Details for this torrent 

Video > Movies DVDR
4.15 GB

Spoken language(s):
Texted language(s):
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish
+0 / -0 (0)

Feb 11, 2007

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                               RELEASE NOTES

 TiTLE.....[ A Walk To Remember
 YEAR......[ 2002
 GENRE.....[ Drama / Romance 
 RUNTiME...[ 1h 37min 
 RELDATE...[ 2007-02-11
 iMDB RATE.[ 6.7/10 
 iMDB URL..[

 AUDiO.....[ English DD2.0

 SUBS......[ Danish  
           [ Finnish
           [ Norwegian
           [ Swedish
 ViDEO.....[ DVD 
 MENU......[ Retail 
 FiLES.....[ 90x50 mb
 IMG SIZE..[ 4,35 GB  
 SOURCE....[ DVD Retail

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   #MN0          RMgpmpN~       ^~NM00Q#0K0#0g_q0M^` #00`  _pM       #0N     
    Q0M0q          ````       __pN0MN00#00N0000M~     M&&0NM~      g0M0`     
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 Each spring in the little port town of Beaufort, North Carolina, Landon
 Carter remembers his senior year at Beaufort High and Jamie Sullivan, the
 girl who changed his life. Serious and conservative, Jamie (Moore) was as
 far from cool as she could possibly be, and didn't care. Landon (West) hung
 with the in-crowd an aimless, moody, reckless guy who breezed through school
 on looks and bravado and had no plans, no future and no faith in himself.
 When a prank goes terribly wrong landing a kid in the hospital, Landon is
 assigned to tutor a young student on the weekends and participate in the
 Drama Club's spring play. Clearly in over his head with both assignments,
 Landon is forced to ask Jamie for help. Soon, against his own expectations
 and the scorn of his friends, Landon finds himself falling in love with this
 outwardly plain girl who possesses a passion for life he never imagined

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   #MN0          RMgpmpN~       ^~NM00Q#0K0#0g_q0M^` #00`  _pM       #0N     
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      ~0MN000000M0M0000M&0M""`   _p0~       M  ^#0BMM00M00MM0M0NM0N"`        
           '~~~~~~~"`          _0M'          X    ^M#gg_`~~~~^``             
                             r~~             3       ^7MMmm,,                


                         Enjoy this good quality movie!
                              And don't complain!
                             Or do this your self!


euxaristw polu
thanks to every seeder that'll help me dwld this [about 30 hrs left]
i'll go for 1.0 ratio # at least !
use winrar to extract the dvd image from within the archives.
mount it using daemon tools or
burn it using nero.
pls,seed. i want this movie in dvd format. thx
Hey can someone please please write a comment here saying how to turn the subtitle off all together!

Do i just not extract a certain file??
Dude, just turn it off in your player.
can anyone confirm the quality?
/how long did it take for you to finish downloading
Much Appreciated
could someone seed please?