Details for this torrent 

Video > Movies DVDR
4.4 GB

Spoken language(s):
English, German
Texted language(s):
+5 / -0 (+5)

Sep 6, 2008

RELEASE DATE.: 2008-09-05
RATiNG.......: 8.2/10 (90,094 votes)
GENRE........: Action | Adventure | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller
YEAR.........: 2008
PLAYTiME.....: 126 minutes
SUBTiTLES....: Custom Swedish
VIDEO........: Untouched
AUDiO........: 5.1 English, 5.1 German
MENU.........: Custom
EXTRAS.......: All gone
ViDEO........: NTSC


Det har jag väntat på länge, så jag kan se den tillsammans med min dotter.
Hei ja, denne filmen har jeg ventet lenge på, men se og få fjernet den tyske audioen, samt legg til flere tekster, norsk, dansk, engelsk osv.
Jeg stoler ikke på noen, ikke engang meg selv!
tusen tack för en kanonbra upload, den fildelning som jag o alla andra älskar, men pga av Piratebays o uploadern om Arbogamorden lämnar jag Piratebay för gott, jag kan inte stå bakom den här trackern längre för jag skäms så innihelvete över ovanståendes ageranden:


jag vädjar till dej (uploadern) att ta bort denna "torrent" som människa o person....detta har inget med fildelning att göra, en rättegång pågår o en mamma har förlorat sina 2 barn, genom ett brutalt mord, visa lite mänsklig respekt....sånt här kommer att förstöra den fria fildelningem...Piratpartiet kommer att tappa alla sina medlemmar...och Piratebay har skämt ut sej å det grövsta....Jag har själv förlorat en son endast 23 år gammal....och jag tror att Piratebays ägare inte heller skulle vilja ha sina mördade barn ute på en "tracker" till allmän beskådning...FY fan vad jag skäms som människa över uploadern och Piratebay

mvh: Clarence Lundström
bander49 !!! fjern tysk audio og legg til flere tekster selv da vel å slutt å klage!! IDIOT!!
Hvor gammel er du egentlig. Jeg bare lurer for kommentarene dine sier meg at du ikke kan være mer enn 14 år gammel. Jeg tror du vil ha ha godt av å komme deg litt ut av gutterommet ditt av og til. Kanskje prøve å få noen venner også. Når du blir litt eldre og mer moden kanskje du til og med vil få deg en kjæreste
is it a good copy? dvdrip really? can I make it a regular dvd without the german audio?
I am using Nero Recode (part of the nero 8 software), but DVD shrink can do the job also. I think this film is to big to fit on a DVD-5 disk. But remowing German (or English) audio may help
how do u download these movies into a DVD-RW? i tried to do it, but always when i try to play it on my dvd hardware it says:

hei kossen legger jeg til ekstra sub. på ein dvdr
aldri gjordt det før noen som kan hjelpe meg?
Google this phrase -> adding sub dvd
I Guess you can read English.
He he it is no help in copying the image file directly to a DVD. You need a tool for burning the imagefile to a dvd. I prefer Nero 8. You can find it in the software section on TPB. But it is very often virus infected. And hard to get working for a beginner. This tool is free, and will do the job

thanks..1 more thing tho how bout d sound data? does it come naturally w image data or i need to use another type of software to download the sound data
can you turn the swedish subs on and off? or are they hard coded in?
Hej Clarence.

Tack för länken hittade inte filen innan när jag sökte men det är skönt att du hjälper till att sprida den. Tror många bara hittar till torrenten för att du skriver om den. Bra jobb!
Excellent quality
I tried burning with DVDFab Plat 13 but had a disk error when I tried to play the movie. I've done this move no different then any other movie in the past. Are you sure this is NTSC or did I do something wrong?
I unpacked everything to a hard drive with 7zip. It plays just fine with numerous DVD players. The movie is a DVD quality upload. Kudos sebe. This is BITCHIN' !!!!!
One of the most odd things about this movie is the hooker heels they force Paltrow to wear. She cannot even walk in those things! I do love Downey's armor though, wishing it came in blue.
It Will not Play on my Regular DVD Player Neither, This is the First. I even Burnt it Twice, But Thank's To my Stand alone DVD Player It works.
PEOPLE: get 7zip and unpack the contents to a hard drive. It plays just fine. I will do a test burn of the ISO myself later tonight and report back. In the meantime, this is working DVD upload that I am watching at this very moment.
I think I know why some people are reporting that they can't get video out of this may be a REGION code issue. There is some EVIL shit in Windows and other OSes that detects the region code and stores it somewhere in the registry I haven'd discovered. Anyway, I as viewing the movie fine from hard drive. Then I burned a DVD from the .iso and tried to play the DVD. Since then, my DVD player refuses to display the video from the movie even when it is played from the hard drive with the .ifo, ibup, and .vob files directly. Bummer.

