Details for this torrent 

Video > Movies DVDR
4.13 GB

Spoken language(s):
Texted language(s):
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
+0 / -0 (0)

Dec 13, 2006

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                               RELEASE NOTES

 TiTLE.....[ R-Point
 YEAR......[ 2004 
 GENRE.....[ Action / Horror / War
 RUNTiME...[ 1h 47min
 RELDATE...[ 2006-10-13
 iMDB RATE.[ 6.1/10 
 iMDB URL..[

 AUDiO.....[ korean DD5.1

 SUBS......[ Danish
           [ Swedish
           [ Norwegian

 ViDEO.....[ DVD 
 MENU......[ Retail 
 FiLES.....[ 89x50 MB
 IMG SIZE..[ 4,35 GB  
 SOURCE....[ DVD Retail

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 The story opens with a transmission being received from the abandoned
 island of R-Point, but it's a message that comes from a squad of Korean
 soldiers who disappeared six months previously and are presumed dead.
 Lieutenant Tae-In Choi (Kam) is the man assigned to lead a search party into
 R-Point to find out exactly what happened to the missing men, but as he and
 his team proceed further into unknown territory, they find traces of a curse.
 Something is watching them from the shadows, strange figures move through the
 jungle around them, and when one of their number vanishes, they discover that
 the missing soldier may have been one of the men they were sent to rescue. 

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           '~~~~~~~"`          _0M'          X    ^M#gg_`~~~~^``             
                             r~~             3       ^7MMmm,,                


                         Enjoy this good quality movie!
                              And don't complain!
                             Or do this your self!


Thx mate, you are a thrue pirate who take the full responsabillity and righten you´re earlier bad UL Keep goin.........
HI! First: Thanks, great upload and the movie sound really good. But i´m stuck at 99.9 %, do you know if u can stop there, unpack it and burn it and then it will work???

Thanks again!
Kill187, delete the old torrent and keep the downloaded files. Then load this new torrent and asign the old map and voilá..... it will finish to 100%. It worked fine for me just 1 hour ago.
shanty12: thanks! now i have 100%!!!
You shouldn't use the word "nordic" in torrents name, if you don't have at least swe, fin, nor & dan subs.
COME on peeps seed please - 99.9% - been sat idle for a while.

muchas gracias
everyone downloading this might aswell STOP. you are not going to get past 99.9% it's been stuck at that on mine for 3 days. Don't waste your time :/
taskig kvalitet på bild, men tack ändå
seed please - 99.9% - been sat idle for a while
come on now! i would love to see this movie please seed 0.1 % :)
it just stop on 97,8