Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
9.38 GB

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Jun 4, 2007

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°                           CS3 MASTER COLLECTION                           Û²² 
°                                 (c) ADOBE                                 Û²² 
°                                                                        ß   ²± 
°    SUPPLIER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2007        DATE......: 19/05/2007          ±° 
°                                                                            °° 
±    CRACKER....: Team MAGNITUDE 2007        SIZE......: 4 DVD               °± 
±                                                                             ± 
²°   PACKAGER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2007        PROTECTION: Custom              °² 
²±°                                                                         ±±² 
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 ±                                                                           ± 
 °                                                                           ° 
 °  Get the tools you need to create content for every design discipline     ° 
 °  in one offering. Adobe® Creative Suite® 3 Master Collection software     ° 
 °  combines the best professional creative tools from Adobe with            ° 
 °  exceptional integration and productivity, so you can meet new creative   ° 
 °  challenges and take your business in new directions. Discover            ° 
 °  innovations in:                                                          ° 
 °                                                                           ° 
 °      * Professional page layout, image editing, vector illustration,      ° 
 °  and print production                                                     ° 
 °      * Website design, development, prototyping, and blogging             ° 
 °      * Creation of rich interactive content                               ° 
 °      * Industry-standard visual effects and motion graphics               ° 
 °      * Video capture, editing, and production; DVD titling; and digital   ° 
 °  audio                                                                    ° 
 °                                                                           ° 
 °            ° 
 °                                                                           ° 
 °°                                                                         °° 
 ±°                                                                         °± 
 ²±°                                                                       °±² 
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±                                                                             ± 
±  1) unRAR and burn                                                          ° 
±  2) check ".txt" from "MAGNiTUDE" dir                                      ° 
±  3) enjoy another fine MAGNiTUDE-release!                                   ° 
±                                                                             ° 
°                                                                             ° 
°                           ÛßßÜ ÜßßÜ ²ßßÜ ÜßßÜ Üßß                           ° 
° °  °°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±±²  Û ²ÜÜß    ² ²ßßß ßßß²±±±°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°  ° ° 
°                                                                             ° 
°    Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star - the Ancient  Greek    ° 
°    astronomers divided  the stars  into six  magnitudes. First-magnitude    ° 
°    stars  were  the  brightest,  and  sixth-magnitude  stars  were   the    ° 
°    faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era    ° 
°    of MAGNiTUDE has started.                                                ° 
°                                                                             ° 
°    If you  feel like  you have  the power  to face first-magnitude stars    ° 
°    contact us at:                                                           ° 
°                                                 ° 
°                                                                             ° 
°              °                                                              ° 
±             °±²²Û²°° °                                                      ± 
°    ÜÜÛÛÛ    Þ²²ÛÛÝ                                                          ° 
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²±±  ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ                                            °°±²² 
° °° Û²²²± Ascii by the Dynamic Trio: S!, b5! and Ix - (c) SAC 2005 °°°°°°°°° ° 
     °° °


Is this the "official release" as the previous torrent wasn't ?
Is everything working ? Cause in the other one ENCORE was not working properly (couldn't start)

I really hope so because I didn't start to use "Premiere" before I was sure that I was able to export it to DVD
This can't be the final version since it's not done yet- many bugs are still being ironed out with the help of beta testers.
This is most likely a home made bundle with the public betas of Premiere and After Effects.

Too bad that MAGNITUDE is putting their name on this.
is this only english or multilanguage????
Just because it's not out doesn't mean it's not done.

As I've mentioned on the other torrent, this isn't a home made compilation with the betas mixed in.

I downloaded this, installed and followed the directions to activate. All of the programs work and as far as I can tell, this is the real deal.

But I've been known to be wrong in the past...
Norman V5.9 found a TROJAN in this download!
enyceexdanny: you are right in principle about being done and being out.

But I visit the After Effects and Premiere forums daily and they are still fixing bugs and taking reports. So I don't think it's done yet.

Of course- I'm sure the testers have access to a complete bundle like the final product and that that bundle gets upgraded to newer and newer versions.
This torrent may be one of those bundles.

But another reason that I don't think that this is retail is the size. The CS2 Production Studio alone was 16 GB (and that's fewer programs than the Master's).
I guess this might be a late Masters bundle with the core applications but without all the goodies (presets, sound loops and other extras).

