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Mar 29, 2008


Very good film!
Good man this Geert Wilders.
We love you Wilders.
Also watch: Islam, what the west needs to know.
and : Obsession .a must see this realy opens your eyes!
1) This is no film. My 10-year old son can do better. It neither has art, nor intellect. It does overflow with a sick man's venom and criminal filth.

2) If you love this so-called 'film', you certainly need to get urgent therapy before you die of a stroke. Everyone who wrote in favour of this mindless 15-minute 'movie' is living proof that religion haters are truly mindless.

3) If you claim this is about freedom of speech etc, try to tell us what you think about the Jews and what they're doing to Christians and Muslims alike in Palestine (sorry, I mean Israel.. ah)! No-one can say anything, not even the most obvious facts about the violence, the massacres and cold-blooded murders they commit against humanity. In fact, many plays (in theaters in Europe and elsewhere) and many films etc were banned/cancelled etc simply because they merely discuss some crime or another by a Jewish or Israeli person or establishment. Free speech can be a very 'selective' thing!

4) If Islam were a religion of violence, the world would have been something completely different.. after all, there are over 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide.

5) In all communities around the world, statistics show that Muslims are the most peaceable and law-abiding citizens.

6) Islam is the world's solution in all aspects of life and death and beyond.. Yes, there is life after death. You bet otherwise, and you lose. Can you risk walking across a busy highway with eyes closed?! Has anyone come back from the dead and assured you there's no god and nothing after death? I believe we never die. You will be as aware, more awake, and much more lucid after death. Get ready!

I love thepiratebay and its visitors/members, and I hope the best for all. I would not even ask them to remove this filth from their system: it's an opportunity to show the world (well pirates, anyway) a glimpse of the scum that religion-heaters can be.. like the guy who made this thing you like to call 'film'.

I could go on..

Bernard Shaw once said that Mohammed can solve the whole world's problems while drinking a cup of coffee.. (or something to this effect).
"Yes, there is life after death"
When you die you are DEAD......

muslims are sick in the head..
especially those muslims who thinks they will live a rich life when they bomb themselfs to pieces and take innocent lifes with them.

use suicide bombers for something useful like creating holes for tunnels..

Junna2002 must be a Muslim. Only a Muslim would even try to defend something that simply quotes all of the evil verses in the Quran. Do you believe you should butcher Jews? Do you believe that someday the rocks will cry out to you to come and behead the Jew hiding behind it? If you were a faithful Muslim, true to your Quran that is what you would believe. That is what Muhammed taught and wrote for all to read. I hope the move helps shed light on the awful truth of Islam, and the lies being spread that it is a ¨re?igion of peace¨.