- Type:
- Games > PC
- Files:
- 41
- Size:
- 1.81 GB
- Quality:
- +1 / -1 (0)
- Uploaded:
- Sep 2, 2006
- By:
- Ythan
├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£ ├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├£ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├£ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢├¢├¢ ├¢ ├¢├£ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ├£├¢ ├ƒ├¢├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├£├¢├¢├ƒ ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ├ƒ ♦ P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! ! ♦ Call Of Juarez (C) Techland ├ä♦├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä♦├ä Release Date : 09-01-2006 Protection : SecuROM Release Type : DVD Game Genre : Shooter ├ä♦├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä♦├ä Release Notes: Fight your way through the Wild West, birthplace of the term "shooter," in the only game to give you an authentic look into the Old West and all its glory, through the eyes of the hunter AND the hunted. South Texas. 1882. Billy Candle has just turned 19 and he stands accused of murdering his mother and stepfather. Hot on his trail is Reverend Ray McCall, his stepfather?s brother and an infamous gunfighter who believes the Lord has chosen him to be Billy's judge, jury and executioner. Call of Juarez is an epic western adventure about vengeance, survival and the search for a legendary lost treasure. Wild West: As seen in some of Hollywood's most memorable feature films, immerse yourself in the most authentic Wild West environments and scenarios ever experienced on the PC, including saloon brawls, train robberies, old-time shootouts, and bare-knuckle brawling. Dual Gameplay: Play as two opposing characters, each equipped with differing skills, abilities and weaponry. As Billy, use your bow and craftiness to sneak in and out of trouble; as Ray, stop enemies in their tracks with your mesmerizing preaching, only to take them down with your six-shooter moments later. Multiplayer: Shoot your way out of some of the Old West's most infamous events, such as Billy the Kid's shootout at Stinking Springs Ranch, in one of several objective modes or take the law into your own hands and hunt down a band of outlaws on the run with your friends in co-op mode! Technology: Using the third installment of Techland's own Chrome game engine, Call of Juarez recreates the distinct rough-and-tumble beauty of the Old West through detailed and realistic environments and levels that spread across miles of terrain. Reactive AI: Encounter intelligent Old West enemies, each with individual skills, who use their environments to their advantage, employ suppressive fire and work together as a group to shoot you down. Weapons and Equipment: Take to the dirt roads on your horse, equipped with genuine Wild West weaponry and equipment like the standard issue six-shooter or the traditional bow and arrow. ├ä♦├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä♦├ä Install Notes: 1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent 2. Burn in a120, burn with rmps checked, install DT4 with vdrives disabled, and enable rmps emulation in DT4. alternative option is mounting the image with Daemon-Tools,use Securom loader to start game. 3. Install Game 4. When asked for a key, use COJ-RKYRT-9FACF-YE9AA-E9XCF-ECF9Y Enjoy Call Of Juarez, brought to you first by Unleashed.....But you already had a feeling we whould be the first didnt u :P ├ä♦├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä♦├ä Unleashed salutes all friends of the family, contacts and competition! ├ä♦├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä├ä♦├ä " After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, "No hablo ingles." "
Have anyone managed to get this to work yet? I'm having some trouble getting around that securerom crap. I've tried both approaches that's detailed in the info-file, but I can't get it to work!
I usually just wait for the cracked versions, but this time I just can't wait. I think I'll love this game..
Can someone give me some tips in getting this to work?
I usually just wait for the cracked versions, but this time I just can't wait. I think I'll love this game..
Can someone give me some tips in getting this to work?
just use asr.exe for loading the game ; securom loader
Isn't this one scheduled for release in december???
MOahahaahahahhahahah, Will TakE ForEVeR To DOwNlOAd! HAHAHA
No this is the real version of call of juarez and its supposed to be released begining of Augusti.... everyone who got truoble with securomloader must wait until the Reloaded Crack getting released PERHAPS after 1 week... be patient!