In that case I'd upgrade this to 'a nice release' but I'd still wait for retail as I will download that anyway.

Thanks for the heads up to those that report back.
a question regarding overwriting some file, is common files in english windows the same as delade filer in swedish?
Can anyone than HeatMiseR25 confirm that they've hadn't had problems with this release?

Does anyone know where to get the newest verison of Adobe Audition?
Can you mount instad of burn it?
Can you install program by program or do you have to install everything at once?
Can someone help me with the following problem?
I followed the activation process and everything worked great. I can use Photoshop CS3 to open files from my desktop and do whatever w/o issue but when I tried to open a file from my e-mail (outlook 2007) using photoshop I get a screen that asks me to enter my actication number. I tried to enter the same number I created during installation but it does not work. Yes, I patched all the files after installation.

Any suggestions?
@ yeyewhatever

1. Search for it. The latest official release is 2.0
2. You can mount and install it
3. During setup you can select the applications you want to install or leave out.
@ enyceexdanny - thanx
Everything seems to work for me except ENCORE

any clues ?
Encore isn't working for anyone.
Wait just a bit for a retail release.
NO WORK DISK1 & DISK4 Extract.
Download 2 x files and same error WinRAR and PowerArchiver programs Extract rar-files:
"There is a CRC error on file ADOBE.CS3.MASTER.COLLECTION-MAGNiTUDE\DISK1\m-cs3mca.r46 and same error ADOBE.CS3.MASTER.COLLECTION-MAGNiTUDE\DISK1\m-cs3mcd.r41. Disc 2 and 3 work.
MAGNiTUDE What hell this is???
well it was fine for the most of us here.
I tried to install this but i keep getting an error message saying: Critical errors were found in setup please see the setup log file for details. I've tried my best but it just isn't good enough, can anyone help.
Got it working now, a great release i can't wait to use it properly. Everything seems to be working fine, thanks magnitude

i had the same did you get it working?
I followed your text but still I couldn't install it always been ask for seriel no. Pls advise, thks
please seed!! not just seed but set the maxum upload to as high as possible please
someone thats finished downloading please seed!!! im stuck at 99 percent
I can't get this to work eigther... Should I only replace the ONE .dll file as written in the .txt file or all of the files inside the MAGNITUDE folder?
yeyewhatever you should deffiently seed for a while so i can finish donloading ^.^ still stuck at 99%
can anyone explain exactly how to install cs3 i have the discs just cant get past the serial and activation thing

"when installing when asking install serial, overwrite asneu.dll to program files/common files/Adobe/installers/some long dirname. Then enter any serial u want!

Overwrite cracked files after installed."

I also got that same problem
Anyone know how to get this fixed?
For all the people that get an error when they try to install cs3 here is a tip that worked for me.

I uninstalled all my previous adobe cs2 and cs3 products (adobe dreamwiewer cs2 and photoshop cs3) and after that restart computer and try to install, it work for me so hopefully it works for you to.

PS! remember to backup stuff like brushes and fonts as thay may be removed!
i got it installed but when i run a programme its still looking for a serial?
after i installed the programmes i overwrit the dll file with the original in the magnitude this the correct way?if not will someone please post a step by step guide for us clowns.

i have the same problem.
did you get it sorted out?
Does there have a keygen?
Getting the message- critical errors with setup, see log.

I see someone had the same issue on the last page, but has since got it woring.. Any advice would be welcome
PiratedTinman was right. Uninstall all your cs products first. Restart, and there you go.

It works. Cheers for the tip mate
Ref: gavinmclaugh

I have the same issue. Installed fine with cracked .dll file but being asked for individual codes for each programme. help!

what do you do with the dll files.can you give a step by step guide on what to do when your installing to help some of us.
does anyone read the previous comments?????
can someone explain whats going wrong when you can get it installed but when you try and run each program it asks for a serial??????
come on.theres bound to be someone who had this problem who can help some of us.
G'day people,

Before you apply any .dll to any file. Run the first disk install. Foolow the appropriate cues.

When you get to the serial page. That is when you apply the .dll. Copy it to C:/program files/common files/adobe/installers/ and a folder that will have a long name. The rest of the files in that folder will be .cab files, so you will know where to copy it too.

Ovberwrite, close up the folders, and then type any serial you want.

