Details for this torrent 

Games > PC
2.34 GB

left4dead left 4 dead l4d no-steam
+9 / -3 (+6)

Nov 18, 2008

Left 4 Dead Full
CSmania.RU no-Steam Relase
18.11.08 /impulse666
Official thread:
Enlish sound fix (fixed :D) thx Slider2k: 
Multiplayer fix: 
http://FIXED-ENGINE.TK (pass:
Put to GameRoot/bin, launch Steam, join to group:
no-Steam servers:


Has this got english?

And are the other files needed to run this
game in the image?

ENG supported...

see this:
How would we go about changing text/voices to english?
How can this FULL game be only 2.34 GB and the demo also around 2.5GB?
sorry i overlooked it. Stil not fully awake :p. Am downloading now, doenst go fast btw only about 40kb/s
well is it real????
Works! Thnx csmania!
it's full game!
It is real. In the installer theres an option for English, along with a bunch of Nazi symbols and death metal music. Its like the demo, everything is in English besides the voices, voices are still in russian?. Full game though.
is it in english ????
English and Russian. Your choice :)
According to these comments, it looks like the audio is still in Russian. I'm going to test it when my download finishes, but I believe I have the solution to that:

If you downloaded the demo on Steam before release, then you should have a Left 4 Dead Demo folder inside of your steamapps\common directory inside of your Steam folder. Go inside and find a folder called left4dead. Ignore the other ones that have other language names attached unless you want that language. (most of them are only for text though) Find left4dead\sound and copy it. This folder has all the voice files for the whole game, not just the demo voices. Go find the same folder inside of this release and paste sound in. Presto!
I just tried that Shugo, it doesnt work for some reason or another. So now my audio is all screwed up. For all the people thinking about downloading this, just wait for the english release tomorrow, dont waste your time. Unless your russian.
Are you sure you did it right? I just looked through and listened to the demo's sound files and it's got all of them for the whole game. Unless they renamed some folders, in which case it shouldn't be hard to fix if you match up filenames. What about your sound is "screwed up?" Still an hour to go on my download. :(
Thx for the game!
Molodci tak derjat =)

And yes , you can choose lang ENG\RUS
its real or fake plz confirm it
I confirm this is legit. But the voices are russian.... anyone find a fix for to make it english??
It's real. But you cannot play online, or even over lan, since it ask you to login to steam. Is there a way to by-pass this? I would like to play it at my home network.
I have a legit copy of L4D, to get this to work with english voice, all I need to do is copy the sound folder from the legit copy to this. I'm not sure if the demo sound folder would work.
Yea I tried copying the demo sound over, and when ever someone goes to talk it sounds alot like someone is playing a scratchy record on a record player, just loud loud screetches. But the game runs fine and plays fine full version of the game no trojans or anything, works fine except the sound is either screetchy or russian.
To the guy above me, if it does work witht he legit copy, you'd be doing the whole community a favor if you put a torrent with just the legit copy sound folder up on pirate bay =)
anyone knows how to unlock or rip the pre-loaded game on steam?

thanks for the upload btw!
yah that didnt work :(
real, you can choose if you want english
audio will still be rus
i was trying to figure that out myself. look for the folder that the game is in and use the .exe for the game directly, at least it worked for me.
yea. thnx. that worked for the demo. and there is another thing i'm curious about. are we able to host on LAN with this?
its all online through steam, at least through the demo, but for those that have it, is there LAN?
Just to make sure everyone gets it, the English Fix DOES NOT WORK, we are still trying to get a hold of the legit English sound files. Or a way to fix it.
How can you play this online? I've pre ordered, but its shipping on the 21st so this will hav 2 do until then.
You can't
anymore word on the English audio files?!?!?!!
dl speed is just great. spasibo.
Tryed the sound files link from the comments page and the sounds are still russian. so no good :(

*Waiting for someone to release propper english sound files. (not demo ones)
me toooooo agh not finished yet .. so can u confirm the menu texts to be english??
Menu and everything is ENGLISH..

