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Other > E-books
33.87 MB

Texted language(s):
powr broccoli kopimi spectrial
+19 / -0 (+19)

Feb 25, 2009

In the shadow of the culture industry's final crisis of the 20th-
century, grows a larger portrait of the POwr, broccoli and Kopimi.
Each step of the culture industry's failures is followed by the
uncanny successes of the structurally diffused spread of an Internet
elite, spread worldwide. The book you're about to read has no author,
no designer, no translators, no distribution channel. Nevertheless,
you have it in front of you. How did it happen?

Read the frightening instructions of a loosely coherent core of
IT specialists grafted into an unsuspecting generation of youths,
and how the group stole the eggs, dollars and jpegs in front of
the powerless establishment and strong financial interests. Learn
how servers, seeders, trackers, e-mail, company formation, foreign
investors, Ikko's weekly allowance, scandalous advertisements,
links and search services, infiltrated and destroyed an entire
world that had nowhere to run, no one to consult, and no one to

The machine, which operates under the radar frequency is
unhindered from the Cambodian jungle to the gay neighborhoods
of San Francisco, via the empty beaches of Tel-Aviv, and into
the Internet of plain folks in Jönköping suburbs and Gothenburg
harbor. It leaves no one unmoved and mangles everything it in
its path. Technically superior and physically independent it's
constantly transformed, mutated and reappears in new guises and
under new codenames. With a stranglehold on its opponents it's
completely untouched and even more - incomprehensible.

It has rightly been said that this is the first time Kopimi
has freed the world and we can be sure that it's not the last.

(Releasenotes: Download, share, translate, remix, bend, modify,
copy, trash, bash, move, publish, burn, hide, remake, plz KOPIMI!)



Included in the torrent is the book in .pdf
as well as a folder with all you need to edit
the book yourself in InDesign. The text has
also been exported to .rtf, which should
keep the formatting. Fonts and images used
is included in the folder called

Good luck translating your own version
of the Kopimi book, and above all,
have fun doing it!

Thanks a bunch!
awesome, completely awesome. can't wait to read it.
Best Book EVER
I will learn something new today.

Thanks :)
19 pages. Certainly interesting. I liked the art and layout.
What does #g-d: mean?
Legendary! On it now, looks like a veritable wealth of fun!
I hope this is right...
It is customary to insert a dash in G-d's name when written or printed on a medium that could be defaced.
Thanks a lot!
I saw this on the spectrial yesterday, Wow it was translated fast, Im gonna download it and read it on my ski trip tommorow, thanks
Thank You Very Much!
Will seed till I die... xD like StealThisFilm. Supporter from Poland. :-)
Cool little booklet. I printed it out and pinned it to my wall. :)
??????, ?????? ? ????. ????? ??? ? ?????? ? ???????? ???????????? ????!!!
everything's fine, but it's pity i've crapped
Exquisite! brings me back to 1925! The good times are here to stay.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------I'll read the full book with pleasure!
Thanks a lot !

Good luck, I'm shure you all are winners!

Have each and all of you a good life, be happy and take care!

Power to the Pirates!
And may all be enlightened after the read...
I'll give it a read, thanks mk_
Any way to purchase a hard bound version that would benefit TPB?
I have read about this on torrentfreak and can't wait for me to read it. Maybe I'll even make a translation in Dutch for people from the Netherlands.
A nice read ahead me thinks this will be! Thnx! Keep the pirate flag hoisted everywhere and may Jolly Roger watch over you in court, so nothing can harm you!!!
Thanks man! Refuse and Resist! We support you!
Thank you for what you do TPB!
May you never die!

And good luck in your on going battle for the
fight of file sharing!

I love you!!

Thanks. Best of luck. I pray all goes well.
long live TPB!
I hoist my pirate flag alongside yours, mate, and hope that we can always find hospitable shores in the Bay.

Good luck and Godspeed.
Johannes Gutenberg changed the world by massive copy what only a few could copy with authorization, same happens today but you can't stop the revolution, you can only delayed, it will happen.

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised like Scott-Heron's wrote, it will be switched, relayed, downloaded, copied and at the end there will be only a perfect copy of that started item.

The future of knowledge is being at trial.
its a torjan!!!1!!1!!!! haha, just kidding. thanks mk_! long live TPB!
fellow pirates and freedom fighters, this is history.

if standing up to 'the man' makes me a pirate then - lay to it ye scurvy dogs and hit them with everything we've got. on the up-roll, FIRE !!

thx to all pirates with a higher conscious
Phenomenal book... I loved it!
It has been a while since I logged in, this document reminded me of who I am and why I do the things I do. it's not about me, it's not about the files, it's not about the thrill, it doesn't matter that I have the money to buy the stuff. What matters is the cause. What matters is that we as a community, yes we are a community, further the cause and teach the world what it means to truly be free.
Thank`s TPB!!! I love you guys!!! I will always stay with you!!!