When all the set up is complete, and it does take a while. Before you start any of the programs, just cut and paste all the crack files into the appropriate folder, and all will work well. Any problems, ask again
ok i put the .dll file in and every thing installs but when i try to start the program it tells me that there is something wrong with the serial #. in the text it says to put the .dll file in when promted to put in the key did that, but after that in the text it says ---Overwrite cracked files after installed.--- what do i do at this step?
where did you install the .dll

Do exactly what it says. You should have a folder that is labelled Magnitude. In here are all the cracked files. You have to place them in the appropriate folders. You have to let me know excatly what you are doing. Will check this post within next 24hrs
i took the asneu.dll file and put it in the program files/common files/Adobe/installers/some long dirname folder. put in some #'s for the key .

in the text file what does it mean, Overwrite cracked files after installed. it says this after

"when installing when asking install serial, overwrite asneu.dll to program files/common files/Adobe/installers/some long dirname. Then enter any serial u want!"

I can get all the program to install, but i think i am still missing something.

iam confused about the 2nd line of text, Overwrite cracked files after installed.

thanks for the help!!!!!!!
Ok! You have to copy individual .dll files from the corresponding programme folders in the magnitude folder. Open for example the soundbooth folder, you will find a file called appmodule.dll. Go to the real soundbooth file on your local disc and replace that file. Repeat for all the other programmes. They open straight away. Where .dll files don't exist simply replace the .exe files instead
now that makes since! I will reinstall and try this thanks for your help!! :)
Adobe Photoshop CS3

Adobe Illustrator CS3

Adobe InDesign CS3

Adobe creative suite 3 master collection

Flash player 9 activex

Premiere pro CS3 third party content

?All had a errors that said component install failed?

Is ther a way to install these separate?
Also, i put the craks in for the progams that did install and still nothing works
Someone please open upload speed 4kb/s is gonna take 2 1/2 months to download........please seed
anyone still having a problem installing all of this go here

Download the torrent and fallow the directions that are in the Comments.

mine is working perfect, every application works great.
If anyone cannot get Encore CS3 to work try this. Go to Control Panel and Open Adobe Version Cue CS3 and start the Cue Server. Then Launch Encore and it should work.
Is this beta version? cause it says preorder on the the adobe website.
No Ad-Aware/Spy-Ware and viruses. Make sure you have an DVD burning program or a virtual drive maker program; such as Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools. Also make sure and read instructions located in first DVD under the MAGNiTUDE folder. Overall great torrent and a great program. Thanks MAGNiTUDE.
This thing has got a Trojan - See below.

Event ID: BLINK-MAL-205
Severity: High
Description: Blink has found a malware application
Virus found: W32/Lineage.BQL
Item found: F:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS3\TitleLayer.dll
Action: Repair
Alert: Yes
Name: W32/Lineage.BQL
Second Action: Quarantine
Category: Trojan

is this the official release? Since Premiere Pro CS3 and AfterEffects CS3 came out on the 2nd of July...
Now I finally got it to work...! Perfect! :D Seeding for you guys! ;)
got it sorted.thanks to people for the instructions.great release.thanks magnitude.
got it installed, software setup popup says i need a serial number. "Adobe Creative Suite"
This was when i was trying to start dreamweaver, also when i try to start encore it gives me a widows error. it dose not seem like the exe file is right.
CRC Error!!!
it was bad .exe files i think i might have IT UNTIL NEXT TIME
Guys. I need some help please. I did everything I was supposed to. All the way up to putting in any serial I want and clicking on install. But after a considerable amount of time, it asks me to input D2, and then D3 and then D4 of course. There is no physical disks though. What can I do? Thanks.

When asked for DVD 2, 3 or 4 I assume you can simply mount the ISO for the appropriate DVD onto Daemon Tools or whatever image mounter you use.
But that's the thing. I use Magic ISO. I pretty mounted and extracted all 4 Disks at the SAME TIME. Then I sent them to a different folder, over-writing the previous ones. So all 4 disks are mounted. But the Setup-EXE is in disk 1. When I start setting up, it installs only disk 1, installing shared components and what not.

Then, it says input disk 2. Maybe I shouldn't have over-writed the unmounted version?
When you were installing the CS3 Master Collection using Setup.EXE ...

it didn't ask you for D2? Did it simply finalize installation? Because I'm forced to cancel installation because I don't know a way to install the other disks. Pleeease help me out!