INGAME voices are russian... not found a fix yet.
I would like to upload the sound file, but I don't know how to start a torrent. Anyone got a good guide?
^^ someone please tell this man how to upload the soundfile! i want to play this so badly and actually understand it
wormbaby: pls save the day :)

Have you found out how to upload yet?????

update pls..
can u play this on lan?
or via hamachi?
I have been trying to upload my torrent for the sound files, but everytime I try to upload it, the site error kicks in. Help?
I'm not sure how to do it....

Could you check the piratebay forums?

The link is at bottom of site.
OK from what I've read this version has English subtitles but russian voices, and the english sound fix doesn't work. Well I'll wait till tomorrow if there'll be an english version. And some1 please figure out how to play with it online (without buying it ofcourse ;))
How Are You Going To Be Able To PLay It Online ?
Okay, after playing a bit and attempting my solution, I'm back to report. After I examined the sound folder, I noticed a couple extra folders that were in there like commentary and water sounds. Thankfully, the commentary is all English by default so we don't need to go find that one. So it's best to overwrite the sound folder with the demo's sound folder, not replace it.

Second, the NPC voices do change to English this way, which would be important for later on in the game. The thing that DOESN'T go into English are the survivor's voices (the playable characters) for some reason. I'm about to test the fix torrent right now, though that torrent was for the demo, so I don't know how this will play out.
This Game IS Defently Not Worth Downloading For Singel PLayer. Im Gonna Buy it, Valve Deserv The Money Anyway
The demo sound fix torrent does NOT work on this. There is no way to get English voices unless you maybe get somebody's legit English GCF and extract the files over this.

Just buy the game. I was only using this this morning because I haven't been called to pick my pre-order up yet.
i just found out that you need to be online to host a game on even LAN. so get a fake steam acc. and you can play it on hamachi. though i'm gonna buy it when it hits the stores on 21st. this game is awesome.
Korga qpopym 3apa6omaem? U 4e c cepBom L4D?
yo guys whats up sorry but what im i supposed to do with all of these zip files? thanks
kak omk/ll04umb roBHo-my3oH B installe?
When I install the game I get an error during the installation. For some reason whenever I'm trying to install the biker/suggesthealth05 file it just gives me an error and the option to abort, retry or ignore. I've tried all three options and nothing worked. Can somebody help me?
Pendosegi sucks.
Vse hotyat svoi zhalkie engrish languige fixes, vmesto togo chtobi uchit albanski
Someone please help! The files during installation always come up with error reports, I have to keep pressing ignore for each file and the installation is going so slow by doing this, I will never get it done, help on how to install files normally!
ah you wont experience the full game from illegal copies.

id buy it if it werent 50 bucks...
Stol'ko pirov, a otdaut tol'ko troe i to na skorosti 3,8 kbit... ujas
I guess this doesnt't work on vista T_T when i press the .exe it loads then nothing happens...i have checked so that no "emulators" and such software does not interfere with the game.
This works fine on vista. Im using vista x64
i installed the game with no problems ( installation was in russian but i just pressed the next button and somewhere pressed english)

i have a desktop shortcut and when i click it, my game wont start, just stays on desktop, i went to the program files folder, clicked it there to, same thing happened, can anyone explain this?
i have that same problem im running vista...
any solution?
as far as i tried by copying the map content from this torrent over the demo you can actually start a dedicated server of the whole CO-OP campaign.
but i need someone to confirm this as i already fcuked up my demo >.<

so what needs to be done is copy all the graphical content and map content to the demo directory.
then start a dedicated server. exclude the demo maps. insert the maps you want to play on and start a LAN server. so when you log on to your FAKE steam account you'll see your own LAN SERVER. connect to it. and invite your friends who are already in the hamachi room and on your FAKE steam account. you must be able to play the 4 campaigns without a fuss.

If anyone tries this please let me know which files you copied. cheers.
still having the problem game doesn't start from the RUN_L4D.exe it just loads 3 secs and after that nothing happens...
I'm not to sure wtf HAMACHI is?? Neva herd of it. people are sayin u need HAMACHI to play it. What is it and how do you use it?? i'll chek bak for replys in about an hour!!
@ Joo-Hyun-

Hamachi is basically a server you set up on your PC, and when people join the hamachie server, they can join you in game.

