Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
10.16 MB

+10 / -0 (+10)

Jan 20, 2010


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  ??   ??   ???? ????    ?? ?     ??    ?? ????           ??     ?? ??  ???
  ?????????          Vector Magic Desktop Edition v1.14           ?????????
  ????   ???                 Vector Magic, Inc.                  ???    ???
  ??? ?????                                                       ????? ???
  ??? ???? 02/07/2009    | cracker....: uLysse         ??? ???
  ???   ??  language..: Multilanguage | protection.: Activation    ??   ???
  ??? ????  crc32.....: $CF6147A8     | os.........: WinALL        ???? ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???       type......: [x] KEYGEN    [ ] PATCH    [ ] SERIAL           ???
  ???                   [ ] LOADER    [ ] OTHER                         ???
  ???                                                                   ??? 
  ?????????  URL.......... [            ]  ? ???????
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  ?          ???  ????  ???     RELEASE iNFOS     ???  ????  ???          ?
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                         ??                       ??
     Convert bitmap images to vector images with a few simple clicks :
     Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has
     developed an auto-trace tool that is dramatically more accurate
     than the tools in either Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. The
     conversion process as such is called tracing or vectorization and
     is something that has historically been done mostly by hand. An
     automated tool like the Vector Magic web service can make this
     otherwise tedious task quick and painless.
     Changelog :
     Version 1.14, released June 12, 2009
       * Fixed bitmap exporting bug for JPEG and TIF formats on PC.
     Version 1.13, released May 26, 2009
       * Added background removal feature.
       * Fixed several small cosmetic bugs.
       * Improved button text to be more clear.
       * Redesigned the palette selection page to be more clear.

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  ?????????                     iNSTALL NOTES                     ?????????
  ?????????                                                       ?????????
  ?????                                                               ?????
  ?                                                                       ?
     1. Install Vector Magic Desktop Edition v1.14.
     2. Use this keygen and click on the generate button to register
     the application.
     3. Have fun ;)

                         ??                       ??
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  ?           ??  ????  ???                       ???  ????  ??           ?
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  ??  ????       ????????       ?           ?       ????????       ????  ??
  ?????????                                                       ?????????
  ?????????                      ABOUT GROUP                      ?????????
  ?????????                                                       ?????????
  ?????                                                               ?????
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   The FiGHTiNG FOR FUN team is proud to announce that we are      ???
  ???   the first French web group still alive with more than 11.000    ???
  ???   releases now.                                                   ???
  ???   Born in april 2002, we are the coolest team of the Scene and    ???
  ???   we always fight for more knowledge and fun. Thanks for using    ???
  ???   our products, and see you for our 15.000th release :)           ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   Our greetings go to all people we know and who support us.      ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   FFF is proud to be a web group and to release nice products     ???
  ???   for all.                                                        ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   FFF is powered by the B.M.E (Bonobos Monkey Engine).            ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   If you want to join in, find in meditation the way to us and    ???
  ???   ask for a trial membership.                                     ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   FFF will not be responsible for and does NOT support warez      ???
  ???   distribution of this release. It is forbidden to include        ???
  ???   one of our releases in a warez distribution.                    ???
  ???   Groups or individuals will be exposed for this!                 ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???                                       As decided by FFF council   ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ???
  ???   ? Special note:                                             ?   ???
  ???   ?                                                           ?   ???
  ???   ? On some antivirus scans, FFF releases packages can reveal ?   ???
  ???   ? "Type_Win32" or "Trojan_Type" virus...                    ?   ???
  ???   ? Don't be stupid! It is not a virus nor anything else like ?   ???
  ???   ? that. It is just some packers/cryptors which have the     ?   ???
  ???   ? same binary signature.                                    ?   ???
  ???   ?                                                           ?   ???
  ???   ? However, some crackhosts can modify or add malicious      ?   ???
  ???   ? things on FFF releases (like "crack.exe"), so please,     ?   ???
  ???   ? TAKE CARE.                                                ?   ???
  ???   ?                                                           ?   ???
  ???   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????   ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ???   Remember:                                                       ???
  ???   We are cool but we don't need newbies or pretentious people.    ???
  ???                                                                   ???
  ??? ?                                                               ? ???
  ??? ?                         ?           ?                         ? ???
  ????????? ? ??????? ???     ????         ????     ??? ??????? ? ?????????
  ??????????????? ????   ????????           ????????   ???? ???????????????
  ????????????     ????  ???? ??  GREETiNGS  ?? ????  ????     ????????????
  ?????????         ??  ???  ??               ??  ???  ??         ?????????
  ???????               ?? ?                     ? ??               ???????
  ??????                 ??                       ??                 ??????
  ??? ?                                                               ? ???
  ??? ?                * CORE * SSG * TMG * DI * RES *                ? ???
  ??? ?               * RAiD * ECLiPSE * XFORCE * ECZ *               ? ???
  ??????               * PC * ARTeam *  ACME * VDOWN *               ??????
  ?????                                                               ?????
  ???????                                                           ???????
  ????????       ????????       ?           ?       ????????       ????????
  ???  ??????????????   ????? ????         ???? ?????   ??????????????  ???
  ??  ????????????????   ????????           ????????   ????????????????  ??
  ?????   ?????  ??????  ????                   ????  ??????  ?????   ?????
  ?           ??  ????  ???                       ???  ????  ??   korma   ?
               ??????   ?? ?                     ? ??   ??????


Description: Convert bitmap images like JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs to the crisp, clean, scalable vector art of EPS, SVG, and PDF with the world’s best auto-tracing software.

VirusTotal (Keygen):


Keygen works.
Included setup and setup from there website are identical.

Thanks! :)
Thank you!!! Keygen works perfectly, no anti-virus warnings. The program itself is excellent and I have absolutely no problems. THANKS!
What a great program and download. Thanks Everything was clean for me.
Thanks simple program works great.
my keygen is working but i dont know which one is the serial no . and which one is email.
please help me.
It worked Thanks :D
It works great - and no fight with serials at all, which is sweet :)
how do i get the key from this??? descriptive help needed please
Thanks! Be persistent. Might look like it's not working - then restart program and good to go.
Thank you for this!
I just discovered this application, and it is fucking great. Thanks a lot!
Works perfect.
Why there is no seeding?
Fantastic program!!!
The keygen works with 1.15. :)
Thanks for this. It worked great for a while. I just recently tried to use it and it came up as unactivated and the keygen isnt working now : (
does anyone have a vehicle window tint torrent they would like to share? please ... ive been looking for a program that i can use to tint my windows with i use vinyl and have heard that tint tek or my tinter are good if anyone can please put one up it would much be appreciated thanks. (:
The keygen works. Just run it without trying to copy/paste anything. Just close and re-start VectorMagic and it should work.
thank you.. :)
I still don't get what's supposed to be the email and what's supposed to be the product key.

The keygen actually gives a lot of text for "serial number" (not even "product key") and lets us enter a "User Name", not an Email.

How hard can it be for someone to actually say what goes where and how?
For anyone, that tells "the keygen is not working" try copy the keygen into program directory, then run it, it should work :)
To answer your questions about the keygen, you just need it in your program directory, run it, write a random name, and generate.
Close and run Vector Magic.
Works on Windows XP 32-bit. i just installed vector magic, finished the install. then ran the keygen. after that i started vector magic, and went to about, and it says registered to uLysse,FFF Fighting For Fun.
Thanks for the UL
Program works like a boss and no virus detected. Thanks very much uploader!
trojan found by bitdefender
can you please upload imagaro professional Z, which is father of these kind of softwares..
Thx u very very much!!! Keygen works on 1.15 :D