Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
10.73 GB

+1 / -0 (+1)

Sep 16, 2008

SPS "Konsul'tantPlyus" + avtomaticheskii registrator akm.exe (soderzhimoe komplekta otrazheno na skrinshote). Komplekt bez slovarei (*.nx failov). Slovari sozdayutsya avtomaticheski pri pervom zapuske komplekta posle registratsii. Rekomenduetsya pervyi zapusk komplekta (posle registratsii) sleduyuschim obrazom: "CONS.EXE /ADM /YES" (vvodit' v komandnoi stroke bez kavychek). Inache pridetsya vruchnuyu mnogo raz nazhimat' soglasie na sozdanie slovarei.
Instruktsiya po ustanovke komplekta:
1. Skachivaem komplekt s trekera;
2. Zapuskaem akm.exe, zhdem poka proidut okna i v zavershenii protsessa poyavitsya "Formirovanie USR failov";
3. Zapuskaem komplekt "CONS.EXE /ADM /YES" (vvodit' v komandnoi stroke bez kavychek);
4. Kurim okolo 4-8 chasov poka stroyatsya slovari.
5. Pol'zuemsya komplektom.

VNIMANIE! Mnogie antivirusy raspoznayut registrator akm.exe kak virus. Poetomu neobhodimo otklyuchat' antivirusnye programmy pered ustanovkoi komplekta.

V papke komplekta imeyutsya faily:
CONS_DELREG.BAT - dlya udaleniya registratsii komplekta (po umolchaniyu posle skachivaniya s trekera, registratsiya uzhe udalena);
CONS_DELSTAT.BAT - dlya obnovleniya dat aktual'nosti baz v okne "Statistika".


SFOR "KonsultantPlyus" automatic registrar akm.exe (the contents of the kit shown in the screenshot). Set free dictionaries (*. nx files). Dictionaries are created automatically when you first start-up kit upon registration. We recommend that you first launch set (after registration) to read: "CONS.EXE / ADM / YES" (enter at the command prompt without the quotes). Otherwise will have to manually many times to press for the establishment of dictionaries.
Instructions for installing the kit:
1. Download kit with trekera;
2. Starting akm.exe, are waiting until the windows and will be the completion of a "Building USR files;
3. Starting kit "CONS.EXE / ADM / YES" (enter at the command prompt without the quotes);
4. Kurim about 4-8 hours until the construction dictionaries.
5. We take a set.

ATTENTION! Many antivirus recognize registrar akm.exe like a virus. It is therefore necessary to disable anti-virus program before installing the kit.

In the folder, there are sets of files:
CONS_DELREG.BAT - for the removal of registration set (by default after downloading from trekera, registration has already been removed);
CONS_DELSTAT.BAT - to update the relevant dates bases in the window "Statistics".


Est nebolchie problemi so skorostyu otdachi, gospoda terpenie.
Registrator K+ (this program)
What the hell is this stuff?
10,73 Gigs?
bust me john holmes dick its so big !!

thanks dickhead