Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
1015.19 MB

+1 / -0 (+1)

Sep 21, 2008

A vLite edition of Vista Ultimate with SP1 integrated. Hotfixes and important updates to September 2008 are slipstreamed. User Account Control is removed.

Result - Windows folder footprint is 3.41 GB (compared to 9.33GB on a typical Vista install)


- Burn .iso file to DVD
- Ckeck your BIOS is set to boot from CD/DVD
- Install to formatted partition of your HD (you cannot upgrade  an older version 
  of Windows from this DVD)
- The installation process will ask only for your location.
- When the desktop loads...wait two mins for the final reboot that will activate 


Update KB940510 performs an 'anti-crack' function and will invalidate this version of Vista. For more info see:

Original Aero Theme plus additional themes.
All 'security' meassures removed.
Direct X10 (June 2008).
Camera support.
Network support.
Internet Explorer 7.
Printer Support.
Scanner support.
Windows Sidebar.
Windows Media Player 11.
Windows Mail.
Windows Sounds (Startup, Shutdown, Logoff etc...with a few tweaks).
Windows Update website.
Desktop 'Tweaks' folder with a few registry tweaks inside.

Acknowledgments to eXperience and BIE


NB - Do not install update KB940510. It's performs an 'anti-crack' function and will invalidate this version of Vista. For more info see:


As requested. Check....
I use windows XP Essential 1 , very good very atractive installation process , no pass word , but need to make pass word never expired from managege ( left mouse button on mycomputer ), I tried vista , I lost 2 errasable DVD's does work only on vista , I will try this too , Just hope it gives me the same preformance of my XP !!!!!
@fairytales......this may not give you the same performance as XP. In my experience the best XP out there is TinyXP (Rev09) by eXperience.

I created this because i like messing about with the OS, needed to play Directx 10 games......and couldn't believe how much space Vista took up. I still find that XP is quicker in overall performance.
please seed. thanks
thx, Mr. Dekker6 , I tried xp tiny ( not really just watched it working after installation ) , make yr 2nd choice xp essential , I think it is modified by russsians ,as essential 2 has no arabic , but of course for yr needs rev09 is the best , I use video and video edditing progs ,nearly no ganes , I use very old ganes like checkers ,chess , puzzle.. etc ,very light
Also , I have a bad luck with eXperience. progs for some reason , I am just down loading Vista for my friends who like to be up to date with their Computers and Software !!!!!! ????
Thanks fairytales.....i will check out Xp essential
thx Mr. Dekker67, xp essential , I use work perfectly with my computer P III , I tried it for Abit MB , It didn't complete installation , I didn't care at that time as it is 64 bit ,not appropriate any way , the address is " " , there is another one called essential 2 , by different uploader , similar but without arabic, faster , but i dont use it, I think eXperience got something of them as his progs instalation seem similar but less decorated , If u like I will seed them for u as there r no seeders for xp essential
thx for the offer, fairytales.....but on ur advice i've just taken Essential SP3 for a test drive using vmware. I found it at

And ur right - it is a beauty.....seems very fast evn on a virtual machine. I'm considering switching from tinyxp and using it as my 2nd os.

Thanks again.

Is this 32bit edition! My lappy is 64 bit but ma desktop is 32 bit. So downloading it anyways. Thanks
thx ,Mr. dekker67, I downloaded this torrent SP3, It is not as good as the xp essential ,I have , the installation is less decorative as eXperience progs , In Order not to be confused , I will be Happy to upload Essential 1 or 2 or both if u like. As u r familiar with operating systems , may be u can u pload some time SP3 , with the same appearance and decoration of them. Well ,my ICQ No. 202618560 , ( could be downloaded from FREE ),so may be I can send it to u directly through it or arrange of what to do ,in it u can also leave a message to be read just when I open my computer .
mr Dekker67, I downloaded and instlled this about 2 weeks ago into my dell. I love it bye the way, just wondering why when you go to control panel- system- at the bottom it sais you have 30 days left for activation? Do I need to change the product key?
Does this have the Media Center software still or has it been deleted? I want a trimmed down version of Vista to use as a Media Center. If its not in there, do you know how I can get just the Media Center installer separately? Thanks!!
No, this doesn't have Media Center. Kind of disappointed by that. Worked great aside from that. I can't vouch for the lack of spyware/viruses, as I'm not using it without Media Center, but it looked clean during the 30 minutes I had it up.
Hi Gruesomewolf,

My apologies.......i think you've probably installed update KB940510. It's an anti-crack sniffer and will invalidate Vista. The only way around this is to re-install (and then put the offending update on hide of course.)

Once again, sorry about this. I really should have mentioned this issue in the readme.txt......i won't make the same mistake with future releases.
gruesomewolf is right! i have system updates disabled and 3 days after install it tells me i have 27 days left to activate. not good...
just installed on my pc 4 days ago no problems great torrent
Good torrent, works great.
Didn't have basic onboard ethernet driver though..but still no problem downloading for me.
Y ppl aint seeding wid good speeds....?? :(
Thanks man works great. but 1 problem it does not have compatibility mode. is there any way to fix this? need it for some games
no Recovery disk creator and no system restore option....!! is der??
i've downloaded and verified the files and burnt using two different burners at 2x (slowest speed). still when i tried to install, it says ' The file is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum'.

Is this torrent supposed to be a joke or sumthing?
i take it back, it works but can i remove the bootup screen (the one with the fire) and remove the sound that is played when it shuts down? how can replace it with the default login screen?
uhmmm you must add the IIS 7.0 on this lite version, it's a value tool for web developers ;) ! i aprecciate if u do it :) ! please !!!!!!!!
windows works fine but contains som errors like WER.DLL file missing