Hope that helps you understand.
but do i need HAMACHI to play the game??

Can you play this in LAN?
Thought this would be a better game. I am disappointed. Basically all that you do is shooting on hundreds of the same enemies. Gets bored after few minutes.....
Hamachi is a virtual LAN over internet.

you can play ANY LAN game (like dawn of war , call of duty and so on! )

don't waste your steam acc. get a fake one. download the multiplayer fix. but game crashes a lot.
you dont need to use LAN when you can join REAL INTERNET GAMES WITH FULL VERSION. all you need is the online patch fix and a fake steam account.
i keep getting errors while installing asking me to either ignore quit or retry. is it because of a corrupted download or something?
Hey guys.... How do I make a fake steam account?
Thanks for the up impulse000!
Hey gotthelife,

I too am experiencing a lot of random crashes with the multiplayer fix. Some people claim that they are having no problems at all. Which version of L4D did you download? Was it this Russian one? I'm running Vista x64. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

As far as I'm concerned, the multiplayer crack is pointless if you can't even finish a damn game.
hey im getting this error

Setup file 'gameinfo.txt' doesn't exist in subdirectory 'hl2'.
Check your -game parameter or VCONFIG setting.


any help????????
works perfectly but when i installed the english patch i only get the english intro video then the game crashes...
@ JokersKryptonite

download the steam client from

create a new user.

@ Oneill5491

i downloaded this version, the russian one. fixed the sounds. got the online patch. but still the game crashes randomly even in single. but i managed to finish 2 campaigns. i have win xp installed. and not sure why it does that.
Thanks gotthelife. Should I use my real email?
The install sucked... Friggin nazis
get a hotmail. that'd do the trick. and multifix works fine. haven't got a crash since.
chad 509 ... IAM getting the same prob?!! anyone know about the install error Abort,retry ignore for each file??! maybe a corrupt download?!!
why does it have this devil installation thing ?
Actually the english pack sounds perfectly fine, it might cause your game to crash every ten minutes though. havent tested it yet.
Works fine for me, got the English sound fix, works great. Sick game, I'm going to give the multiplayer a shot.
Btw, Alcari doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. English audio works great.
I've got full 5.1 runnin' fine and I can hear every scream, every moan, every gunshot and every word. No crashes, either. I'm on Vista x64, btw.
what band is it that play on the install? Fucking awesome

yes. I tried to install, and that happened to me too. and I realized I only had 82% downloaded.

do a "force re-check" if u have the torrent completed, that might help.
hey um guys, has anyone confirmed that for multiplayer?
ok i finally got it to full install, turns out it was corrupted. i got it working and downloaded the lan fix and the english pack. now it keep crashing. it only crashes as i approach the car alarm part in no mercy. i hope digitalzone releases a nonsteam version, there releases kick ass. until then i guess i will have to make due with this.
people , just download the left 4 dead - TeSt torrent ive already installed it no problems (exept Multiplayer , just get engine.dll) and its english by default with full voices on the 4 campaigns.
i just got this to work with no problems, i played 3 campaigns straight without a single crash. the thing that stoped the crashing for me is that i put it in window mode in the video setting, then it worked perfectly.
does anyone know of any other non-steam servers that are primarily English?
btw thanks for the dl, got it in about an hour or so =]

The band is Bathory, from sweden.
The songs on the installation is called Raise The Dead and Call From the Grave, two of my favourite songs ^^
have visited the singer's grave in Stockholm. Sad that he's dead though :/ could never see them live hehe.

And about this game. I can't get it started, i install as the guide says, i put in the new english packs, and after i double-click on the desktop icon it won't start. just stays on the desktop, what is the problem?
same problem as Vvornth maybe someone can help us??
NICE GAME listen i have real steam acc.
if i'm playing this game while the steam on...and this no original game. i can get ban from steam????????
Same problem. Nothing happens after i click the icon.
yea you can get banned from steam if your caught, so i suggest u create a steam account for illegal games!
Hi some PPL said that the voice of the char. are russian but if u read under : dowload this torrent u see ENGLISH sound fix click it and ur downloading the English voices :)
Single Player works perfectly for me, with the english pack.. I haven't tried the online patches... Will comment again after I do..
for steam add loganbdh 2 friends and join our l4d group
it works great!
big thanks to our Russian friends!