I've never used MagicISO so I don't know exactly how it works but if you mean you've got them mounted on a separate virtual drive each then you shouldn't. Mount disc 1 on a virtual drive, then when asked for disc 2, unmount disc 1 and mount disc 2 on the same drive.

You are a very nice and cool person. I really, sincerely appreciate this.

ok... So after the SetUp.EXE asks me to input disk 2, then I mount disk 2? and unmount disk 1?

How do I unmount a disk?
After looking into MagicISO a bit I can see where you're having the problems in that it simply extracts the files from the ISO file.

I would suggest downloading Daemon Tools (just search on Google) which will create a virtual CD/DVD drive onto which ISO and other image files can be mounted.

You can then mount disc 1, when asked for disc 2 - unmount disc 1 and mount disc 2.
You need to mount the disc # to the same drive that you used for disc 1.

You should be able to right click on the ISO file and chose the virtual drive you want to mount it to.

Again it should be the same one you used for disc #1.
I am using PowerISO.
Hello... Im a bit new to this, Im downloading but its very slow, I think you have to seed to get more bandwidth or thats how it used to be.
I am seeding but not the same files, can anyone help? It says 7kbs and 12 days???? :(
I couldn't get Encore to install and I also couldn't find a crack to activate the master edition. I went back and dl the Web Premium edition and have been able to activate it with a crack. I guess we have to wait for another version of the Master Edition with working cracks that actually activate.

still waiting ;-)
has anyone ever used Magic Disk to mount disks before? It doesn't work on Vista.

Is there anyway to do it without Mounting it? LIke perhaps burning the DVDs?

It's in UIF so I can only use Magic ISO and not PowerISO or Daemon Tools. :(
Hello peeps, I read earlier that there is a malware/trojan in this file, is that true? Or has it been fixed?
If so what to do? I have norton antivirus will that work?
Guys let me bother you just one more time. I finally got the disk to mount. Now that everything is mounted and extracted, all of a sudden the freak'n SETUP.EXE doesn't work. I click on it and it initializes set up. Then, as normally the serial key page would pop up, nothing happens anymore. What am I dong wrong?
does any one actually answer each others messages or is it a place to moan that "you cant do it?" :)
doesn't work for me...when I start the setup it asks me to instert a disc into drive C:\ to continue... drive C is a hard disc - so there is no way to insert or mount there.
oh well... *delete* heh
Took me a couple of installations to get it right (new to this) but got the whole lot working except fireworks which sometimes still asks for activation and tells me how many days I have left to activate it. I'll be back if it fails to work after the 30 day period.
TA A MILLION DAZ, yer a star.
Could someone seed? I am connected to 10 leechers and the down speed is 600 bits!
At this point there is 10 out of 66 seeders, OMG.... Please seed!!
I can not get encore to start up . it tries to start, but it gets to the blueray initializing and says there is an error.
first of all i have to say i am not habitant from an english spoken teritory so sorry about my english but i simply have to say something about this thing here...

For so many weeks i have been listening craps about how this is some lame fake release with mix of half tested betas and no working retails, how this is just another fake signed by magnitude signature...and so on ,and so on...

Crap.THIS IS TRUE WORKING MAGNiTUDE ISO RELEASE and all of you making this respected group look foulish should at first look at some things and facts.

This release contains 4 ISO DVDs and there are not any complications if you just follow the procedure.If you are having trouble mounting the discs just simply BURN them with Alcohol 120% and follow standard installation procedure!!!

There can be some problems with insatllation if you have relics of old CS1 or CS2 programs so first uninsatl any previous versions and then install this one...

Conserning ENCORE it works perfectly if you have enabled VersionCue CS3.Now in previous versions like CS1 and CS2 VersionCue was automaticly enabled as background service but not this time.SO just go to control panel and enable VersionCue CS3 and everything works perfectly!!!!!!!

For all those saying some apps are missing in the release they should read some stuff more carefully.

ADOBE ONLOCATION and ADOBE ULTRA are special services and technologies incorporated in MAster suite !

ADOBE ONLOCATION is NOT standalone application but is integral part of ADOBE PREMIERE!!!

