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Video > Movies
701.57 MB

Dead Like Life After Death 2009 DvDrip aXXo
+15 / -4 (+11)

Feb 5, 2009

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>                   Dead.Like.Me-Life.After.Death[2009]DvDrip-aXXo                
> ³²²²²²±°  F i L E   i N F O  °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²³
>  ÚÄÄ¿                                                                      ÚÄÄ¿ 
>  ³²²³    TiTLE......[ Dead Like Me: Life After Death                       ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    AKA........[ Dead Like Me: The Movie                              ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    YEAR.......[ 2009                                                 ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    GENRE......[ Comedy | Fantasy                                     ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    RUNTiME....[ 01:27:17                                             ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    STORE DATE.[ 2009                                                 ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    iMDB RATE..[ 7.8/10   275 votes                                   ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    iMDB URL...[                 ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³                                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    AUDiO......[ MP3 48000Hz 128 kb/s CBR (2 chnls)                   ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    LANGUAGE...[ English                                              ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    ViDEO......[ 989 kbps XviD 23.976 FPS                             ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    Q. FRAME...[ 0.164 bits*pixel                                     ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    RESOLUTiON.[ 680 x 370                                            ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    DAR........[ 1.838 (46:25)                                        ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    SUBS.......[ None                                                 ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    FiLES......[ 1                                                    ³²²³ 
>  ³±±³    SiZE.......[ 701 MB                                               ³±±³ 
>  ³°°³    SOURCE.....[ DVD                                                  ³°°³ 
>  ÀÄÄÙ                                                                      ÀÄÄÙ 
> ³²²²²²±°  T H E   M O V i E  °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²³
>  ÚÄÄ¿                                                                      ÚÄÄ¿ 
>  ³²²³                                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    Based on the TV series                                            ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³                                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    COUNTRY: USA                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    DIRECTOR: Stephen Herek                                           ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    SCREENWRITER: Stephen Godchaux, John Masius                       ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    ORIGINAL MUSIC: Richard Marvin                                    ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    CINEMATOGRAPHER: Michel Aller                                     ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    CAST: Ellen Muth, Callum Blue, Henry Ian Cusick, Cynthia          ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    Stevenson, Sarah Wynter, Crystal Dahl, Callum Blue ...            ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    STUDIO/PRODUCER: MGM                                              ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³                                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    Georgia Lass,an unhappy college dropout, is killed by a           ³²²³ 
>  ³±±³    toilet seat and recruited to be a grim reaper...                  ³±±³ 
>  ³°°³                                                                      ³°°³ 
>  ÀÄÄÙ                                                                      ÀÄÄÙ 
> ³²²²²²±°  N O T E S  °±²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²³
>  ÚÄÄ¿                                                                      ÚÄÄ¿ 
>  ³²²³    All stand-alone DivX Players compatible                           ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³                                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    BE AWARE OF BOGUS SITES AND LAMERS                                ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³                                                                      ³²²³ 
>  ³²²³    DOWNLOAD YOUR aXXo FILES FROM aXXo ACCOUNTS                       ³²²³ 
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>  ³²²³    REMEMBER TO VISIT                      ³²²³ 
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>  ³±±³    ENJOY!                                                            ³±±³ 
>  ³°°³                                                                      ³°°³ 
>  ÀÄÄÙ                                                      []  ÀÄÄÙ 


W00T! I am not ashamed to admit that my inner fanboy has ben gnawing at the bit waiting for this to arrive. Thank you!
Holly crap, what a lame movie! This is not even entertainment. I can not believe what people rate as comedy. Didn't even make me smile. Waste of time and bandwidth.
Wasnt expecting to see this movie at all. The series was awesome, hopefully this lives up to it!
Its a fine copy video and audio wise.

Pretty poor movie seen as how good the Tv series was. They pretty much re done elements of the first two episdoes.... Why?!?!
The quality and sound were great, but the content itself was nothing like the television show. If you liked the series prepare for a let down
hey guys can anyone help me with a question im using lime to download and im having trouble getting sources for them but i dl a random non torrent file no prob any suggestions?
Movie absolutely stinks, dont understand what its doing up here on top 100.
Don't watch this, seriously. IMDB rating lies. It's crappy as shit.
Thank you
Is it just me or does anyone else see the yellow/green pillar left of center? Maybe its supposed to be a watermark? And the blue and yellow ghosting-for example, at 45:34 the ghost images on Mason's back, 53:32 to 53:54 the blue ghosts as Roxy walks to the guy on the ground and lots in the ice cream scene at 55:59. Im using VLC, its worse in WMP11.
If you were to tape yourself taking a dump in a bag then giving it to the homeless calling it brownies, would be a better movie.
Ta Muchly 4 the UL...

Now I know why I never bothered watching the series after the 1st episode...It Sucked...just like this movie.

The lead character looks more like a guy in drag than a female :)
So ya, you gotta watch the series to like the movie. its one of those. but ppl are really stupid so they'll just say this sucks cause its on the top 100, I thought it was okay, they didnt destroy the name completely. It sucks rube wasnt in it of course, and the deaths werent as cool as in the series (or am i thinking of 6ft under? its been a while) Other than that, if you're a fan of the series you'll like the movie.

FYI for anyone looking to join demonoid registrations are open right now so act fast. peace out greenbud !!
Great video audio.

But the movie is S. T. U. P. I. D.
And the lead actress is U. G. L. Y.
Quality sucks!
Big fan of the television series, not so much of a fan of the movie. (however, I did like what happen between the sisters.)
Dude. I've been on the waiting list at netflix for a month.
You rock.
quality is good..

but pleaaaassssssseeeee.....

the movie sucks!!!!

tnx anyway..long live the pirates!!
This movie is bad meh... dont waste your time ;/ I give it 4/ 10 honestly quality of rips great tho
seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stuck at 99.6%
thanks dude but
Dead Like Me...
If you are a fan of the show then this video is pretty good...