SEPTEMBER! sorry my bad :D
WwwwwwwwwheeeeyeyyY! Coool, 2 seeders 300 lechers! xD
Seed please !
Sooo, anyone gets by the secrom? ^^
ive get the game in i just have to wait for crack :/
Yes, it works. Just download and mount with daemon-tools, then start with securerom loader.
Work fine with deamon tools and securom loader... for me anyway!
anyone has test if works mounting the image with DaemonTool v3.47 and running with "asr.exe" ?, thx :)
30 people have finished download, and actually only 8 seeding....and 810 leechers..
Please keep seeding while u play the game singleplayer..
Please keep seeding while u play the game singleplayer..
Hi.. I used deamon tool 3.47 and have tryd to use securom loader but it still say i dont have the cd ?? Please can i get some help.. //Jimmy
funkar skitbra, tack för länken DEAMON
Worked perfectly for me to just mount and use Securom ,,, only problem was i had Anti-blaxx running in the background ,, but once i quit the program everything worked just fine =D ,,, GOOD release ,, but the system requirements are crazy =/
Can anyone confirm? Can I install this game on my computer WITHOUT getting any God damned virus's? I would like to know that. I have downloaded it and searched through the .rar-files, and it's positive. But does the "Installation" contain any virus's?
I think you guys are just freakin out about the "virus" thing. From what I recall, alot of people said they had "viruses" from the demo version too. It's just your scanner reading a file wrong.
It's like with AVG Free Edition virus scanner, java gave me 3 "viruses" .. But obviously the 3 files aren't actually viruses, they're java files, and the scanner just read em wrong, don't worry about it.
I'm about to DL the torrent and pray it works! =\
I'm sure I'll get fucked over though, I always do. I've never used daemon tools or the other thing before so I hope I do it right.
It's like with AVG Free Edition virus scanner, java gave me 3 "viruses" .. But obviously the 3 files aren't actually viruses, they're java files, and the scanner just read em wrong, don't worry about it.
I'm about to DL the torrent and pray it works! =\
I'm sure I'll get fucked over though, I always do. I've never used daemon tools or the other thing before so I hope I do it right.
Also, I'm new to pirate bay/bit torrent.. I'm guessing seeding lets people download from you.. How do you seed?
Also, if someone could PM me and tell me why (even with firewall off), it stays at "Checking connection" for 5 minutes and doesn't do anything, that'd be cool.. It said 1kb/sec for 30 seconds once, then went back to 0 and still said checking. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
No luck here. it either keeps detecting the emulation software (DT), detects it as a backup and wont let me play OR I get a "a security module cannot be activated" message.
anyone got any bright ideas?
anyone got any bright ideas?
It Works fine for me too.. Just mount it with the application "Daemon" tipped us about before..
Thanks !
Thanks !
I'm glad people have it running so quickly. Thanks, Unleashed!
I'm having trouble, though. Like everyone seems to be doing, I mount the image with Daemon Tools (newest version), install it, and then open the .exe with the Securom loader. I get an error message telling me to use the original disk instead of a copy.
Does anyone know what to do to counteract this? If not, can those who got it to work tell us some specifics (i.e. did you mount it with all options on?)?
I'm having trouble, though. Like everyone seems to be doing, I mount the image with Daemon Tools (newest version), install it, and then open the .exe with the Securom loader. I get an error message telling me to use the original disk instead of a copy.
Does anyone know what to do to counteract this? If not, can those who got it to work tell us some specifics (i.e. did you mount it with all options on?)?
Works like a charm! Good game, very neat.
Abbasill: I tried it, but it didn't work. How did you install the game? Did you mount it with DT4 (options?)? Or did you burn it with Alcohol?
Got same problem as tonyboner.
I mounted and installed, tried securom loader, tried even using pr0tst0p, and I still get the
"Please use the original instead of a copy/backup"
God this sucks I really wana play :(
I mounted and installed, tried securom loader, tried even using pr0tst0p, and I still get the
"Please use the original instead of a copy/backup"
God this sucks I really wana play :(
If anyone had the
"Please insert the original instead of a copy/backup" and fixed it, can you please email me how to fix it at or post it here.
