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Games > PC
1.36 GB

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Jul 1, 2007

Enquanto experimentava com fonte de energia alternativas, o biofísico Henry Alfred Cole encontrou uma maneira de extrair a alma de um corpo humano e transformá-la em eletricidade - só que o corpo da vítima é transformado em um zumbi. Criaturas infernais se aproveitavam do vácuo deixado, mudando radicalmente a essência do seu hospedeiro.

No meio da confusão, Baphomet, um demônio de outra dimensão, se instalou em um corpo abandonado e usou sua influência para criar o Culto de Lúcifer. Seu objetivo: abrir um portal para trazer o mestre do submundo até o nosso planeta. Satanistas de todo o mundo se unem à sua causa.

Você entra na confusão enquanto procura um amigo desaparecido, que tinha um encontro com a seita um dia antes de sumir. Ele investigava o culto e já era um alvo de seus seguidores. A verdade sobre o amigo será encontrada na mansão do biofísico.

"Hellforces" terá 20 cenas não-interativas, 45 personagens para interação, 24 armas diferentes e muitos equipamentos especiais como visão noturna, binóculos, sensor de movimento e outros. Todos eles serão importantes na luta contra os infinitos monstros, que infestam essa aventura frenética.

Experimenting with alternative power sources, the biophysicist Henry Alfred Cole found a way to extract the soul from a human body and use the soul as a power source. The soulless bodies however turned into zombies. Hellish creatures started filling them to change dramatically the essence of the host body. 

A daemon from a parallel world, Baphomet, installed himself in one soulless body and soon founded the cult of Lucifer. The aim of this cult was to open the gate for Lucifer to come into the humans' world. The number of followers of the cult increased at a catastrophic rate; Satanists all around the world were joining their ranks. 

The main hero is concerned with the fate of his missing friend, who had had a meeting with the leader of a satanic sect just a day before his disappearance. His persistent investigations become a threat to the Satan worshippers and Satanists start hunting after him. The creepy truth about the fate of his friend will reveal itself in the mansion of the biophysicist... 

Clean the earth from the heresy and the minions of Lucifer!


be nice if you seeded it !!
Hmmm, pretty dumb. Post but no seed.
WOW this is pathetic

First off, "Lucifer" is the roman god of the sun, which was worshipped long b4 the modern day god.

Second, "Satan" is just hebrew for the word "enemy", not the devil

Third, hell is just a word for volcano, i cant remember the origin but w/e

fourth, if u believe in heaven, hell, god, or the devil, you should be ashamed at yourself for being so stupid. The thought of an afterlife is rediculous, if there wasnt this train of thought there wouldnt be suicide bombers. and alot of good people would still have there lives to look forward to. The main reason the world is such a dangerous place is because of the belief in god. and the thought that after you die you go to heaven.

I love how christians, and jews can put such a spin on reality. The fact is that after your dead your dead, your life ends, the only after life for you is when ppl talk about you after your gone.

other than that this sounds realy lame, so im not dling it, and even if i did, 1 seed? i mean common.
ok, the game isnt all that great, but it was an interesting concept. Kajlin, where the hell are you getting your facts? Roman god of the sun (when they were actually referring to the sun) was "Sol".
The word "satan" is not directly translated into "enemy", it was DERIVED from "Adversary".
The word "Hell" is in no way volcano, it has been translated as "Sheol", "Gehenna", "Hades", "Tartarus", "Abbadon", and "Infernus". None of which mean 'Volcano'.
Some people have put a spin on religion (such as you), for instance, where in the bible does it say "If you go kill people, you will go to heaven"? it doesn't. If you were to research a single thing that came out of your mouth, you wouldn't be getting proven wrong on every point you made.
There ARE certain sects of people that DO kill people and try to use religion as a reason, but there are also people who dont use a religion as a cover. It's called 'Denial of responsibility'. It's in human nature to kill, not christian teachings.
hope you learned something
God Bless
Who gives a shit!

Go fuck yourself
stuck at 97,7% seed
The same thing. Stuck at 97,7%. Please, seed!
Stuck at 99,9% please seed
Seed please
Could anyone please seed?
I have bought this game before but i cant find it anymore, and dont want to order.
Seed please!
Here is link to another torrent site in Mother Russia. Game is in English.
P.S. it took me about 20 min. to d.l. it.
Setup is in Russian, but game language can be switched in in setup. Languages are Russian and English.
please seeed!
fuck!stuck 99.9% seed god dam it