Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
19.11 MB

+4 / -0 (+4)

Jun 28, 2008

crack scanned @

Results = Safe @

Release info @

Seed and enjoy!





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██████ 	     	  System.Mechanic.v8.0.0.17.WinAll.Cracked-WRATH       █████████

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██████    Release Date: 26/06/08               Cracker..: Team WRATH      ██████ 

██████    Release Type: EXE          	       Packer...: Team WRATH      ██████

██████    Release Size: 06/19.0MB              Supplier.: Team WRATH      ██████

██████    Language....: English		                                  ██████

███████                                                                   ██████    

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Use one centralized system dashboard to automatically perform all vital PC 
maintenance by diagnosing, reporting, and resolving computer problems and 
performance bottlenecks. 

This award-winning utility suite is trusted by millions worldwide to secure, 
optimize, repair, and tune-up their systems.
System Mechanic will try to make your computer run faster !
System Mechanic 7 provides a wealth of tools to keep PCs running in peak 

This versatile and easy-to-use product allows you to:

Run system analyses to stay informed about your PC condition.
View any system problems detected by System Mechanic and decide which ones 
you want to repair.
Enable ActiveCare to perform the automated housekeeping tasks that you 
Select the exact repair and optimization tools that suit your needs,
and run them when you want and how you want. 

One-click Power Tools and guided wizards allow you to:

Eliminate performance drains and adapt settings to boost PC and Web speed.

Repair hard drive errors that cause computer crashes and lock-ups, and 
recover from disaster if your computer ever becomes severely damaged.

Erase temporary and other junk files to reduce clutter and 
increase drive capacity.

Eliminate dangerous spyware, block hidden malware from altering 
your system settings, and repair security vulnerabilities that 
leave your system open to attack.

Monitor, control, and fine-tune settings so that your PC is
tailored to your specifications. Diagnostic tools
provide detailed system reporting and allow for advanced 

Power Tools
One-click Power Tools quickly optimize your system by performing 
a complete set of key functions in a single step

Fix, accelerate, maintain, clean up, and secure 
your PC in one easy step with PC TotalCare

The only tool you?ll need to keep your PC running
fast, smooth, and error-free. 

PC TotalCare combines all of the System Mechanic power into a 
single one-button interface for the perfect blend of absolute 
power and effortless simplicity.

System Mechanic's automated Wizards allow anyone to safely 
and easily maintain their PC without any technical knowledge required.

Increase performance up to 300% using the PC Accelerator Wizard
Use the PC Accelerator Wizard to get that "new computer" 
feeling back. Increase Internet speeds up to 300%, accelerate
Windows startup, maximize the overall 
performance of your programs, and more.

Solve stubborn problems using the PC Repair Wizard
Automatically diagnose and fix hundreds of problems with 
hard drives, system components, installed software, hardware, 
and more. Use the built-in emergency rescue 
CD to revive downed systems and drives.

Keep Windows spotless with the PC Cleanup Wizard
Junk and obsolete files are hazardous to your system?s health. 
Use the PC Cleanup Wizard to find and remove debris that has been 
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and sudden restarts.

Protect your system with the PC Security Wizard
Find and remove sneaky malware, and automatically repair 
dangerous Windows security flaws that leave you open to attack
from computer enemies such as spyware, adware, viruses, 
hackers, and identity thieves. 


         		Install and replace cracked exe.

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██████                                                           ███████████████

██████   Looking for EU +100MBiT Affils                          ███████████████

██████               Software Suppliers                           ██████████████

███████              CAKE!!!!                                      █████████████

███████      TEAMWRATH @ GMAIL COM                                 █████████████

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███████         THE SOUTH WiLL RiSE AGAiN                          █████████████

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Seed im up to 70 %
I am. Set up limit to 100kb/s max 5 peers at a time.
@ darkfire3

Sometimes, and don't ask me why, even when ppl are seeding good, you just can't get a connection to them just when you want to, you just have to wait a while, and not get too pissed off, cuz it happens to everybody m8
McAfee detected a trojan in the .ExE and deleted it...
@ 0612Devil

That would be a false positive. I included an online scan to show that this is safe. If it was a REAL trojan it would get 15+ positive in the scan. I have it installed and there is no trojan.
@ bogdangelu

Um, what drugs are you on? The 4 positives are the worse AV in the word! It didn't hit a positive on any of the top name ones!

I've uploaded plenty of legit safe files including cracks and keygens and those same shitty AV's keep reporting positives. Those scanners pick up any type of illegal software hacking code, whether it has a virus or not!

If you trust them than you are very stupid and shouldn't even think about installing pirated software, it's way above your league!
does this copy work for xp x64 too?
does this program do anything about the New Malware.j trojan. i am having a serious problem with this bastard. any help would be grateful thanx
hi, try superantispyware it helps.
incompatible w/ 64-bit operating systems but still, white power!!!