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20.17 MB

Alex Jones Webster Tarpley Obama Obama Deception Luke Rudkowsky We Are Change compulsary national service infowars sig_garrett
+3 / -0 (+3)

Mar 30, 2009

2009.03.29 Sunday

Alex talks Webster G. Tarpley, author of Obama: The post Modern Coup, who is featured in Alex's latest film, The Obama Deception. 

HR 1: Update on Luke Rudkowsky arrest, news,  Webster Tarpley
HR 2: Obama Deception's featured interviewee: Webster Tarply, open lines

** For more downloads of AJS including Jason Bermas Infowarrior check TJ7's:

** 88.7 Olympia, WA (west side)


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Jose - will check it out.
Why does'nt your audio clips play on my cell phone, what format are you uploading these in?
Apparently it's true. Alex did his usual asshole routine on Jeff Rense and had Ted Anderson pull the plug on Jeff's program. This confirms all the rumors that I've heard about Alex. Fuck him.

This is from Jeff's myspace page. space dot com/Jeff_Rense

Why Jeff is Moving to a New and Better Network

Dear Friends of Liberty and Free Speech...

Following is a reply I sent to a long-time listener and thought you should be able to read it, too. It will answer the basic questions many have asked. Thank you, all, for your kindness and support. I am looking forward to working with the new networks which will be making major efforts to present the program on far more stations than the former network ever did. Photobucket With best regards to all of my good Friends here at MySpace...


From: Dan
Subject: Jeff Rense fired
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 2:57 PM

Heard a rumor the Jeff Rense was fired from GCN because he posted an article that Alex Jones is a Zionist agent. I called GCN. Ted Andersen is not in today but the first person I talked to confirmed the rumor, and the second person said they couldn't talk about it.

This is extremely disheartening for all Americans who value the first amendment. If Ted Andersen does not, then it is our duty to expose him. Dan

Hello Dan...
Thank you for your concern. I was not 'fired' because I was never paid by GCN. I was letting them have use of my program in exchange for commercial minutes each hour.

This is all about Jones...who called me at home last Tuesday afternoon just past 1pm and threatened to "destroy" me (and my family) over the well-written story by Brother Nathanael Kapner researching and seeking to understand the reasons why Jones is, and has long been, pro-zionist and an unabashed apologist of zionist Israel and its genocide of Palestinians...and generally steers people away from AIPAC and the Rothschild City of London banking monolith which controls so much of the Western world. The story is available here at Real Jew News Note how the article cites direct quotes from Jones' own PrisonPlanet message board. I also, as the world knows, always encourage and post legitimate rebuttals to stories.

Matter of fact, when I told Jones to stop threatening me on the phone, he maniacally (no exaggeration) roared in his guttural, Neanderthal voice: "I'm not 'threatening' you...I PROMISE you I will destroy you!!!"

Never in my life have I been terrorized like that and it is my personal opinion that such behavior is mentally deranged and unquestionably dangerous.

While this took place, my partner heard him bellowing and raging and screaming on the phone and she was shocked and am I. The many stories and allegations about his abuse and threatening of others in this business would seem to be accurate, at least as far as I am concerned. I have filed a formal police report against him for interstate terrorism and threats.

Within an hour or so of his phone call, Ted Anderson emailed me notification of 30 day cancellation of our broadcast agreement. Jones has bragged to me and others that he "owns Ted Anderson's ass"...Ted is a lap dog and did as he was ordered. Jones efforts to censor the news are clear and unquestionable.

Jones ordered that my live programs be blocked last Tuesday and GCN has been running encores the last four nights without so much as the common courtesy of advising me which program would be aired.

After all and in sum, it is tragically clear Jones has an agenda which does not include steadfast support of our Constitution, Freedom of Speech and Inquiry, and Freedom of the Press. As so many others have claimed over the years, he is too often an opportunistic, self-aggrandizing tyrant and hypocrite who seeks to promote himself over all other issues, while clearly serving the wishes of special interest groups. At this point in time, after doing my program for fifteen years, I find that I must regrettably agree with that assessment. William Cooper, indeed, raised some very serious issues about Jones
Alex warned everyone that was spreading lies about him on air that the gloves were coming off..
sig_garrett thanks for posting that letter from Rense. AJ's ego is pretty out of control.

