Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
3.27 MB

+1 / -1 (0)

Nov 2, 2007

///////// Friends this is my trial Torrent and the first torrents too //////////////

Why use the BlueVoda website builder to create a website?
Many people want to create a website, but have no experience in website building, know nothing about web design and have never even seen an HTML editor.  The BlueVoda website builder is there to make the process of creating a website easy and painless. No HTML editor experience required, and creating websites with this wonderful program is a breeze.
When you create a website using the BlueVoda website builder you simply walk through the instructions given to you by the free online tutorials. Website design becomes second nature.  All you have to do to create a website is to have an idea of what you actually want to accomplish and how you want your website to look.  You don?t have to be a website design wiz, or a website building genius, you just have to follow simple instructions.
Thousands of people have used the BlueVoda website builder to create a website and have been delighted with the results, saving themselves untold hours of frustration.  Most website maker software on the market requires a person to already have a large HTML editor website maker knowledge base.  They expected a businessperson to understand web page design and know how to use an HTML editor website maker for website building.  The BlueVoda developers believe that this is an unreasonable and unnecessary expectation.  

Creating your own website should be one of the easy and "guaranteed rights of the Internet", and now it is, thanks to the BlueVoda website builder.


Yes this is the company that forces you to host with them... they dont allow adult websites either... but they wont mention that until they suspend your hosting account... I used this crap. Started an adult site... good for a week...until I got traffic, when traffic started they suspended me... I feel like if i am paying you to serve my files I should be allowed to have any file as long as its legal... and porn is legal... but they will suspend your account... dont download this crap
You are wrong. this does not require you to have a website with them. All you do is go up to view, then down to View Page HTML. A window will come up with the generated HTML code. copy and paste it in NotePad. Save it, not as a .txt file but a .html file. Then the file you created can be uploaded to any website using ther file uploader. Just remember to link directly to that file.
That is correct!!! All I do is (View Site) than save as... to the DIR of my choice. than upload it to a DIR on a server. Good progy and easy to use to. BTW: Version 10.1 is out ar