USE THAT online works great.
copy and paste this^^ with ur Steam username so people can meet up on the online servers thanks.

Steam name: XXXhorizonXXX
ok i made a english speaking group so all us non russians can understand whats going on =) go here
The Keeper of Time and Fate
Steamname = Dead2fall123

ok people i got like 20 friends on my profile so add me and view my profile then add everyone on my friends list all those people are from pirate bay trying to play the pirate version of L4D if u have everything working add them and u will play online all day.

:::IMPORTANT TIP FOR ONLINE PLAY::: also to the people who cant figure out this is what u do after u got the Multiplayer patch. U log in on steam with your fake account then go to 'MY games" then click on add a none steam game then browse then add RUN_L4D.exe then launch and in game click Shift+Tab to see your friends and you r set for L4D online.
to host go to campaign click on'' play with friend'' make sure to make it local u cant make a dedicated server then u can set it to public or FRIENDS ONLY thanks.
STEAM UPDATED Online play does not work untill we get a new crack sorry!! but lets keep the friends invites up so we can keep playing when we get a new crack verry soon
o boy, this dead2fallx guy may be a undercover valve executive!
o wait nvm lol, just read that pirated vers dont work! Sorry!
some one tell me how to create FAKE STEAM ACC??? PLZZZZ
its the same as making a reg steam account only dont use anything important to you
its just so your main acct doesnt get banned
Solid torrent. For anyone with a half normal brain that knows anything about piracy it's quick and easy. Yet to try the multiplayer fix i'll recomment once I've given it a run
Online multiplayer patch no longer works. Steam found out about the patch and updated their servers. It now causes you to instantly disconnect.
So my game doesn't crash, which is good, but I've extracted the sound fix *props Slider* and there still speaking in Russian, which I don't mind too much, but I can't play online, I always get disconnected. What did I miss?
seed please
Top notch guys works fantasticly, installs easily, my only concern is the is the use of a neo nazzi symbol on the install screen.

the reason why ppl get disconnected right after creating lobby is that steam found out and updated the game
So glad i bought the game :)

You guys should do that too.
Is there coming new fix to multiplayer soon?
fucking steam...someone whit full game need to upload some file that chanced
hope that it will be done soon...
people if anything else not helping u can get back on server just by editing steam_appid.txt in left 4 dead folder open it and chance "500" to "501"
Protip to the rippers: No one wants to listen to awful music during the installation. Give us the option to hear it or not, like the decent chiptunes in the trainers.
When I run the program I don't get any visual. I can hear the sound, but I don't see anything. What am I doing wrong?

System Specs:
Windows XP sp3
Intel Pentium 4/1.6gh
1g RAM
Radeon 7000 series vid card
You all gotte buy this guy i just bought it and this game is sooo freagin AWESOME cant stop playing it
i bought it cuz i wanted to play online without problems and im happy i did buy it cuz this game is fukin amazing!!>!>!>!>
seed please
you can do the following to play across hamachi or LAN:

Hosting a game:
-Run steam with your new account.
-Start l4d. Go to options, mouse/keyboard, then enable the developer console.
-Start a single player game choose mission and start.OR press tilda "~" to bring up console, then type in map
(the console should show a list of available maps. either hospital, small town, airport, or farm) select the one you want and start the single player game.
-after game as loaded press Tilda "~" and type in "sv_lan 0" as well as "sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0"
these two commands allow your game to be seen across lan and people to join via the connect command in console.
I know its weird to have sv_lan 0. but thats the value that has worked for me and my friends across both hamachi and lan.

Joining a game:
-Run steam with new account, start l4d.
-Options , mouse/keyboard, enable developer console.
-Go back to main menu. press tilda "~" type in Connect
the Ip is either the hosts lan IP. or Hamachi given IP.