Thus this release shurely has some bugs but it is true and it is MAGNiTUDE


you done it again

yes i am talking about regular XP control panel(START/Control Panel) and after you gain access of it you should be see green/blue square icon named Adobe Version Cue CS3 like in all other previous versions.If you installed succesfully all Master Suite it should be defenetly there.Its not even necessary to permanently activate it , just start it once and Encore will work right away...
glad you did it
Freakin Right On VforVendetta ;

That is what is was for me, i had no idea that you had to do anything with that program. i wondered what it was for.

You are right that Team MAGNITUDE is the SHIT!!!!
So is Onlocation and Ultra incorporated in this release?
can anybody seed only the crack? I have the full program, but been trying to find a working crack for the official release ever since i got it. Nothing iv found so far works. Thx :)
Hi Guy's,
I install this version, but my Premiere have one bug when I create Titles (Crtl+T) and close program.

Runtime Error
Pure Virtual Function Call

Please, yours Premiere have this error??

Please seed!!
Thank you =)
Does this release update?

From Adobe this package would be 12GB- what is lacking?
the only thing missing here is Adobe Ultra CS3 which should be standalone application.With some extra content that could be those estimated 22gigs required for installation.Still that is only pure guess,we will have to wait for guys from magnitude for their word or even better update...
Savage2004: Yes, my Premiere show this error.

You know one solution for this problem?

I see that windows report problem in module TITLELAYOUT.DLL. What do you thing??

And, other people's have this problem??

Thx Savage2004
Thx all.
The Adobe release is approx 12 GB.

Ultra CS3 is included in the retail Adobe Master collection.

Has anyone tried to update this version online?

On a separate note:

Adobe will be releasing their premium video package and master collection as a FULLY FUNCTIONAL trial version, BUT ONLY as a DVD set. They will NOT be available for download (big files). This trial will be upgradable to full product with a serial number.
This release will be in the next 6 weeks or so.

At the latest when this trial hits the streets, we can expect a true master collection torrent with working keygen- just the way we are used to.
Think we just have to wait for the proper keygen which will be able to unlock all the extras from this release...

I really doubt that MAGNiTUDE would release some fake release ...just think for a second...Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium was a proper ISO,Adobe Creative Suite Web Premium was a proper ISO...all released by the same i am pretty sure that this is it

just have to wait for a litle bit
The other releases from Magnitude, i.e Design Premium and Web premium are of the highest quality. No debate there.

The thing with this release is that it is not final. The installer is legit and it's possible that the code is final in the included apps, but I think that this might be the last internal test version of the Master Collection from Adobe.
Ultra CS3 should be included here, but isn't. It's quite possible that Adobe did some separate testing on this and that it got finished last.

Nonetheless... This release should make it possible for most to run the main apps, including the video suite, possibly without the option to update them online since there is no working keygen. But by the time there are important updates the 'real' final collection should be conveniently available.

I'm installing now on a secondary platfrom and I might report back what works and what doesn't.
I think Adobe Ultra CS3 could be coming on separate DVD as an addon to this release like some major MAGNiTUDE update.Yet I really doubt that any group is going to release in near future Master Collection as an ISO and MAGNiTUDE is surely not going to discredit themselves by releasing some form of final ISo.That just isnt the way the scene functions.There are only few other groups that are able to make proper releases from Adobe but a very few of them ever made ISOs.We could espect that from AGAiN yet more likely is working keygen for this release even tho they released really quality releases with Adobe GoLive and Adobe Acrobat 3D which are not integral parts of Master Collection.SSG group would be my other guess yet their ISOs can late for a year or even more.All others like X-Force,Paradox ...are doing only lame rips so wouldnt be counting on them.

Again I really belive this is final ISO and dont think other will come soon.

Proper keygen will do the job...regarding that try this new Premiere keygen and no error will encounter

I appreciate you thoughts even though we clearly differ on some points.

I am simply referring to the fact that Adobe will soon ship the FULL MC on DVD as a trial. When that happens we may or may not see a new release from *someone* with a working keygen. That would- on my part- be much prefered to applying cracked files on each app.

Apart from that- you mention a keygen for Premiere. Would you mind linking directly to it, or state the complete name?

(in the mean time I'll go looking)
you mail would be fine if you want me to send it to you

I added to my already installed Web- and Premium install with this installer (e.g. not a clean install).

Everything went smoothly.

All the apps start and closes without hickups. Did some basic image import in PPRO and AE and saved projects before closing.

