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Video > Movie clips
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Dec 30, 2006

 * Saddam.Hussein.Pre-Execution.Hanging                        *
 *                                                             *
 * CNN TV Footage of Saddam with rope around neck and no hood. *
 * The footage cuts shortly before the actual execution.       *
 *                                                             *

 Brought to you by: FaKeD


Btw he stands like a man ;P
About fuckin`time he died, the bastard.
Bring out the champagne!!!!!! Hoooraaayyy!!!
you don't see the stick up his ars that is holding him up. Even Hittler had enough guts to Kill him self. Hussein was found cowarding in a hole remember.
you call that a man no man i know would do the things to other human beings let alone any living creature like he did he is a monster dick tater do you know what the fuck that is byxbeN maybe you should have lunch with hime where he is going if you like him so well.
good torrent and speed, here are another shot on him dead:)
sorry the last comment i send IS A FAKE so dont download:)
now hang bush, and the war on terror is won. :)
You bunch of tree hugging fucking pansies....Look @ it over there now, Cival war approaching fast.....The only way you can manage those cromag motherfuckers is to instill fear in them..They have been fighting since the beginning of time and they will continue until another like Hussein puts them back in check....Put 5 jews and 5 Germans in the same room and tell them to get along and see what happens....The US has bitten off more than we can chew..
Well i for what its worth think what he got was to good for him , i men do you think he thought twice bout the way he abused women and children? Did he fuck,thats why i am looking foward to watching the evil & twisted dictator get what he deserved. I a right up for watching a bit of sadams sorry asse swinging in the breeze on a new years eve. I will add tho in my eyes a certain Mr G Bush & Mr T Blair are no betterto some degree but at least a positive start has been made to start 2007 off in the knowledge that Mr Hussien the dictator, the coward, and the playground bully can't and will not be able to fulfill any more of his hanous cries against humanity. Feel free to throw whatever abuse you want to in my direction but to be frank after yesterdays good news i really don't give a fuck.
Do your own research.

Fire does not melt steel at 1200 degrees F.
Steel melts at 2750 degrees F.

It's a technical impossibility for steel to melt at 1200. And it will certainly not melt in a dirty un-controlled open-air kerosine-fuelled fire.
You cannot get a 110-story pancake collapse in 8,4 seconds (free fall speed - the speed at which an object drops through air).

Never would a pancake collapse GAIN speed and go beyond the speed of gravity, it would LOOSE speed since it would fall into the path of most resistance - the building itself. For it to fall at free fall speed the floors beneath would have to cease to exist completely BEFORE the upper floor reaches them.

George Bush and the other goons in the government can't change the laws of physics, even if they say they can.

Learn to think for yourselves.
no man will do shit like Bush did. Execute that Bitch