This works :) i don't understand a thing in Russian but this sounds muuch better ;) i only know : Daa and srtovskynova witch means Yes and Absolutely gay as what i have heard :P i hope i didn't say anything stupid !!! :P:P:P Teach me Russian otherwise, if i am wrong ;)
thanks, ill try that...jez the only fucking help outa all theres comments, but can any one tell me how to host a game with this cause im playing other hosted games, are they just legal copies that are hosting or what
hey guys about my post, To host the server you have to start the game from the console. You do this by typing map in console (then selecting from the list they have) here is an example

"map l4d_airport01_greenhouse"
no mercy = "map l4d_hospital..."
death toll = "map l4d_smalltown..."
dead air = "map l4d_airport..."
blood harvest = "map l4d_farm..."

again you cannot do the single player like i stated earlier, instead you have to run the map command from console. to bring up console press tilda "~" sorry about the confusion
i just now installed my game and at the end of the install i clicked run now then an error popped up saying were sorry but hl2.exe has incouterd a problem and needs to close and at the bottom it says send or dont send please help
Does it work online complety if i have a real steam account? Because i have that. And is the menu in english? if the language and sound is in russian its okay guys. Is it the complete game or demo?
''Does it work online complety if i have a real steam account? Because i have that. And is the menu in english? if the language and sound is in russian its okay guys. Is it the complete game or demo?''

We all have a real steam account, there is no such thing as a fake one, and no you cannot play online. The sound is in russian, but you can download the English Sound fix, link is posted in the torrent info. and yes its the full game. You should try reading some more next time, all this info is posted on the page.
@ gopepew thanx man !! me and my friends can finaly play together !! BIG THANX 2 U !

Your graphic-card sucks dude.. :O
how do i load the game
when i launch RUN_L4D.exe
nothing happens
what am i doin wrong ?
ok took me a few mins
but i knw what i was doin wrong....steam....
Im getting samething as nasty_man

wont open

what did you do to fix it?

its run when variable on 500 just not anyother

tried 499, 501, 502
Hey guys for online play you can get the
left 4 dead online patch here on pirate
bay. then after patching, you go to your
left 4 dead directory, and open the
"steam_appid.txt" you should see the
number 500, change this number to
502. Save the file and you should be
able to host lobby games. This fix was
posted by Simsalabim on the online patch
torrents comments so props go out to him.
I have no such thing as steam_appid.tx in my left 4 dead.

Using Vista 64bit.
Works great for me. Havent messed around with online play enough to give you a sure answer but single works fine. I would highly recommend you get the english fix if you dont understand russian. Thx for the upload guys works great. I will def buy it later though for the multi.
Looks like this file is missing on VISTA OS...What's now ?
Thanks for support
*********ATTRACTIVE-SENTENCE :D********
Sorry to bother you guys, but it seems like I can't get my console working. I've been googling the problem for over one day now, and all I've tried doesn't work I'm afraid.
I'm using this version (CS-MANIA.RU) and I'm an European (Oy' maytey).. Well, the problem is, that when I try to edit my config.cfgi in my Left4Dead folder, it just turn back to the original "`" bind. I can't really seem how to bind it to something else, but maybe one of you had the same problem and might want to help me?
Thanks for your time =))
try to set it as read only
Hopefully someone here will, on the off chance, be able to help. I was able to play this, in SP, practically flawlessly yesterday, even with english sounds. However today when I try to play I get a generic, non-helpful, error: "hl2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.". This is just from clicking the desktop shortcut, the game doesn't load at all. Then trying to click the hl2.exe directly I got the "Setup file 'gameinfo.txt doesn't exist" error, I copied over the left4dead gameinfo.txt and added -game left4dead to a shortcut, which is all the help I could find via google.