Bridge starts and ads extensions for new apps (PPRO, AE, SB, CONT).

Uploader starts and updates all apps including itself.

FW and CONT got updated and start normally.

All seems ok wich is.... NICE.

told you
I would like to know if Encore DVD CS3, Premiere CS3 and Adobe Dynamic Link work?

Is it the educational version?


Premiere has the old Adobe Runtime error where a pure virtual function is called (R6025)

It doesn't restrict the use of the program, you get it on closing it if you have created titles in your session.

I guess Magnitude used an older file for cracking it?

Hope they can fix it.
MrMansson: I obtained full functional Premiere installing TITLESxxxDLL of the Trial. The build number of Magnitude version is 358, in trial is 372, so, TRIAL is more currentily. I trying merge trials dlls and exe in pack of Magnitude.
Doctor-BR: cara... premiere dessa verção ai ta bichadasso!! Eu consegui fazer ele funfar depois de substituir unas dll's pelas do trial que catei no site da abode. Depois testei e ficou fino!!! Estou tentando substituir essas dll's no pack final do Magnitude!
Premiere CS3 and Adobe Dynamic Link work just fine...just check that.Concerning that title error with Premiere I do not get that anymore since I activated it with keygen so seems it was just a bug in magnitude crack...
Marcosprod: interesting information- just as I expected.

Could you offer a quick solution in that you make a small torrent with just the 6 TitleXXX.dll files from your more recent Premiere version?

VforVendetta: You kindly offered to send keygen via mail. I will not post my email here, and I seem to not be able to send you a PM (is that feature removed?)

If you are not restriced by any group, would you consider releaseing the keygen in a torrent?
The torrent:

'Adobe CS3 Keygen' seems solid.

Without looking too carefully it seems to contain keygens for most if not all of the apps, including Premiere and AE
VforVendetta where can I find the keygen that work for you?

Marcosprod can you tell me if Encore DVD CS3, Premiere CS3 and Adobe Dynamic Link working fine? I really interest in Adobe Dynamic Link and I would like to know if Premiere CS3 is it the educational version?

Marcosprod você está no Brasil? Parece que o VforVendetta tem o Keygen que funciona sem nenhum problema e se relamente funcionar pode até ser possível atualizar os softwares.

MrMansson did you get the keygen?

Thanks guys.
yeah...i was wondering too whats with pm feature...

so did you get keygen or not

if not will have to find a way to post you that
V: Posting a keygen would be greatly apreciated. I think everybody likes keygens more than cracks, but none of them out there that i have found work so far. Thx

NoRefund17 what happed with your post (Adobe_Creative_Suite_3_Master_Collection_Final_Release_Vertion_DVD_ISO_No_Crack.rar)
why is down?

VforVendetta everybody want a keygen working... I don't have one and I wish that. So please release it please.

MrMansson: this is the TitlesXXX.dll ->


(Pure Virtual Function Call - R6025)

Doctor-BR: Cara... minha verssão aqui esta atualizando direitinho da net. Estou fazendo uma mescla da verssão do Magnitude e dos trials da net que estão todos atualizados!

MrMansson: My version most be right ALL UPDATES!!! hehehehe When I finish the merge of Magnitude + TRIAL's compilations a post torrent for downloads!

I downloaded your file and found it to be....

totally sweet. Titles no longer cause the error.

I have downloaded the keygen collection I mention above and it seems legit. Since all my apps are up and running now I haven't tried it, but there is no reason to think that the various keygens won't work.

Two of them worked for me when I activated the Web and Design suites.

Too bad the Master Collection keygen isn't out yet. That would be nice with the magnitude torrent and eliminate the use for all the cracks.
is it allowed here to post rapidshare links since i am not familiar with rules over here?

Marcosprod can you tell me if Adobe After Effects CS3 and Adobe Dynamic Link working fine? I really interest in Adobe Dynamic Link!

Marcosprod Explain what I need to do for all softwares work fine?

MrMansson did you get the keygen?

"VforVendetta at 2007-07-17 21:37 CET:
is it allowed here to post rapidshare links since i am not familiar with rules over here?"

Yep! Go ahead.
i can not write it here

somehow it wont submit
"VforVendetta at 2007-07-17 21:52 CET:
i can not write it here somehow it wont submit"

Why not?! Go to address, copy and past the entire address here. It's should work.
I managed with little problems...