But, it should be renamed to: Dead Like Me: Reggie Grew up, nicely!

The rip is great. No problems at all. Seeded well.
Good quality rip. Thanks for the upload.
--- !!!!! Warning !!!! --- This movie is for hardcore fans only. ----

The Daisy replacement can't even act. (Seriously, you could prob do better.) The plot is weak. They through out the rules from the show. If you ranked the episodes, this would be the last one. It's too bad since I was really looking forward to this.
Everybody who downloaded this and enjoyed it; PLEASE GO OUT and purchase the DVD when it hits the store shelves next week. This show might just make it back to TV; It truely is up to us (the loyal fans) who LOVE this show to pay the $15 for a DVD. Showtime is counting on us! If it wasn't for DVD sales; Family Guy would of never came back to FOX.
I might have liked this if I had never watched the show. Rube is gone, the actress who plays daisy is dumb and tragic instead of dumb and cute, and most of all, the director and main writer of the series had nothing to do with it and thus did not have the same ambience.
The movie wasn't bad, but I definitely felt it lacked something in comparison to the original show.

And the new Daisy..... balls.
As a fan of the original TV show, I liked this movie! I don't think anything was missing or lacking. It was just a different story. The humor was there. They didn't have the cool piano intro. Metisse was there at the end though.

They should have been consistent though. In the TV show, George was incapable of revealing herself to her family. That was one of the paradox of being a reaper. In the movie, she reveals herself to Reggie.

It was good to see some/most of the original TV cast members. Yeah, it's too bad they couldn't get the original Daisy or the One-A-Day girl back.

Reggie grew up to be a fox! :)

almost 6,5k seeders?? what the hell is wrong?! are you retarded??

do NOT watch that crap. I mean it.


but, great quality from aXXo, as always.
I have to agree with all the people saying this movie sucks, because, this movie is CRAP!!!
But since it's free I won't complain.
Great Movie!
Fuck off ya all that say its crap, prob dont even get the humor..
Ty man i like the movie kind of slow but good but if you havent seen the tv show you will think the movie sucks money balls
movie: Ok. The new daisy was tragic, they got rid of the reapers can't see families, Der Waffle house is gone, and so is Rube : (, however it did have the humor, the charecters didn't change as far as personality goes, except reggie, who threw away the dark brooding look, which was unfortunate. The shooting/drowning/chainsaw bit at the end was fun, and the ending left it open. They might pull an x-files, and restart the series (X-files had 2 movies, the recent one and an older one that restarted the series) so I have my fingers crossed.
quality is great, but as some have said, this movie is really not very good.
I love the series, but this was a far cry from that.

Rube is gone and has been replaced by Desmond from LOST. It's really not a good movie. If you liked the series, of course you're gonna wanna see it, but I'm tellin' ya it's pretty bad...
Great quality as always from aXXo but..........the movie couldn't be worse I think they set out to make a bad flick. If you liked the show leave this one alone.
WHY?! But WHY?!... is this in top 100?! One of lifes big mysteries..I guess people can relate to the neandertal apewoman..ough!ough! EEEeeeeh!
Just proves that people really are retarded...
This flick itself sucks.

The upload is flawless, though.
ignore the spammers. this movie is great if you like cheesey family movies.
SEED plss wtf is this 5kB/s.
axxo i have been looking around the net and carnt seem to find fast and the furious 4 or transformers 2 looking for good copys,they all seem to to b password protected and carnt be arsed with that can you help me out bud
STOUTY, you idiot, neither of those movies are even out of post production. YOU CAN'T PIRATE A MOVIE THAT ISN'T EVEN DONE YET!
Thx, loved the series, hope this one is just as good!
stouty cheers man you made my day lol
someone email him.. lol
This movie to me was one of the crazyest movies I have ever saw.. Sorry about my smelling.. ooop's I mean spelling.. :) There were to much bad lang in this movie, and not only that, it was just not the tipe of movie that made you feel like you watch a movie, after that it was over.
Well, this was very satisfying after being left off at the end of season 2. Did Reggie see George at the cemetery? Well, it doesn't matter anymore. The secret is out.

Good Rip. 9.5 / 10

"I was told there'd be cookies?" - Reggie
good times
fuck u raxores spammer, you start to fill with shit all torrents.
what do you win doing this? a dick?
no offense to the movie.. but i heard this f**ked up crazy idea from my friend about this IPRED - LAW!! anyone here who knows how to fight that idiotic fukked up law?? anyone who stands on my side on this one??
// pride pirate!!!
Movie- 2.3
Sir it sucks
thinksmart40 - Please share the drugs.
this isnt an axxo rip
Why the fuck do people complain about "bad language" in shows and movies? I can't stand rosie, sugar-coated bullshit. In real life, people swear and curse, because life sucks balls. It's a damn shame this show got canceled.
Such a bad movie! If you liked the show I don't see how you can like this film. The file quality is great, but the film to total rubbish. I can see why "Rube" passed on being in this one. And the new Daisy character is the exact opposite of what Daisy was in the series! Bah!

Again: great quality file, horrible film. I wish I wouldn't have watched it - it slightly tainted the series for me now.
yes i love Axxo torrents, they're always top with me! downloading now :)

go aXXo!!
thank you. i love the show. i'm still going to watch it after reading the comments ^^
Already got this (lost it though)
Second download, tenth time watching
I love both the series, haven't seen the movie yet, was looking forward to seeing it. But everyone's complaining about the movie with rube gone and the replacement of Daisy. Since I am a fan of DEAD LIKE ME, I think I will give it a try !!!!