mind uploading the update too?
i seem like an idiot right now but im still asking... how the hell do i install this game with all these files???
can someone please tell me how to install the game???
Viniter, I love you and plan to quote you EVERYWHUR.
I seem to be unable to torrent it... when i try it comes up on my torrenting program as nothing. 0 bytes.
Thanks Dude! Everything is Working! Norton didn't detect a Virus + It works with no Lag! Perfect game and worth the $8 From Steam. I saw Simon from Yogscast playing it and wanted to try it out. This is exactly what I was looking for!
Thx Cohacq
who came here from yogscast to download?!
If you're unsure of whether or not to download, Steam has a F2P version, and that also forces you to download the necessary components. If you like it, then just uninstall, and get this one, it wont uninstall XMA, as it's a windows component.