You know what stands in place of *

Hope you make it

Report if you encounter on problems
I have also tried to create a torrent with the fixed dlls.

The seed should be up soon.
"VforVendetta at 2007-07-17 22:02 CET:

Thanks VforVendetta but on the rar file is two KeyGen (After Effects CS3 and Premire Pro CS3) how can this work in Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection?! Are your sure?!

Nobody can tell me if Adobe Dynamic Link working fine? I really interest in Adobe Dynamic Link! It's easy for try. Just open Adobe Premiere CS3, go to File - Adobe Dynamic Link - New After Effects Composition. That's it! Please guys.
I posted this for standalone applications of AE and APP ...

so it work fine for me , I checked it personally on AE...

As i already wrote Adobe Dynamic Link is working fine here m8
Dynamiq link is not working in the Magnitiude install with their cracks.

I think you will need a proper keygen for that to work.

I just did the testing myself and was a bit disappointed. This means I will need to reinstall everything as soon as a MC keygen is out.
if you know the right procedure of activating master suite this should use you...

However there is not yet true working keygen for Master Collection itself so it must be activated through one of the programs in the suite...

I posted these keygens because i heard the most complains on these two apps which are also downloadable as full standalone ISOs/if you dont know where dont even bother asking me
Doctor-BR - I had 25 gigs of upload in 2 days and becuase i have monitored shared internet within my dorm, i had my internet privledges revoked for a month. lol. This pissed off my roomate and he deleated all my torrents. I'm at work now posting. I'm not going to re upload it just becuase i dont feel like pissing off my roomate anymore (eventhough reposting it wont cause traffic if he finds out he will be mad). I am hopeing somebody will repost the torrent, i was able to upload to 30 seeds before my romate went balistic, so hopefully somebody reposts it. I'm really sorry. I also feel bad i wasnt able to get any full Ultra vertions uploaded before my internet was cut. Sorry all
Here is a Keygen that wiull let you install Master collection, both the Magnitude and the $24 Adobe trial. The problem is it will activate sdo you need to use the trick decripbed many times elsewhere with the cracked DLLs for Contribute. So in short, I am not sure if it is a VOlume license Keygen or one that generates #s that have to activated. All I know is that it generates #s that are accepted by Mastr Collection Enjoy
I'm having a problem with this program that doesn't look like it has been addressed yet. All of the programs work for me except premier and when i try to run it it says The procedure entry point ?UnregisterFilter@WinOSEventFilterer@UIF@@SAXP6A_NABUtagMSG@@PAX@Z1@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library UIFramework.dll. I'm not sure what to do. If someone can help me with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Yeah, damn right its a beta crap...they are just waiting you to upload the real deal

Can you confirm that when you install this release as per the readme (install crack- any old serial), that it is THEN possible to activate the individual apps without applying any further cracks to them, i.e. in the application folders?

I installed without crack with the MC keygen (no support for activation), but this calls for activation with MC serials ONLY. And until there is a proper MC keygen there's no solution.

What could be the reason that a MC keygen is lacking? It can't be more difficult to make one for the MC than for the other suites and the others were released quickly.
Has anyone solved the problem below:

justl00kin at 2007-07-11 17:42 CET:
doesn't work for me...when I start the setup it asks me to instert a disc into drive C:\ to continue... drive C is a hard disc - so there is no way to insert or mount there.

I'm having the same problem- I've tried mounting and burning the actual discs and it doesn't work. I even tried copying the folders to the C:| drive because it seems like it's looking there- but no luck..


The problem you are describing is related to your computer setup and how you have installed your mounting software. There is nothing in the ISOs that point to a certain drive.

Try to add more virtual drives to your mounting software. Then mount on a letter you've never used before (no auto mount or auto play).
Check in 'My Computer' to see if the disc gets mounted.
Then 'explore' the disc and click the autostart.exe

Other than that. Clean your system from old installs of Adobe apps or suites. Adobe offers a cleaup script.

Or better yet: offer Adobe SOME money by ordering the full MC trial on DVD, including Ultra and OnLocation.
For the price of a couple of pizza slices you get retail discs. The keygen with activation is bound to be released soon.