After all that and a bunch of other little tinkerings I'm still unable to get past the original error. The only thing I can think of which caused it is that I changed a few video options before closing the game down last. Any ideas anyone has? Sorry if this has been brought up before, I didn't find much after a couple of hours of searching. And yes I've attempted multiple re-installs and restarts etc.
For DrewnBit
all i did was dl steam
make an account
go on the my games tab
at the bottom left youll see add non steam game
if u installed l4d it should be in the drop down list
add and run game frm there, im using vista btw if it helps
Open your steamappid file which is located in your left 4 dead root directory and rewrite the number 500 to 502 or 501. Save it and then make the file read only so you don't have to do this every time you want to play l4d online.
BTW I have problems in online playing as well. Me and my friend can't make a lobby longer than 5 minutes. L4D gets disconnected and says: the server timed out - or sth like this...
Seeed please! :D
Works great. Thanks impulse000 for uploading :)
Seeding as much as i can
But i dont have that File? ? :S.. What should i do?
Works perfect!!! THX very much :D:D:D:D:D one of the greatest game I've played for a long time.. thanks again
Dedicated Server (cracked, east coast, co-op):
How do I make read only ? Can't remember ^^
Right mouse, properities, and check the box "read only"
As for the dedicates server. Does it really work? Anyway my friend found out that if we write 000 in steamappid file then you'll be able to join servers but you can't play with friends. you can only join it and steam won't disconnect you... Hope I could help to make a new patch XD
maudin; use "Bind F12 toggleconsole" in the console so when you press F12 is closes/openes ;)

I need to use it since the "consolkey" doesn't work
PLEASE someone help me!!! When i downloaded and installed everything i can't get it started!!

NVM it works! thnx to nasty_man.
have to start the game in STEAM, but the game isnt in the list only left4dead.exe but you have to browse to RUN_L4D.exe
So how do i get online? i tried it on 501 and 502 with read only, i just got online for 5 sec and got disconnected? so PLEASE somebody help me how to get online cause i want to play co-op with my friend
Play on our cracked server.
Open console with ~
Cracked servers list, sharing the love guys.
Thank you
fucking shit.. when its almost installed it gives a fucking error i dont understand anything .. its in russia.. i can only press try again or cancel.. i guess some file is missing.. god damn it i downloaded this and gears of war and both gives a mother fucking error. x(
when i want to log in on cracked server it says...
That i must have steam turned on to play what should i do?
Play Left 4 Dead Online right now!
With or without Steam works.
Open your console by pressing ~ and type:

Hey Can any Of You tell how i get console upi tryid with ~ but it wont open
great job on the torrent since i have a shitty computer i turn the graphics way dow and it prevents from crashing (oh and to get onlie if you already installed the patch if you have a steam account just put in the non steam games section)
hey i need help with the online patch how u install to the game
yeh same thing happened to me, i press it and nothing happens, anyone help?
Norton AntiVirus detected a Heuristic Virus in:
c:/program files/left4dead/is-1crqn.tmp
c:/program files/left4dead/is-ticdt.tmp
c:/program files/left4dead/is-0gm1j.tmp
c:/program files/left4dead/is-ee5rv.tmp
c:/program files/left4dead/is-e2vbv.tmp

Was blocked by Norton AntiVirus Gaming Edition.
it downloaded fine but when i open it, it goes to a black screen for about 5 seconds then it shuts down and goes back to my desktop,
can sum1 tell me whats wrong or what i need to fix this issue?
Whice buttons do i press to get the console up while im in main menu
can some1 help me please. i keep getting a "disconnected" message every time i try 2 play this game online. any way 2 be able 2 play with my friend online or 2 b able 2 play online period?
does this have a virus?
wow alot of seeders but very slow doanload
umm, how do i uninstall this file. cause mine has no uninstall file in it and it doesnt show up in add remove programs
i need help i have a toshiba vista and all my specs are good enough to play this game but i click on the shortcut for it and nothing happens at all please if anyone can help tell me here or email me
this works, just installation and voices are in Russian. the installer may be weird, but it WILL work! the english file is here if ou really care so much. i just turn on the closed captions. i havent tried online, but i know this has been working for a rly long time. i played this in school on my laptop :D
i think it may be your video card being too weak... 'cause thats what happened on my other computer. i forgot the minimum video card requirements but if its what im thinkin of thats ur problem
Many thanks to the uploader. Not tried online yet but single player working great. Thanks again.
Nice Upload Works Perfectly Recommanded Download.
What's with the swastika in the install menu? I'm dumping this torrent just because of that.
no-steam l4d servers also at ... if u want to use masterserver check