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Nov 7, 2007

You may become addicted to EVE almost as likely as you are to loathe it with every fiber of your being. The only way to find out is to try it by taking advantage of ccp\'s permanently available  14 DAY FREE TRIAL:

]FREE KUGUTSUMEN (Kugutsumen was banned from EVE for exposing corruption between players and EVE developers.

To install open a terminal and type

sudo tar Cxvfp / EVE_Setup_41736-linux.tgz
or tar Cxvfp / EVE_Setup_41736-linux.tgz
cp EveOnline-linux-000893_41736.dat* $HOME

Make sure the EveOnline-linux-######.dat file is present in one of the following locations

NOTE: EveOnline-linux-######.dat file and EveOnline-linux- ######.dat.md5 must be in the same directory.

* home folder
* desktop
* /opt/cedega/game_packages
* cd_drive

Linux Minimal system requirements

Minimum Requirements

* 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu 7.04 or higher, Linspire 6 or higher, OpenSuSE 10.2 or higher
* 64 MB GeForce FX class card or better
* 512 MB of RAM
* 6 GB of HD Space
* 1.1 GHz CPU

Recommended System Requirements

* 32-Bit Ubuntu, OpenSuSE, Linspire with a GeForce 6XXX series card or better
* 1.5 GHz CPU or better
* 1 GB of RAM
* Alsa supported soundcard


* Kernel 2.6.20 or newer
* XFree86 4.0 or higher (4.3 is recommended) or the latest Xorg release

OpenSuSE Dependencies:

# python >= 2.4
# python-gtk >= 2.6
# gtk2 >= 2.6
# wget
# dbus-1-python

Ubuntu/Linspire Dependencies

* ibc6 (>= 2.2.4-4)
* xlibmesa3 | libgl1
* python (>= 2.4)
* python2.4-dbus
* python-gtk2 (>= 2.6)
* python-glade2, wget

A list of unsupported Linux distributions and their requirements can be found here
# Make sure you have the latest working drivers installed from nVidia
# If using a 64bit operating system you must install the 32bit libraries for that system.

Latest videos:

Goonswarm August 2007

Goonswarm July 2007

Galaxy in Flames


EVE ONLINE is by far the most immersive, innovative, exciting and intricate MMO ever conceived by man. It is more of a twisted sociological experiment than a game. Set in the vast New Eden star cluster, Players form corporations with their friends, Pooling their resources, knowledge and experience. If these small corporations have any ambition they merge with other corporations and become alliances. These alliances form up with other alliances and set the foundations for power blocs. Massive organisations of players, Unimaginably complicated war machines, the cogs of which are entirely made up of players that churn out fleets capable of holding and exploiting a mind-boggling number of star systems.

But of course there are not enough of these great tracts of space to go around. Factions are locked in a near constant state of bickering, squabbling and total xenophobic cleansing. Each are desperately trying to control the stations that allow their great war machine to operate so they can conquer even more space and in turn fuel even more conquest.

Automated map of all 0.0 alliance territory. (Goonswarm hold the 2nd largest number of stations, about half of what BoB controls)

EVE is a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) set in a science-fiction based, persistent world. Players take the role of spaceship pilots seeking fame, fortune, and adventure in a huge, complex, exciting, and sometimes hostile galaxy.

Eve also features a staggering array of ships at your disposal. From cheap, easily mass produced frigates, to fragile, yet deadly, super fast interceptors; covert ops ships that can cloak and hide anywhere to interdictors that can prevent anyone around them from escaping. There are cheap cruisers capable of crippling ships many time their size with electronic warfare, or imposing battlecruisers that mix the firepower of ships several times their size with the speed and agility of a cruiser. And who can leave out the mainstay of a fleet, the \"ship of the line\" of EVE, the deadly battleship with the firepower to decimate ships much smaller than it, some of which can shoot gigantic metal slugs the size of a semitruck.
But beyond even these ships, there are the impressively huge capital ships. From the carrier, that can spit out drone fighters and destroy a battleship like it was a fly while hauling around a small fleet\'s worth of frigates in it\'s hold, to the amazingly destructive dreadnought, capable of immense firepower to rip apart player owned stations and other capital ships.