"Please insert the original instead of a copy/backup" and fixed it, can you please email me how to fix it at or post it here.
Got the exact same problem, i did everything that got repeated so many times here, i get the message
1. Unable to authenticate the original disc within the time limit.
1. Unable to authenticate the original disc within the time limit.
For Everyone that cant get the game to work : Remember To Moutn The Mds File not MDF. It didnt work for me when i used the MDF so i tryed MDS, and voila... then just do the cureROM thingy and it WILL work.
Well I have tried Everything Burning the MDS to disk method in A120 w/RMPS and still get this error message
[Conflict with Emulation Software detected]
when I try to run with the secur asr.exe v1.2 NOTHING :(
From where/cd/A120/DT4.03? did you install it?
Can someone post a step by step from Install/Mount/Play to running? PLEASE!!!! :)
Why isnt this Dam thing working others have it working So it does work so Why?....Crap!!!!
[Conflict with Emulation Software detected]
when I try to run with the secur asr.exe v1.2 NOTHING :(
From where/cd/A120/DT4.03? did you install it?
Can someone post a step by step from Install/Mount/Play to running? PLEASE!!!! :)
Why isnt this Dam thing working others have it working So it does work so Why?....Crap!!!!
Where's the .mds file? I only have the .mdf file. And it doesn't work. I've tried to mount it in Daemon tools 4.03 and loded in securom, but still doesn't work.
doh! i get this timelimit thing. its strange it only works for some people...
"When i use daemon tools only game says that emulation sofware detected and when i use securonloader it says that a required security module cannot be activated."
Don't put the asr.exe in the same directory with the game exe. At least it worked for me. Hope you got it work too.
Don't put the asr.exe in the same directory with the game exe. At least it worked for me. Hope you got it work too.
Where is the mds file ?
Can i get a mds file out of a mdf file oO ??
Could someone send me the mds file ?
Can i get a mds file out of a mdf file oO ??
Could someone send me the mds file ?
Maybe I got a bright idea!
Using DT4 and secuROM loader didn't work for me when loading the .mdf file in DT4. I think that the problem is caused by the fact that there is no .mds file, so I made one by making a new image using the 'make image wizard' in al120. Then I loaded the .mds file in DT4 (all emulations off) and used secuROM loader to start the game. et voila! Now it works!!
Using DT4 and secuROM loader didn't work for me when loading the .mdf file in DT4. I think that the problem is caused by the fact that there is no .mds file, so I made one by making a new image using the 'make image wizard' in al120. Then I loaded the .mds file in DT4 (all emulations off) and used secuROM loader to start the game. et voila! Now it works!!
I cant get past the episode where to sneak out of town, they always spot me and shoot me. Please help!
What the hell happen'd?? I Mounted the image in DT and used the securom thingy and i see the littli minimized bar appearing - then everything turns black and i can't get anything to work?!
I tired making a new image to get the .mds, too, but that failed.
Damn it some files wont install!
Man is it really the full game!?
Ill cancel my preorder and start dl right away, loved the demo,,,
Ill cancel my preorder and start dl right away, loved the demo,,,
Bah!! I get the "Unable to authenticate original disc within time limit." error! Can anyone help me with that?
lets post some basic system specs and maybe narrow it down.
AMD 4200+
Nforce 4 chipset
Nvdia GeForce 7800 GT
2gb of Corsair XMS RAM
2 Maxtor 7200 RPm HD's (80gb and 200gb)
Xp Pro w/SP2
Mine won't work and I've tried the steps exactly and every other permutation I could think of.
AMD 4200+
Nforce 4 chipset
Nvdia GeForce 7800 GT
2gb of Corsair XMS RAM
2 Maxtor 7200 RPm HD's (80gb and 200gb)
Xp Pro w/SP2
Mine won't work and I've tried the steps exactly and every other permutation I could think of.
