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Games > PC
536.01 MB

BF2 Patch 1.41 exe BF2_Patch_1.41.exe
+9 / -1 (+8)

Dec 16, 2008

1.4 Patch ? New content 

New level: Road to Jalalabad (Conquest 16-32-64, Singleplayer, Co-op) 
New Server Option: No Vehicles mode  

1.4 Patch ? Fix List 

Front End:

Front end - Fix server browser issues with updating info 
Front End - Multiplayer & Co-op - Players on server list can include Bots instead of human players 
Multiplayer Internet Server maps size filter not working 
Fixed an issue in the front end where pressing tab twice in the IP window would cause the cursor to skip to wrong box  

Game Server:

Increased server stability 
All levels - Co-op - Crash after reviving player without a kit- 1st attempt 
Server - Linux 32 Dedicated - Server crashes when trying to rotate maps in Special Forces Co-op Mode (fixed on SUSE only. Still present in Red Hat and Fedora) 
Adjust the minimum number of players to start the round.The new values for 16, 32 and 64 players are 6, 6 and 8 respectively. 
Re-enable unlocks on unranked servers 

Ranked server forces unlocks i.e. have to have unlocks selected. 
Coop - Local Server - If Server Host is kicked and banned although they do not actually get kicked, no other players may join the server after that point. 
Fixed a dedicated server crash which was occurring when the user held "CTRL" and "SHIFT" while selecting a map 
Fixed a crash which would occur when c4 was placed on a flag pole and the server 
rotated maps 
Vehicle drop crash related bug (missing icon) 
Co-Op bot console commands do not function on local servers.  

Client / Gameplay:

Red/Blue nametag bug ?Fix to the issue where players would show up with the wrong color name tag  
Introduced a delay from proning to standing to help reduce exploiting 
Adjusted C4 to make throwing more difficult 
Fixed the issue where a red distance marker appears on the ground 
Fixed the issue that caused players arms to become invisible after switching weapons when using throwable items 
Made adjustments to reduce the damage taken by vehicles when driving 
Adjusted the tire material on the muscle car to reduce the issue with this vehicle taking too much damage. 

Commander options no longer available whilst dead. 
Fixed the issue with a spawn point showing up as selected when a player has spawned in during preview round 
Fixed the issue that would cause infantry players to be revived with no kit. 
Fixed several rare graphics crashes. 
Fixed issue with players crashing while clicking "Join Game" in the front end 
Car-Drop: Made adjustments to the car drop feature to prevent players from exploiting into buildings. 
Discovered and repaired an issue tied to projectiles which would sometimes allow tanks to fire two shells, support to fire multiple rounds, and other issues (all maps). 
Fixed bug where after 2 rounds on the same map, the top player stars are awarded to the wrong people in the menu 
Transport Helicopters ? Increased the armor of all transport helicopters 


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