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Video > Movies DVDR
4.36 GB

Spoken language(s):
English, French, Italian
Texted language(s):
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch
+0 / -0 (0)

Jun 16, 2007

Plot summary for:
The Dirty Dozen (1967)

An Army Major who likes to butt heads with his superiors, is being "given" a new assignment, to train 12 men who are either sentenced to death or life imprisonment, to go behind enemy lines raid a chateau that the Germans are using as an R&R center and kill as enemy officers as they can and disrupt the German chain of command. Now he not only has to train them; he has to get them to start acting like a unit. And when a Colonel whom the Major has been having the most trouble with reports to the Generals that his unit is not working out, the Major asks the General to try them out by having them participate in a war game. If they don't succeed they will be sent back to prison to face their sentences. 

Verenigde Staten / Groot Brittanniδ
145 minuten

geregisseerd door Robert Aldrich
met Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson en Ernest Borgnine

Het is 1944 en de geallieerde legers zijn klaar om een enorme invasie te beginnen tegen de Duiters. Voor D-Day willen de Engelsen nog een paar geheime missies laten uitvoeren door veroordeelde criminelen. Ze moeten met een parachute in het vijandelijke gebied komen en bepaalde dingen vernietigen. Maar eerst moeten de criminelen een training ondergaan zodat ze klaar zijn voor hun missie.

Audio 2.0:

English French and Italian


English French Italian Dutch / Nederlands German Spanish Arabic Bulgarian Romanian

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