Amd Athlon(tm) 64 Processor
2.21 GHz, 1,00 GB of RAM
Nvidia Geforce 7900 GT
2.21 GHz, 1,00 GB of RAM
Nvidia Geforce 7900 GT
I also got the problem with Deamon and Securerom not working. SOLUTION!!! Restart Windows!! Teh oldest Microsoft trick in the book. Works fine now.
I restarted about 5 times now so that's not the problem.
This is what I did to get it to work.
Go to, dl mini image.
Restart computer, then mount the .mds file(the one u dled from gameburn) with all emu options off, then run pr0tst0p and click hide, then exit pr0stop. then put Securom Loader 7.2 into the Call of juarez folder and launch it there, select Coj.exe and it worked!
This is what I did to get it to work.
Go to, dl mini image.
Restart computer, then mount the .mds file(the one u dled from gameburn) with all emu options off, then run pr0tst0p and click hide, then exit pr0stop. then put Securom Loader 7.2 into the Call of juarez folder and launch it there, select Coj.exe and it worked!
And what the heck is pr0stop?! :/ PLS help me! I dont get any error messages, but intstead of the game starting i get a blackscreen which i cant get out of?!
Hey all, just installed this...
Ive never used securom or anything ive read here.
Can someone explain step by step for me, cuz im really a noob, or no, maybe not, but this shit is like maths to me.
Explain in English or swedish plzzzzzzzz!
Ive never used securom or anything ive read here.
Can someone explain step by step for me, cuz im really a noob, or no, maybe not, but this shit is like maths to me.
Explain in English or swedish plzzzzzzzz!
Where the hell do i get pr0tst0p? :P
...And why wont some files install? I've tried reinstalling it several times and it's always the same files that wont install! I've even dl the game several times and tried again but it wont install properly, im getting frustrated here especially since i have no problem running all those programs!
guys, do exactly as UnrealAlex said (except dont put the secure rom in the game directory, just put it on your desktop...hell, try both ways) it worked for me.
Re; game. This game is fantastic. great storyline and amazing voice acting. I havent been this into a game storyline since HL2. First chapter of the game is strictly stealth so don't get impatient, just let the story unfold. It alternates between characters so theres plenty of gunplay. Note, the medium difficulty feels "just right" its challenging but not frustrating. good stuff.
Re; game. This game is fantastic. great storyline and amazing voice acting. I havent been this into a game storyline since HL2. First chapter of the game is strictly stealth so don't get impatient, just let the story unfold. It alternates between characters so theres plenty of gunplay. Note, the medium difficulty feels "just right" its challenging but not frustrating. good stuff.
I downloaded the mini-image from gameburnworld and it (finally) worked. Here is what I did:
-Mounted the Unleashed image
-Installed it
-Dowloaded the mini-image:
-Mounted the mini-image
-Ran Securom Loader v1.2
-Found the CoJ.exe in the game directory
Thanks to Unleashed and to the PirateBay community for an excellent release! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some varmin to kill...
-Mounted the Unleashed image
-Installed it
-Dowloaded the mini-image:
-Mounted the mini-image
-Ran Securom Loader v1.2
-Found the CoJ.exe in the game directory
Thanks to Unleashed and to the PirateBay community for an excellent release! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some varmin to kill...
Nothing has worked with me so far =/ and trust me i've tryed everything. Im just gonna wait for a crack or buy the game when it gets out, its out sept 15. so.
Hey guys, you have to unmount the unleashed .mds and moun the mini image instead. Then run pr0t.st0p to hide deamon-tools, and then securom loader :).
it really does not bring STARFORCE ??
Ok, men när jag startar spelet förvandlas bara musen till en snurrande cd-skiva, får inte upp nån bild eller nåt?
Är securom nåt man ska ladda ner eller?
Ursäkta min tillfälliga noobighet..
Är securom nåt man ska ladda ner eller?
Ursäkta min tillfälliga noobighet..