The DVDs is what I recommend everyone to do. I mean, come on... $24!?!?!
Do you really belive that this trial MC DVD will be so easily activated by some keygen.Be serious man, you really think that Adobe will actualy throw couple of thousands worth colllection of apps so that someone can just download a simple keygen from any place on the net and transform a 20$ in 2000$ or more???So far Adobe trials could never be made into full softwares and i really doubt that this will be possible this time either.Considering ISOs I think/correct me if I m wrong/that MAGNiTUDE release is still only on the scene so...
Yes, I do think that.

For years it has been possible to download trial software that unlocks to full potential through a keygen. Macromedia products come to mind, as well as stand alone Adobe products.

Recent examples are the keygens for Design and Web premium. They don't require 'cracked' torrent releases to unlock. You may as well order directly from Adobe.

Does this really surprise you?

Although I suspect the age difference between us to be a good 10 years, the torrent scene is clearly dominated by younger individuals.

Abobe is actively combating piracy on a professional level, and officially on all levels. To label a "college aged man illegally unlocking a $2500 software suite" as a $2500 loss of income is a laughable attempt at sqewing the figures.

Even though they would never confirm it, my estimate is that Adobe looks the other way, full well knowing that they are broadening their user base. When the young man grows up, earning real money, he will still want to use the products he knows so well.

Computer business is all about maket domination.

Piracy is no real loss if the individual would never buy the software anyway.

I am self learning these products now without the risk of investing. Once my business have black numbers I'll hold valid licenses for sure.

So, yes. I think there will be a keygen. Just like a 1000 times before.

Read up on Adobe. Prior trial versions were striped. With CS3 they've made a strategic decision not to strip them. When the keygens out they will have made $25 from me that they wouldn't have other wise. Smart.

And I doubt that I'm alone in ordering the DVDs...
"Abobe is actively combating piracy on a professional level, and officially on all levels. To label a "college aged man illegally unlocking a $2500 software suite" as a $2500 loss of income is a laughable attempt at sqewing the figures.

Even though they would never confirm it, my estimate is that Adobe looks the other way, full well knowing that they are broadening their user base. When the young man grows up, earning real money, he will still want to use the products he knows so well."

I fully respect your opinion although I doubt there is so much of age difference between two of us.We are just coming from different backrounds/social,political and undoubtedly geographical/ so we may have certain different points of view.I am coming from a southeast Europe were a precentage of illegalIpirated software on the market is hardly belivable 70%!!!A couple of years ago it was almost 90%.We hardly have a laws against piracy and belive me we are far from some undeveloped country.My point is , here in this region people are never going to buy softwares nomatter how much money they earn.

You are right about some Macromedia products, but that definetly does not stand for Adobe.

Will be there a keygen, maybe no, more likely yes, but that does not change the meaning of true ISO release.

In the end , it is all about market but remember software market is far away from just US market.There are other countries and regions in this world beside USA!!!
The so called VforVendetta guy is just trying to spread doubt. If you follow the instructions, this release works fine (I'm on Vista). Just don't try to update it.

VforVendetta sticks to his believes, but I don't think he's trying to stir people up.

This release is 85-90% working.

If you follow directions you get a cracked Master Collection without OnLocation CS3 and Ultra CS3.

The cracks used causes some problems with the titler in Premiere Pro, but that is fixable.

What's more serious is that since there is no serial activation in this crack, you don't get dynamic link. The D.L. feature is a suite feature that needs either a Production Premium or Master Collection serial.

VforVendetta claims to have it cracked with D.L. working and I suspect he used the install crack, but then activated Premiere Pro with a keygen (available), but he hasn't confirmed this. Maybe he will when he reads this, or explain his procedure.

Personally, I want Ultra CS3, so I ordered the trial DVDs and I'm hoping for a quick MC keygen release.
MrMansson where is the working keygen that doesnt support activation that you talked about? If used with certain other cracks that could come in handy for some i think :). If you could post a link woudl be apreciated
For the MC keygen follow the link posted by jtoolman a couple of posts up.

But like I say: no activation, so it's only an alternative to the Magnitude '.dll install with any serial trick'.

Maybe someone can develop the keygen to a full blown activation utility?
I am not any kind of a torrent guy and never really used torrent in any purpose.Just loogged here because I wanted to comment some fake ideas about this top MAGNiTUDE release.Although I managed to activate MC edition with kind of trick I will try to upload by tonight on