Details for this torrent 

Games > PC
66.22 MB

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Jan 14, 2007
seedaren (bra dator)

This map contains Cracks, NOT Games! And i Can only seed if you download so...
Anyway this map contains these cracks to these games:

All Harry Potter Games 1,2,3 and 4
All Battlefield games
All GTA games
Almost All The Sims Games
Wc3 TfT and RoC Games (Working in Bnet)
WoW (server patcher)
Doom 3

If you want more cracks to more games just write to me here and i upload a new torrent with more cracks... And remember after you have downloaded this map, seed.. or everybody will write: "Seed plzz seed!!" or something rediculus!

It is .zip so it wont be hard to unpack... and i hope you know that you have to overwrite the .exe with the normal game  .exe! If you want more help or something just add my msn:

P.S Write good comments please, because this is the first time i upload a torrent!


Yes but these cracks in those websites usally not works.. so :)
Only so everybody know.. i am seeding but the upload on my interner connection is dying or something.. but i will try!! :D
Now i am seeding it works perfect again! :) Do not forget to seed!
well this is my fourth comment XD But i hope you know that there is 9 that is downloading on 1 upload.. so don't be angry if you see it goes slowly!! :) - there is planty off crack for program and game
OHH MY GOD!! do you really think i can take 14 downloaders for myself? =O is a virus site...
I need more seeders or i will tohell with this torrent!! Seeders NOW
sorry guys i'll stop seed for today i will start again tomorrow! :) Cya
whats a Crack.
usefuly i download xbox games

need Help!!!
something what makes a program/game free.
but my game won't work and i have put in the battlefield2 crack

need help!
Varsågod :) If the Battlefield 2 cracks doesn't work i hope u know that you can't play in internet game with that.... and if it doesn't work anyway then you did some wrong because all these cracks are tested and fully works
pls help white Airliner Pilot fs 2004 add on
men du om du är svensk så skriver jag nu på svenska men jag skriver på engelska med...
ett crack...kan man inte använda de om man inte har spelet???
can you not play the crack if you dont have the game??? that is stupid....well well...
What is doom 3 cd key ? plz help me

Need crack Keygen to

Matrix Online PC
And 1 other thing ,

How DO u SEED ?
Who has the crack for BF2 patchet up to 1.41 ...

I have tried everything---incl. bf2 all-in-one online pack .......Daemon tools for vista64..etc...

Bo Rock på 2007-05-09 17:18 CET:

Sorry...This crack WORKS with 1.41 in x64vista.ul. THANKS.

But I need a new key to register to web...

Can I go into the bf2 programfolder and make a new key without uninstalling ????

And how ? Plese help !

And remember to seed !
har någon crack till the sims 2 året runt???
I like the "fans" that have downloaded this file, over 1000 ppl.. thanks for that m8s! :D
Btw here's the help of mosts of the question:

I can't upload anymore, but i can tell my friends if they can upload some of the cracks here...

A crack is: A copied .exe file, that replaces and it works like a CD, and that's why you can play without CD, and yes, ofc you need the game to play with the crack, see it like this: Try to play a game, without it have been installed... Cracks doesn't work on X-Box games... becuz if you've chipped the X-Box it have "self-cracked-system" that is like a crack.. so play along with dl:ed xbox games :D

I hope that was the answer of almost all of your questions.. just write more if you want to ask something more!

See ya! :D

P.S I can't seed anymore becuz of the new Computer D.S

Sry for this: "A copied .exe file, that replaces and it works like a CD"
I ment: A copied .exe file, that replaces THE .EXE file, and it works like a CD"
Sorry for that m8s :)
Sorry, i forgot some answers! :D here they comes:
Answer to "Bo_Rock": The battle field cracks/keys that you find on internet doesn't work on internet...
so you can only play aginst bots, sorry for that!

answer to "rogerjr": VVXK-BB4L-FCUV-5J7E-8E or T5W9-GEAC-6A88-GSHY-E8 or L9A4-YJBA-CJTX-H4L3-16 or G4GE-JUMZ-BJYV-FEJU-02 or ZBEN-PYR7-2W9Q-98QE-8F or PVXB-L6U7-JPUZ-V3ND-B4 ECGJ-VU9Q-TTR5-EGGN-9C is some CD-Keys to Doom 3! :D

Answer to "AlexMiguel" You automaticly seed after you've downloaded a file! :D

And "Bo_Rock" here's a CD-key to NON-internet Play: K4CU-XFCW-A35P-QIEV-BVTL YTGY-TJ59-CPNG-7EVT-MVTL D7SS-SLAS-LKH6-CBZE-MVTL DVAS-WAD9-YDYT-XC78-5VTL Try them or write a new comment! :D

That was answers to all of the questions :D!
Hjälp mig seedaren. När jag försöker öppna BF2.exe filen så står det "Det här programmet kunde inte startas eftersom Memory.dll inte kunde hittas. Det här problemet kanske kan rättas till genom att du installerar om programmet". Måste man ha "Zip" elr vad det heter, elr går det bra med WinRar. Om det inte spelar någon roll så HJÄLP MIG!!!
hmm, Blaze, ditt problem e vanligt, MEN, det går att fixa, gör så här:
1. Kolla om ngt av dina andra spel har den filen, om dem har, kopiera den klistra sedan in den i BF2 mappen
2. du kan ladda ner .dll filer på
3. funkar inte dessa 2, adda min msn: och skriv till mig, så skickar ja dll filen över msn,
Ha de så bra :) hej då
Hi! Hope u feel well.
I wonder if u have a crack
To My Horse and Me.
I can just not found it anywere .
So I hope u can help me.
If u do I kissu a big kiss.And I se u are swedish
Me to lol.
Could you send me BattleField1942 version 1.61b crack, please?
If it isn't to ask too much, send it to me at, could you?
Could you upload crack for total overdose?
i would like to have a crck for Quake 4 please ! :D
GTA 3 crack don't works need cd
kijk uit virrus , trojanpaard
gecontroleerd door spydoctor en trend mirco internet security
Okay i'm back, continuing to upload torrents.. i'll continue to put up cracks for u guys! (Virus free stuffs)