Ok, när jag försökt öppna med securom 1.2?, så ser man cdskivan, men sen kommer det upp en ruta, där det står: Kan inte verifiera originalskivan pl normalt förväntad tid.
Vill du försöka igen?
Men det blir bara samma.
Eng: When ive opened the game with securom 1.2 i get a message saying : Cant verify the original disc on the normally expected time, or soemthing, what should i do?
Vill du försöka igen?
Men det blir bara samma.
Eng: When ive opened the game with securom 1.2 i get a message saying : Cant verify the original disc on the normally expected time, or soemthing, what should i do?
I think we just have to wait until a crack comes. Securom didnt work for me. I dont think i will ever understand how that program works.
Fasen, testade också tonyboner skrev, men fick upp en ruta där det stod: Konflikt med en emuleringsprogramvara som körs.
How long do u peolpe belive we have to wait til the cracked will come out, cuz this game i REALLY want bad...
1. Install Daemon Tools 4.03
2. Mount image
3. Install the game from image
4. Download Securom Loader 1.2
5. !!! IMPORTANT !!! DO NOT PLACE loader in the same folder as the game.
6. Run Securom Loader and find CoJ.exe
7. Play
2. Mount image
3. Install the game from image
4. Download Securom Loader 1.2
5. !!! IMPORTANT !!! DO NOT PLACE loader in the same folder as the game.
6. Run Securom Loader and find CoJ.exe
7. Play
the only servers that show up are for the demo.
HERE is the help for all you guys experiencing problems (like myself).
First of all try Pr0tst0p, I´m actually not sure anymore if I hid the device when i finally got it working but anyhow, just to be sure.
But then don´t listen to all comments above, just ENable the Securom Emulation in your daemontools menue and run securom loader from a directory other than your CoJ Game directory(try Pr0tst0p before, but as I said - not sure if needed)!
This should do the trick, worked perfectly for me :)
Excellent game by the way! I am so hooked up.
Thanks at Unleashed.
First of all try Pr0tst0p, I´m actually not sure anymore if I hid the device when i finally got it working but anyhow, just to be sure.
But then don´t listen to all comments above, just ENable the Securom Emulation in your daemontools menue and run securom loader from a directory other than your CoJ Game directory(try Pr0tst0p before, but as I said - not sure if needed)!
This should do the trick, worked perfectly for me :)
Excellent game by the way! I am so hooked up.
Thanks at Unleashed.
Christ am i the only one that can't even get a clean install this suxxx. FFS im gonna wait for a reloaded version or any kind of version.
when the game starts i just get a black screen. how can i fix that? sorry for my bad english.
när jag startar spelet så blir rutan svart. hur fixar jag det?
när jag startar spelet så blir rutan svart. hur fixar jag det?
When I launch the game I have this problem :
Le module de sécurité requis ne peut pas ?tre activé.
Ce programme ne peut pas ?tre exécuté (5009).
(Sorry I can't translate).
If someone know how to fix please tell me.
Le module de sécurité requis ne peut pas ?tre activé.
Ce programme ne peut pas ?tre exécuté (5009).
(Sorry I can't translate).
If someone know how to fix please tell me.
Press ~ to go in the console, and then:
Cheat.GiveRifle() - gives a rifle
Cheat.GiveAmmo() - gives 99 ammo for all guns
Cheat.GiveDynamite() - give dynamite
Cheat.Heal() - heal player to 100HP
Press ~ to go in the console, and then:
Cheat.GiveRifle() - gives a rifle
Cheat.GiveAmmo() - gives 99 ammo for all guns
Cheat.GiveDynamite() - give dynamite
Cheat.Heal() - heal player to 100HP
När jag starta spelet med Daemon tools 347 så står det så här:
Konflikt med en emuleringsprogramvara som körs.
Se för mer information
Kom igen.. ni som få igång det.. förklara så man förstår!.. snälla
Konflikt med en emuleringsprogramvara som körs.
Se för mer information
Kom igen.. ni som få igång det.. förklara så man förstår!.. snälla
what do u mean by open a securom from an other directory?
securom loader????? kan noen være så snill å forklare??