And even beyond these capital ships lays the formidable super capital, few of which are currently in the game, and so huge that they cannot even dock in an ingame station. The mothership is a carrier on crack, able to spit out close to three times as many fighter drones as a normal carrier and haul much, much more. And the Titan, the largest ship of all, rivaling the size of space stations themselves. Taking over three months to build, and over roughly $7000 worth of ingame minerals at the minimum to make, this behemoth can destroy entire fleets with its doomsday weapon, or bridge two star systems to allow fleets to move easily inbetween, all the while holding an immense amount of support cargo in the form of ships or ammo.

And the best part is; Even as a newbie in a frigate, you can play a substantial part in destroying any of the above.

How\'s the The War going?

As some who follow along at home might have heard last that we are currently engaged in a massive war, Well it\'s not just \"A\" massive war but rather \"THE\" massive war, as in the largest and most widespread war seen in the games 4 year history.

Band of Brothers is on the run! After a failed assault on the BoB frontlines we were forced to pull back and sacrifice the \"Omist\" and \"Feythabolis\" regions in hopes of slowing the numerous, invincible super-capital ships that BoB used much to our disdain. Only with recent game balances have we actually managed to start pushing back, and infact it seems to be that BoB is now almost powerless to stop the unrelenting wave of Goon fleets without their once-invincible titans!

In a shock move Goonswarm and RA were the first alliance to destroy a Band of Brothers Titan, which doubles as both the assassination of their alliance \'flagship\' but possibly the most expensive single ship loss in Eve combat since the game began. This effectively stalled the BoB counter attack into our home systems and reassumed control over the Tenerifis region. The war is now almost entirely contained in the south, right on our doorstep. At time of this posting Goonswarm, Red Alliance and Tau Ceti Federation are in the process of sieging the final BoB starbases on the edge of our territory, The last remaining step in finally cleansing their presence from Omist.

On the second front our allies Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate and the feared Against All Authority are already putting the hurt on BoB\'s vassals Firmus Ixion in the Querious region. BoB recalled the Mercenery Coalition from the north, unleashing them upon IAC and AAA. This however resulted in MC losing a Mothership as well as FIX\'s hold over the system.

But it\'s far from over yet and there are many weeks, months perhaps even years of bitter struggle ahead of us before this conflict is over, and Goonswarm needs fresh new recruits to carry their momentum right into BoB home-systems.

Why are there so many fucking goons playing this game anyway?

� Most advanced and intricate PVP and alliance warfare system of any MMO.
� Skills increase over real-time as a welcome change to grinding critters for hours on end.
� Character classes are not limited by the developers, they are determined by the players. If you want to be a mercenary, pirate, fleet commander, spy, manufacturer, researcher, miner, trader, corporate head-honcho or entrepreneur there is nothing stopping you.
� Tons of ship types, classes, hulls, and literally an infinite number of ways to equip each ship.
� Most advanced player economy of any MMO. Seriously, Not kidding.
� \"Old School\" PvP that matters just like Ultima Online, unlike pointless \"New School\" WoW pvp. Your enemies lose appreciable assets when their ships get blown up, they don\'t just respawn with no penalty.
� EVE can pay for itself: you can pay your subscription fees with in-game money rather than real money after you have established your character which takes on average 3-4 months or much less depending on how quick of a learner you are.
� No race/class restrictions: any player can fly the ships of any race
� No sharding or instancing of any kind.

Attention ex-EVE players! Here is a list of improvements CCP has made since you last played
� Titan and Mothertship nerf Yeah, All the super capitals have been turned into multi-billion isk paperweights and has brought back the fun of fleet combat.
� Client and Hardware upgrades CCP has begun rewriting their engine and the changes so far are a dramatic improvement on game performance.
� Warp to 0km. you can now warp to any object at 0km removing the need to \"slowboat\" which has sped up in-game travel massively.
� Jump Bridges and Cyno Generators Player Owned Stations can now be equipped with jump bridges which allow large alliances (like us) to link vast swathes of space with \"shortcut-wormhole-generator-things\"
� Controllable and attackable POS guns That\'s right! You can now manually control the guns mounted on a player owned station.
� Newbies get a free month of training New players now start out with the equivalent of about a months training with their new character in order to lessen the skillpoint gap between newbies and vets.

