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Applications > Windows
357.26 MB

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Mar 19, 2007

A powerful Swedish language learning tool.


Takk... soon i'll be able to understand all of least I hope so!!!

Why should we learn swedish? Sweden should learn english instead! Thiere language is not so much used as english is!
Yes... Good luck. Actually it's TACK :P There! You have your first word learned already.
precis vad jag satt och drömde om...
Hehe, we Swedes own Tpb and alot of DC++ hubs so theres a reason to learn Swedish. Still, must of us understand english.
pls seed!
Men är det inte bättre att helt enkelt flytta till sverige? Det gjorde jag - £1.50 på Ryanair :-)
Tack för ett kanonbra program.
du har inte engelska också?
Nej, tyvärr.
Är det någon som kan förklara hur man installerar denna? Måste man bränna den på CD först eller? I så fall hur och vilka filer?
Could ppl please continue to seed this PLEASE? :)
I'm going to go ahead and ask a most likely silly question.

how do I get this to work once installed?
Good advice: During installation choose the
'Copy multimedia to the hard drive' option.
Thanks for seeding this... I'm going round Sweden this summer and although I'm sure most people will speak English, it's frankly embarrassing that everyone in Europe makes an effort except us Brits!
Crackzter is a prime example of why most Americans are dumbasses.
Crackzter, you make me embarrassed.
Thank you very much! I knew in TPB i would find it :D.
Its a bin file. Is this for Linux? How do u run in windows?
Can anyone help? All downloaded and extracted the evl-lswn BIN file. But when trying to run the setup file can't get past the InstallShield Wizard. How did yous get it going??
Exactly, Most Swedish People know English xD

And Ima Learn Swedish xD,

A Hope

Just spent a week in Sweden and even tho nearly everyone speaks English, I still wanna be able to know what the fuck they're saying when talking to each other. Thanks for the upload!
Is there any chance to get before you know it delux to learn swedish.
Can anyone tell me what to do with these files once ive finished downloading this? My computer skills are decent, but I really have no idea how to install this. I have windows Vista. Can someone give me step by step directions please? thanks
I'm an example of why people would need to learn Swedish, you fucking twat.

I'm an American and I just made a lifelong move to Sweden to live with my boyfriend. Sure, he speaks flawless English, but why should I be a fat tub of American hamburger grease and sit around and expect everyone to cater to me just because I'm too lazy to learn the language of their country? I'm the one coming into Sweden, and they have a right to speak Swedish. You fucking idiot. Go back to church. I hope somebody burns it down.
andreas212: "My computer skills are decent, but I really have no idea how to install this."

This my friends, is why America will be a third world country in 50 years. Or less.

He really believes his computer skills are 'decent'. A person that doesn't know what to do with bin/cue files. A person who can't even google for 'bin cue files'.

Instead of just the smallest effort on his part, he instead immediatley comes here for someone to rescue him. He needs step by step instructions. America, land of the "I need step by step instructions".

Anyway, the torrent is great. Once you go through the incredibly complicated process of mounting the cue file, it's pretty good. I would suppliment this with a pimsleur or other series, but even on its own it's good.

Thanks for the up!
Requesting "Learn German Now" by transparent language
Oh man, don't be so mean, if the guy doesn't know what to do with a bin file why don't you help him? Nobody's gonna cut your hand if you're doing some good.
Anyone had problems starting on XP sp3.I double click the icon and nothing happens.IT worked great on win7.I have the latest quicktime
If torrent doesn't work go here
Thank's for the up
AWESOME!! Thanks for the great upload :P