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Video > TV shows
175.09 MB

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Apr 22, 2011

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I'd like the torrent more if I didnt have to unpack it.
I'll wait for someone with a .avi so I can just download and stream to my ps3
the first three releases of this office ep are all Rarred. 2005 called, it wants to get it's compression technology back....
stop the rar's please
"no fakes and NO RARS" my ass.
I concur!
For the people complaining about rars, please try and do some research about the topic, you are just making yourselves look dumb. Almost every show and movie you find is first shared over usenet, they have a file size limit on usenet, that is why you see everything rar'd. For a site like torrent release, which puts out many shows very quickly, it would add a big delay to change every file.

If you are so hard up about rars, go wait for eztv or tvteam release. Just stop being ignorant to the issues.
stop fucking whining you ungrateful cunt. thanks torrentzone
I love that they sell themselves on having no rars (in caps) but this is a rar release
Hopefully this epi is better than the last...brutal episode.
its tagged as episode 21 cause someone forgot that the christmas party is a two part episode
Wow, that episode was dismal. Just dreadful. Best part was the singing at the end. This show has passed its time. They should have gone out like the Office U.K version, when it was still good.
lol @ The Office U.K. They made like 13 or 14 episodes. Pretty weak. Good thing Ricky Gervais went on to make some money off of his idea with the U.S. version. He deserves it.