But if I called Ted Anderson and told him to fire Rense, would I be the asshole or would Ted Anderson be the asshole? If I called your boss and told him to fire you, and you got fired, would I be the asshole or would your boss be the asshole? If your boss fired you just because I told him to, I'd suspect there are some extra reasons why you were fired. We don't really know what happened or the reasons why it happened.

I assume that the boss of a network is the person in charge. His decisions are not dictated by one of his employees. This reminds me of when a married couple gets divorced and people choose sides even though they have no clue about what was actually going on, and have only heard one side of the story.

I'm not defending AJ or Rense. In general Rense comes across as a much more reasonable man than AJ, but none of us know what happened here. Additionally, I'm unconvinced that AJ is able to tell Ted Anderson how to run his network; Anderson makes his own hiring/firing decisions.
Ludwignosen - quick clarification, Chakra71 posted the material from Jeff Rense's myspace pages.

I am not encouraging a rush to judgment on either individual or whatever may have occurred. I'm not sure what will procede nor the ultimate result - but both personalities, like us all, have flaws.

If I had any influence, I would ask the issue to be settled amicably because we need eveyone engaged in exposing the money changers, the ELite. If wrong doing has occurred I hope it can be righted to everyone's benefit.

One head scratcher I have (and I kindly solicite rational feedback) is how Alex Jones is an agent of Zionism and what purpose does he serve in relation to Zionism? Is this because he does not spend his time covering the Palestinian issue? If I understand correctly this is an ancient Phoenician/Cannan/Hiksas struggle with an overlay of Persian/Syrian/Greek/Roman intrigue(?) From my experience Jones consistently exposes Zionism but often does not label it as such.

I also ask because in relation to the Palestinian issue I am of Indian heritage but I spend little time ranting about the ongoing genocide and non-Indian occupation which all non-Indians have directly or indirectly exacted privilege from. It's the largest genocide ever perpetrated upon a single race to date.

That said, and without having full disclosure, I hope some unified accord can be established and presented as both Jeff Rense and Alex Jones have pearls of wisdom that we all positively synthesize in our everyday life and for a greater purpose.

oops I meant to type "chakra71." I made the mistake because I hold you both in high esteem due to the amount of time you've spent sharing quality material with the community.
Thanks for the upload and all the comments. Why does it always come down to the issue of Zionism? Sure, AJ can be overbearing and unapologetic, and downright wrong in some of his comments (comments he made about Finland a while ago were wrong - I know, because I live here), but all in all, he is a fighter for liberty. He criticizes Israel all the time not to mention the "Rothschild City of London banking monolith which controls so much of the Western world." I mean, come on, that's all he talks about sometimes!! Take him for what he is and make up your own minds - and please do not close them to anyone. Peace all.
The PrisonPlanet forum moderators are handling this issue in typical fashion, by:

deleting threads

banning users

and dumping the posts that don't get deleted over into the 'Off-Topic/UFO' section of the forum ( all while Sane the Moderator shrieks over and over 'The Truth Does Not Fear Investigation! ').

Hypocrites and gatekeepers guiding KoolAid drinkers over at the PP forum... how can the Rense/Jones issue be 'off-topic' if it's the topic drawing the most attention??

Alex Jones is useful for the first 90% of the information you need, but if he'll take you right down a dead end street if you let him be your guide to the capstone. Jones will have you chasing ghosts and shadows like 'the British Royals' or 'theosophists' or 'Teutonic Knights'.

People need to recognize that you can't be a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM and Fox News( like Jones is ) without having a blindspot about Zionism- your guest appearances would end if you told the truth.

Rense does a good job covering the last 10% that Jones either can't ( or won't ) deal with. Which is why Rense is frozen out of the controlled media, unlike Jones.

rreuben - thanks for the feedback.

For those that noticed - yeah... I misspelled Canaan (Canaanite)
Thanks for the torrents, sig_garrett- my criticisms of Jones don't change my appreciation for those who put the work in editing and posting these radio shows.

"both Jeff Rense and Alex Jones have pearls of wisdom that we all positively synthesize in our everyday life and for a greater purpose"

You are absolutely right that the best approach is to crossreference everything you hear from anyone, Rense or Jones or whoever, look for additional sources, try and throw out what appears to be contaminated info, synthesize the good stuff into your world view, and even then, expect that you will occasionally be the victim of disinfo manipulation, no matter how skilled you think you are at spotting bull*hit. It's inevitable.

No one has the whole New World Order figured out. Not even them. Some people in the media distort the truth because they're plants, some distort the truth because they make normal human mistakes.