Black math det där var i demot tror jag man använder piskan där vid stupet. Tråkigt bara att man inte kunnat installera det ens :(
I dont understand, when i start protostop, i get this message: Nothing to hide! owh yeah sure only a a illegall backup of coj mounted with emulation software rightr under securoms nose owh yeah sure nothing to hide!! i try remounting and all, same crap.. what do i do? i tryed evrything else too btw, even got my computer fucked up and had to reinstall windows cuz of alcohol120...
Now, after a long time of waiting, i get the cd icon goin around, but, when using protstop the cd just keeps goin around and around for a minute or so and it says it failed to verify original game cd within the time limit, or it says conflict with emulation software detected, and with antisecurom theres no prey at all, i get message about emulation software immediatly, so i tryed 2 methods, using the mds and mdf with the image, and the little coj image file u get at and neither of theese works with either thing i try. any suggestions_
This is what i get when putting AntiSecuROM on dekstop along with its dll file, mount the mds file with daemon tools with securom option chosen: A required security module cannot be activated. This program cannot be executed (12104).
doesnt work
doesnt work finished Sunday and i allready playd this game through :D its a VERY VERY good game and i enjoyed it very much!ill keep seeding cos i know you want me to ;P but yeah worth dowloading absolutely!
Ahh, newer versions of daemon tools suck, thanks to that my computer fucked up totally yesterday, and i had to install windows again n stuff, fuck!
Only use 3.47, works well!
Only use 3.47, works well!
Thank you unleashed and piratebay for the release.Awsome game.For those who are not able to get it to work do remember to disable sd4hide ect.
Also i Was able to join demo MP till yesterday.But today i get inavalid cd key error.Any way around it??Or any cracked servers up????Thanks.
Also i Was able to join demo MP till yesterday.But today i get inavalid cd key error.Any way around it??Or any cracked servers up????Thanks.
The server timed out error is probably due to some connection problem of yours or the poor net code of the game.I had similar problems when playing the demo.
dont give up trying , it does work. u just have to follow the instructions :)
Jess! Nå funker det til meg også!
Først mountet jeg spillet i d-tools og installerte spillet på vandlig måte. Så prøvde jeg og spille det. Men da fikk jeg beskjed om og fjerne emulering-cd'en.
Jeg lastet ned SecuRomV7Loader1.2 og browset meg fram til coj.exe. (c:Programfiles...osv, Ikke denfila som du har mountet i d-tools!) Dobbeltklikka på fila, og spillet starta.
Jeg brukte IKKE protstop eller prostop eller hva dere kaller det. Jeg lastet heller ikke ned noe fra
Først mountet jeg spillet i d-tools og installerte spillet på vandlig måte. Så prøvde jeg og spille det. Men da fikk jeg beskjed om og fjerne emulering-cd'en.
Jeg lastet ned SecuRomV7Loader1.2 og browset meg fram til coj.exe. (c:Programfiles...osv, Ikke denfila som du har mountet i d-tools!) Dobbeltklikka på fila, og spillet starta.
Jeg brukte IKKE protstop eller prostop eller hva dere kaller det. Jeg lastet heller ikke ned noe fra
1 Mount with Daemon
2 Load game with securerom 1.2
Need some help. Playing as Billy, what do you do at the three graves? Know which stone is supposed to be moved, but how do you do that?
Should I do something with the cross and the stone? Please advice.
2 Load game with securerom 1.2
Need some help. Playing as Billy, what do you do at the three graves? Know which stone is supposed to be moved, but how do you do that?
Should I do something with the cross and the stone? Please advice.
Halbermunken - Go back to the curch and get to the roof. Follow the path. Then you come to a round stone. use the whip to push down the stone. Then the stone bellow will move. good luck.
Is anyone else getting "Your Serial Number is incorrect. Please reinstall the Call of Juarez." It seems like this program also phones home (aside from doing a label check on the mini image, doing a prostop check and securom 1.2 check... )
mmkay, I have downloaded the game and the game is awesome. I just need help with a little something in the game, don´t know where to turn but here for help.