�EVE isn\'t designed to just look like a cold, dark and harsh world, it\'s designed to be a cold, dark and harsh world.�

EVE is a fierce and fickle mistress! It is incredibly brutal and unforgiving of ignorance or stupidity. If you are not careful you will get scammed or suicide bombed in the safety of 1.0 space.

Goonswarm is running another of it�s regular recruitment drives, So come join 3000 other goons in one of the most enjoyable and rewarding MMOs EVER!

For goons who have never played before:
Playing Eve and then Playing Eve in Goonswarm are like two completely different games. Normally when you start off you find yourself in the middle of high security Empire space and are expected to earn ISK, Upgrade your ship and mine asteroids or something equally menial. Join some tiny, pubbie corporation and mine more asteroids for them so they can build ships and sell them. This is just one example (It�s what happened to me) of what a newbie experiences playing EVE while not being a part of Goonswarm. The new player usually lasts a week past their trial before realising that this is the most annoying and boring game ever made and quit in disgust. Newbies can expect to spend upwards of three months (more likely six) before they ever leave the safety of empire, this is assuming that they ever leave.

Instead we take you into Goonswarm and immediately have you commit suicide; You wake up in a new clone on the far edge of the galaxy and deep inside goonspace. We then throw you straight into pitched battle against the best players in the game. We provide you with the knowledge, training, monetary assistance and all the help you need in order to succeed even marginally in this game. The resources we have available are like 100x more profitable than what you would find in empire and you can expect to make more isk in your first day as a Goonswarm pilot than you would in an entire week or more grinding your ass off in empire.

You will experience the EVE end game. What other players experience only after dedicating the last 2 years to kissing ass and grinding isk so that one of the �Big boy� alliances will allow them to join. Historically we have always forced our newbies to skip the kiddie pool that is Empire entirely. The main reason for this is because spending too long in empire turns you into a giant softcock, carebear pubbie.

�After a week of fighting for your life you will be more experienced in both small scale and fleet PVP than about 50% of the pubbies who have been playing for YEARS.
�After a month you will be a killing machine able to act independent of central command and have the wisdom and experience to begin commanding fleets yourself.
�After a year you will be a highly disciplined, high-yield hydrogen bomb we can drop from orbit and vaporise anyone we don�t like the look of.

We will have mentors operating throughout the newbie drive who will answer your questions and train you in how to operate your spaceship. Players will often gladly help you out with ISK as what you consider to be a fortune is usually peanuts to the older guys. We have recognised the value in forging our newbies in the furious depths of hell but don\'t be afraid! You have literally thousands of goons who have been through it already and are extremely willing to support you.

But what if i\'m not going to play past my trial? / I live in some crazy country or i want an alternative goon squad!

This cannot be said enough! Even if you aren\'t even considering to continue playing past your trial you should still take advantage of what we have to offer you. We do these newbie drives so that goons can get a good picture of what eve is like in a very short time. We\'d like you to still join us, Maybe you\'ll change your mind and subscribe!

Also do not be concerned if you live in Europe or Australia or anywhere for that matter. Aside from the American timezone squads we have both Euro and Aussie ones! So even if you\'re on duty in Iraq or living in N.Korea there will always be people around to play with.

Goonswarm is an incredibly tight knit community, We have gone through insane amounts of drama and yet somehow emerged at the end unscathed. This allows for a level of trust mostly unheard of in pubbie alliances comprised of understandably primarily opportunistic pubbies with no sense of loyalty. We can therefore allow for subsidies and financing of capital ships for you to fly.

You will not be bored, I can guarantee it. Over the past year the directors and the membership have realised the most important aspect of keeping a goonsquad from imploding: Preventing Boredom. And if you are not fighting then you are getting soft so always expect to have targets lined up for you to shoot to pieces. We have been in near constant warfare for about a year.