The commerical USA region DVD is supposed to be released at the end September 2008. The released version will surely be available here then.


I try viewing the hard drive version of this download with a different DVD player, and VOILA!, it displays fine in PowerDVD.

Recommendations: Use 7zip to unpack the contents of this download to its .ifo, .bup, and .vob files. Play the movie directly from the hard drive only. When in PowerDVD, playing from the hard drive it reports that it is an ALL region video.

I am NOT going to test out what the DVD say that I burned, regarding its region code.


Does anyone know of a software tool that can remove the region information from a DVD movie?
Anydvd from will remove region problems on your PC. I also guess ripping with dvdshrink will produce a region free dvd.
DO NOT use the keygen. It has virus. But the installer is OK. Follow my instructions in the comments field
Everything works everyone is fucking stupid.
Also like to point out, the visual quality is shit and thank you for the over sized ratio black bars they really make my day shittier.

Only thing good is the 5.1 Sound quality. Waiting another week or so for the replica because this isn't worth watching right now.
toro6240 og t06afre, dere kan ikke annet enn å klage.
Dere har terrorisert meg og andre brukere i lang tid.
Har lagt merke til at dere finner "offer" her på TPB som dere skjeller ut og kaller forferdelige skjellsord, dette bør dere slutte med omgående.
Finn en annen hobby, prøv frimerkesamling!
t06afre, are you fucking stupid??????
Yuo wrote:
(I am using Nero Recode (part of the nero 8 software), but DVD shrink can do the job also. I think this film is to big to fit on a DVD-5 disk. But remowing German (or English) audio may help)

This film is 4.4 GB, you can burn files up to 4.7 GB on DVD-R media you fucking moron!!
Både du og dine kommentarer har oversteget det kjedelige... Å se maling tørke gir bedre impulser..
At jeg har sagt du er en "Norwegian gnome"="Norsk nisse" er vel ikke så galt. Det er faktisk veldig riktig. Du bare kjefter og smeller til alt og alle På en dum og barnslig måte. Så jeg syntes du skal komme deg ut av gutterommet litt, og hvis du oppfører deg litt ordentlig så kanskje du får noen venner også.
toro6240 og jeg kommer til å slutte å drite deg ut når du fortjener det. Mer vil ikke bli sagt i denne saken fra meg
ANDY721 Just Because your DVD Player can Play this Movie Don't Mean everyone is Stupid, And Everyone who can't view this Movie think you are a FUCKING MORON!!
You do not know your way in computer science do you? A single sided single layer DVD that stores up to about 4.7 GB = 4 700 000 000 bytes and that is 4.38 computer GigaBytes where 1 kilobyte is 1024 bytes (4 700 000 000B/1024 = about 4 589 843KB/1024 = about 4485MB/1024 = about 4.38GB) . This compilation was 4636483584 byte= 4.31 GB. So it is pretty close to a full dvd5.
Ps I hope you found the lesson in very basic computer knowledge useful
Everyone in the phone book really name Chang?

Do you wanna see my WANG?
Tack för den.En annan fråga....finns det någon som har/kan lägga in filmen "Switch" med Ellen Barkin och Jimmy Smith!!!Inte den norska filmen med samma namn alltså.
MVH Javadfan
its PAL not NTSC
Tack för denna film :D dvd kvalité och snabb nerladdning och det hemliga slutet!
Labeled wrong, it is PAL, not NTSC.. Stupid uploader... I know to avoid your crap now.
how do i download these DVDR to a DVDR so i can play it on my dvd playing hardware?
mount it as a disc image and burn it to disc you degenerate cocksucker!!!!..............fuck me! get off thepiratebay. TWAT
I think you are a little bit too helpless now, on the edge of being stupid. First you have to download winrar as an unpacking tool (google it). Then as I told you download imgburn from This is the tool you need for burning the image file to DVD. If you want to see the film on your computer download virtual clone drive from If you need help with the software google the phrase ?how to use ???
I can just say this one works perfect on my DVD player and gives me great pleasure when watching it on my TV!
So why don't you please stop barking at each other like mad dogs just because you don't know shit or have some mental problems.

Thanks a lot to the uploader!
Great job!
So much complaining... unbelievable! Quality is not "shit", quality is great, great picture and great sound. Just unpack it with winrar, burn with Imgburn and enjoy it.
sebe you fucken dumb ass!!! Go to hell with your PAL pice shit! Fucken idiot!
Just so you know it, PAL has more lines in the picture than NTSC (Never Twice the Same Color).
Lol wut
t06afre, get the hell out of TPB you perverted child molester
fan me 14 heile jængen:P
seed would be nice? :S
Great torrent, thank you mate!
its always pal if it has german audio LOL
kan inte nån ladda upp star wars the clone wars filmen? jag vill gärna se den :P