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Video > TV shows
350.01 MB

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Nov 21, 2009

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Higher Speed Download is available at: - Your Gateway To The Scene.


Clean RAR Scene File - Enjoy and don't forget to leave Thanks

Enjoy :)



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 ��ܰ�����۲���۰��۰�  � ��    Proudly Presents    �� �  ܰ��ܰ���۲�����۰���
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  �  ��ݰ                                                              ��۲  �
 ߲� ��        Release Type.....: HDTV                                  �� ߲�
  �  �� �      Series...........: Stargate Universe                   � ��  �
  �  �� �      Genre............: Drama                               � ��  �
     �  �      Episode..........: S01E09                              �  �
    ��  �      Title............: Life                                �  ��
    ��         Production Code..: 109                                    ��
    ��         Orig. Air Date...: 20 Nov 2009                            ��
    ��         Release Date.....: 20 Nov 2009                            ��
    ��         Source...........: 1080i HDTV                             ��
    ��         Video Format.....: XviD                                   ��
    ��         Video Resolution.: 624x352                                ��
    ��         Video Bitrate....: 990 kbps                               ��
    ��         Video Framerate..: 23.976                                 ��
  � ��  �      Audio Format.....: MP3 VBR                             �  �� �
  � ��  �      Audio Bitrate....: 148 kbps average                    �  �� �
  �  �� �      Audio Sample Rate: 48 KHz                              � ��  �
  �  �� �      Length...........: 42:30.967                           � ��  �
 ��� �� �      Size.............: 367,003,756                         � �� ���
  �   � �      Packs............: 19*20MB = 350MB                     � �   �
  �  ��        Link.............:                                        ۰  �
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     ��    While scouring the interior of the Destiny in search of       ۰
     ��    undiscovered resources, the crew comes across a mysterious    ��
     ��    ancient device that could possibly provide a way home;        ��
     ��    Lieutenant Scott and Camile use the communication stones      ��
      �    to return to Earth.                                           �
     ��                                                                  ۰
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     ް���������۲��� � ��۲�� �  Group Greets  � ������ � ������������۲��
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    ߲���                                                              ��ݲ�
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     ��                      CTU, ORENJi, 2HD, DHD                       ۰
      �                                                                  �
      �      and all other groups that choose quality over speed         �
     ��                                                                  ��
     ��                                                                  ۰
     ���                                                                �۱
    ܲ���                                                              ��ݲ�
  � �� ߲�������������������������������������������������������������۲� �� �
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 ߲� ް���������۲��� � ��۲�� �  Contact Info  � ������ � ������������۲�� ߲�
  �  ���  ��������������  ��                        ��  ��������������  �۲  �
  � �� ܰ��������������                                  �������������۰� �� �
  � ߲���                                                              ��ݲ� �
  �  ���   We are currently looking for:                                �۱  �
     ��                                                                  ۰
  �  ��       * US/CA cappers with HDTV and/or DSR feed - min 60 kB/s    ��  �
      �                                                                  �
      �   GROUP NEWS: No, we will not affil your brand new/DR/colo site, �
      �               so please don't ask. Thanks!                       �
      �                                                                  �
      ��   contact: Ask your friends. Email is dead.                    ��
      ���                                                              ���
     � ߲�������������������������������������������������������������۲� �
        ������ FQM ���������������            ��������������� FQM ������
                        ������������� 2oo7 �������������


Please Note DL'ers: This torrent is posted way too soon. EZTV always has it posted first. Also, this torrent is ZIPPED. Now THAT"S a RED FLAG. DOWNLOAD AT YOUR OWN RISK
Either way, then EZTV already uploaded the torrent on eZRSS
LeGra TvTeam is solid i have downloaded their stuff before its ok.. dont be afraid of change now tvteam is first
Thanks Koontz......I just rather be SCARED......then have a Computer....DEAD

(Please do not steal intellectual Property)
@ legra...clearly you aint been seeing these torrents uploaded way before eztv in the last year!!!

eztv are always slower than "xsaimex or tvtem" and others like VTV

I never get eztv's anymore coz way too many leechers jump on and have to wait hours to download, when can get in 45 minutes
* tvteam
LeGra you must be from the U.S.A i have heard the are scared of everything..
The username is short for my REAL name, which gives quite a clue. I am French/Nigerian
Ok ok.......I have been converted. I started the download and it it FAST1
I am trust uploader. my uploads are clean and from scene. don't be paranoid.
Why oh why do you use RAR files?
This one is a better episode then no. 8. No 8 was so boriing that I almost gave up on the show. I miss SG Atlantis, i must say.
Thank´s for the upload.
why type of retards rar up media files which have already been compressed?
omg what the hell is wrong with this show NOTHING EVERHAPPENS just personla fxxx drama I got that at home ALL THE FXXX TIME...
Where is the fxxx Aliens, hey here is an idee paint that silly nill comander green. Or that ugly dike bich. An let them go crazzzy cus im goning crazy now... seee ya