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Amanar Book Devil Аманар книга черта магия magic
+21 / -0 (+21)

Sep 24, 2009

Аманар_Книга Черта (2009)
Книга Черта включает правила магической работы, принципы выбора методики порчи, магическая защита, обряды на исполнение желаний, богатства и успеха, привороты, привязки, отвороты, рассорки. 
Книга изложена в форме практического пособия, позволяющего обычному человеку самостоятельно начать постигать сокровенные тайны темного ремесла. Все заговоры, заклинания, обряды и ритуалы изложены полностью такими, какими их проводили колдуны и ведьмы старого мира. 

Книга с необычной полиграфией, на красных листах – черный курсив.
В черномагических кругах Книга Черта произвела фурор и считается хорошим тоном иметь у себя в библиотеке.
Книга с файлообменника -

Amanar_The_Book_Of_Devil (2009)
The book Of Devil includes rules of magic work, principles of a choice of a technique of damage, magic protection, ceremonies on execution of desires, riches and success, bindings, tops. 
The book is stated in the form of the practical grant allowing to the usual person independently to begin to comprehend secret secrets of dark craft. All plots, spells, ceremonies and rituals are stated completely such with what they were spent by sorcerers and witches of the old world. 

The book with unusual polygraphy, on red sheets – black italics.
In black magic circles the Book Of Devil has made furore and it is considered a good form to have at itself in library.
The book with  -
Exlusive book!


it's all russian gibberish
These are dangerous ancient magic spells!
Effective and directed on destruction of the person ceremonies and spells!
> These are dangerous ancient magic spells!

You don't say! Like, they allow one to transform frogs into gorgeous princes, and vice-versa?
In the book certain plots and methods of prompting of damage and as many other connected with black magic are described!
The book will be useful and interesting to a certain circle of people;)
Trully, I like this kind of stuff, but man... I don't understand a word. Is there any way you could post a link to a version written in english for example and not in cyrillic alphabet?
Why anybody need this kind of book.People should read bible and other Christian books that will teach you how to save your soul from devil and all those who serve him.It will teach you how to protect yourself from devil influence.Power is with God and His Son.
Devil can not offer anything but destruction.He is lier and deceiver. His only goal is to screw up human kind in order to challenge God.People don't chose willingly or by doing sins side that will LOSE this battle for sure.