- Type:
- Video > TV shows
- Files:
- 19
- Size:
- 180.32 MB
- Spoken language(s):
- English
- Quality:
- +0 / -0 (0)
- Uploaded:
- Oct 6, 2006
- By:
- nissssse
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Compare the images in the Sample ┬│ ┬│ folder, notice how theirs is washed out. ┬│ ┬│ Character's skin color should be white/tan not ┬│ ┬│ yellow. ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ The boys dedicate their lives to defeating a ┬│ ┬│ mad gamer and saving the World of Warcraft. ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ Enjoy ;) ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ┬│ ┬│ ├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢┬░├£├ƒ├¢├ƒ├¢┬░├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢ ├¢├£├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢├ƒ├£├£├¢┬░├£├ƒ├¢ ┬│ ├â├ä├ä├¢ ├¥├ƒ├¢ ├ƒ├£├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├ƒ ├¢├ä├ä├¢┬░├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├£├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä-├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├║├║ ├║ ┬│ ├¢ ├ƒ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├ƒ ├¢ ├ƒ ├¢ ├¢├ƒ├ƒ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢┬░├¢┬▓├¢ ├ƒ ├¢ ┬│ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ Special thanks to h8! ┬│ for the new nfo. ┬│ ┬│ • group info ┬│ ┬│ KYR is here to bring you the best of the olden & golden eras, ┬│ the currents and the oddities of wrestling and MMA loved by all. ┬│ No discrimination, one mans garbage is the next mans gold. We do ┬│ not condone any kind of selling of our releases, or any warez at ┬│ all, and we encourage everyone to buy all that is available ┬│ commercially, though obviously not everything we do is. ;) ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ • we are now looking for... ┬│ ┬│ + Internal EU Sites 30mbit+ ┬│ + Digital cappers with high speeds (120KB+) ┬│ * Anything else that might help us ┬│ ┬│ ┬│ • KYR respects... ┬│ ┬│ everyone keeping it real and oldschool. we love ya! ┬│ ┬│ ├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ┬│ ├£├£├£├£┬▓ ├£├£├£ ├¢├£┬▓ ├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ┬▓├¥ ┬│ ├║ ├║├║├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä--├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├¢ ├£├£ ├¥├₧├¢├¢├¥├£├£ ├¥├₧├¢├¢├¥├ƒ├ƒ ├₧├¢├¢├¥├₧├¢ ├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä┬┤ ├¢ ├¢├¢ ├£├¢├¢├ƒ ├¢├¢ ├£├¢├¢┬▓ ├¢├¢ ├£├¢├¢├ƒ ├¢├¥ K N O W ┬│ ascii crafted by ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├¢┬▓├£ ├₧├¢├¢┬▓├ƒ ├£ ├¢├¢├¢├¢┬▓├£ ├ƒ├¢ ┬│ ├¢ ├¢├¢ ├ƒ├¢├¢┬▓ ├¢├¢ ├£┬▓├¢ ├¢├¢ ├ƒ├¢├¢┬▓ ┬▓├¥ Y O U R ┬│ h8`!HiGHONASCii ├¢ ├¢├¢ ├¥├₧├¢├¢├¥ ├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢ ├¥├₧├¢├¢├¥├₧├¢ ┬│ ├¢ ├¢┬▓ ├¢ ├¢├¢┬▓ ├¢┬▓ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢┬▓ ├¢ ├¢├¢┬▓ ├¢ R O L E ┬│ ├║ ├║├║├ä-├ä----├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├¢├£├£├£├£┬▓├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£┬▓ ├¢├£├£├£├£┬▓├£├£├£├£├£┬▓ ├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├Ö ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ┬░┬▒┬▓┬▓├¥ ├¢ ├£├£├¢ ├£├ƒ├¢ ├£├ƒ├¢┬▓┬▓├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢ ├¢┬▓├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢┬░├£├ƒ├¢ ├£├£├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢ ├£├£├¢┬▓┬▓├¢┬░├£├ƒ├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢┬░├£├ƒ├¢┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▒├¢ ├¢├£├£┬░├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢┬▒┬▒├¢ ├ƒ├£├¢ ├£├¢├¢ ├¢┬▒├¢ ├£├¢├¢ ├£ ├¢├£├£┬░├¢ ├£├¢├¢├£├£┬░├¢┬▒┬▒├¢ ├£ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢┬▒┬▒┬░ ┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▓┬▓├¢┬░├¢├£├ƒ ├¢├£├ƒ┬░├¢├£├ƒ┬░├¢┬▓┬▓├¢ ├¢ ├¢├£├ƒ├ƒ├¢├£├ƒ├ƒ├¢├£├ƒ├ƒ├¢├£├¢ ├¢├£├ƒ ├¢├£├ƒ├ƒ├¢├£├ƒ ├¢┬▓┬▓├¢├£├¢ ├¢├£├¢ ├¢ ├ƒ├£├¢┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├£├£ ├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ┬░┬▒┬▓┬▓├¢├ƒ├£ ├¢┬░├£├ƒ├¢├ƒ├¢┬░├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢├£ ├£├¢├£├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢├ƒ├£┬░├¢┬░├¢┬░├¢┬░├¢┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▒├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢ ├¢├¢┬░├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¥├ƒ├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢┬▒┬▒┬░ ┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▓┬▓├¢├£├ƒ┬░├¢ ├ƒ ├¢ ├ƒ ├¢├£├¢ ├¢├¢┬░├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢┬░├ƒ ├¢├ƒ├¢├ƒ├¢├ƒ├¢┬▓┬▓┬▒┬░ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ [unfo-maker 2.1]
xD I play world of warcraft and this looks like sum nuuby crap, but its still funny and cool xD
Kan någon fixa svensk text på denna?
Great episode. Thanks!
its an video response to show how fat and ugly you can get by WoW... more like.. how you can look like you
its an video response to show how fat and ugly you can get by WoW... more like.. how you can look like you