If you are still interested, head over to our public section of the Goonfleet wiki. It will tell you through downloading the game, setting up your trial account and how to join Goonfleet.

Follow the instructions here to join Goonfleet:
This is the GTA of MMOs... it is legal to pirate and ransom other players
for in game cash.

Carolus Martellus writes:

Eve Online is set in an unknown portion of space, spanning thousands of solar systems, many of which are settled.

This Travel Warning is being issued to remind all pilots of ongoing security concerns in low-sec Empire & 0.0 Space. This Travel Warning supersedes previous travel warnings.

Pilots involved in commercial or property matters should be aware that the business environment is complex and dispute settlement mechanisms are not highly developed. Corporations often cite corruption and ineffective courts as serious problems.

Alliances strictly enforces its immigration/visa requirements. Pilots have
been attacked for territory violations. Violators may also be subject to
substantial fines.

Pilots should avoid travel to 0.0 space. Alliances restricts foreigners\'
travel to their territory; many carebears and NPC hunters were attacked in these territories by Alliance security forces in the past year.

Most alliances will kill on sight anyone entering their space even if you are neutral and especially if you are a member of a \"NPC\" corporation (you could be using an alternate identity and scouting for an opposing force.

Pirates and carebears should maintain a low profile, vary daily routines,
avoid crowds and demonstrations, and keep abreast of current Eve events.


Eve piracy is a persistent and growing problem in low-sec and 0.0 space, targeting primarily commercial vessels. The majority of piracy attacks occur in low-sec (<0.5) and 0.0 space. Before traveling by ship in these areas, pilots are advised to review the current security situation with their corporation and alliance members.

Due to ongoing concerns about the possibility of pirate attacks directed against alliances or other corporation and interests, CONCORD continues to warn pilots to defer non-essential travel to low-security space.

Always be alert even in empire; the cost of a few suicide battleships is
nothing compared to the price of a Tech 2 BPO.

Never travel when away from keyboard. You deserve to die.

If pirates are scrambling you and you lost your tank, do not wait until you\'re into structure, CEASE FIRE & STOP YOUR ENGINE. Attempt to comply with all instructions from the hijackers, and also make it clear that you are willing to pay a ransom.

You will have no more than thirty seconds to transfer the ISK.

If you beg for help or smack in local, you\'ll die a violent death.

If you really don\'t have the money, offer the pirates to eject from your ship;

they will let you and your pod warp to safety.

If you are a slow keyboard type, use the Eve notepad facility to your advantage to cut and paste cooked answers. (ref: Eve Low-sec Phrase Book [we need translators])

Don\'t hesitate to ask your attackers for tips and advise.

Be polite (say thank you) and never smack in local after paying your ransom;

you don\'t need to make a fool of yourself. Once I attacked a merlin, which appeared later to be a harpy. I didn\'t live long but it was fun, convo\'d the pilot and joked about my mistake and thanked
him for the fight. He congratulated me for my fair-play and gave me a full mil of isk, about twice the value of my ship.

Calm yourself and enjoy the moment.

\"In exactly the way that you justify doing the same to the whole world. But because I do it with a single paltry ship, I am called a pirate; while you do it with a large navy, and are called an emperor.\" Augustine of Hippo, Civitas Dei (Book IV, Chapter iv)

Soy from Goonfleet has to say about EVE:

\"The only other mmorpg I played anywhere near this long was Ultima Online, and eve is the closest thing to the old style UO pvp system on the market today.

Also I make videos about eve which sometimes are good and sometimes suck ass. My youtube page is here:

Some of the better ones:

- Teamspeak discussing grits/bullshitting, this is half the fun of goonfleet...

- A pretty old video of some fighting we did.

- An even older video of right after we took our first conquerable region.

- Most recent video, it\'s mostly a big boring fleet battle... \" 

You may become addicted to EVE almost as likely as you are to loathe it with every fiber of your being. The only way to find out is to try it by taking advantage of ccp\'s permanently available  14 DAY FREE TRIAL:


you might as well download this from the eve site?