So if you dont want to know about the game look away this is at the end I think.
Iam billy at juarez ranch thing and I have just punched him to the grounds with my fists,
I suddenly wake up as the priest guy and see juarez sneaking up behind billy to stab him... what do I do?.
I can´t seem to do anything before he kills billy and I need to load or exit the game. Can´t draw my gun or anything. Please help, want to finish this game.
So if you dont want to know about the game look away this is at the end I think.
Iam billy at juarez ranch thing and I have just punched him to the grounds with my fists,
I suddenly wake up as the priest guy and see juarez sneaking up behind billy to stab him... what do I do?.
I can´t seem to do anything before he kills billy and I need to load or exit the game. Can´t draw my gun or anything. Please help, want to finish this game.
NWM figured it out, its like a duel right? I will try that.
To all of you that's talking about viruses. Word of advice, shutdown any antivirus of any kind running before installing any games!
I cant get this to work at all. Whenever I start the game, (cracked, securom+image, securom+mini image) I only get stuck at a black screen which I cant get out of except by restarting my computer.
Since I get the same problem all the time im pretty sure this isnt caused by securom/corupt image file etc...
Here are my computer spec:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
2g RAM
Windows Home Edition
Nvidia GeForce 7800 GTX
Going to try and download some new Nvidia Drivers and see if that solves it.
Since I get the same problem all the time im pretty sure this isnt caused by securom/corupt image file etc...
Here are my computer spec:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
2g RAM
Windows Home Edition
Nvidia GeForce 7800 GTX
Going to try and download some new Nvidia Drivers and see if that solves it.
And btw, to everyone that gets Securom error like "Cannot active required security module", Disable AntiBlax if you have it running. You can never start a securom protected game if AntiBlax is running.
I actually did get it to work now. I updated my drivers and disabled my firewall and it worked.
But now when I try again (firewall on) it doesnt work. Could it be the firewall blocking it? But why?
Going to try disabling my firewall again now.
But now when I try again (firewall on) it doesnt work. Could it be the firewall blocking it? But why?
Going to try disabling my firewall again now.
Works! So now I know its my firewall (Norton Internet Security) who's blocking it somehow.
But why? Why does CoJ need internet access to run properly?
But why? Why does CoJ need internet access to run properly?
It's actually kinda strange because I can disable my firewall, start up CoJ, and then activate my firewall again. It's just during the startup it has to be off :/
It's actually kinda strange because I can disable my firewall, start up CoJ, and then activate my firewall again. It's just during the startup it has to be off :/
use antiblaxx 1.18 and works
easy game,But very good.
i had to turn off my internet connection to make it work,so you other should try that to!
i had to turn off my internet connection to make it work,so you other should try that to!
With the no cd crack it runs fine, but my kaspersky shows a virus in the mdf file.
Anyone able to play online or any cracked servers up?
Why do i get just 3 seeders? I really want this game (love western) and im stuck at 96.4% :(:(
Please seed
Please seed
There r more seeders.Probably some problem on your end.
Well,it was all ok a couple of hours ago :/
Gonna try turning of my firewall and opening ports in the router
Gonna try turning of my firewall and opening ports in the router
Ihave the game now,use the crack on,at this game works fine. Absolutely an good game ^_^
ok now i tried absolutely evrything, it works on my shitty laptop but laggs like hell at lowest settings, it just worked, daemon tools 4.00 without any emulation settings at all and just pure AntiSecuRom, windows xp home, 1.7 ghz, x700xt mobility radeon, 1024 mb ddr2 ram, 100 gb hd. works
On my stationary computer on the other hand, custom built for this shit, overclocked 3000+ 64 bit cpu, geforce 7800 gt, 1024 mb ram, and 1 terabyte of ram and 5 cooling fans and aerogate 2 fan steering, windows xp proffesional, i tryed daemon tools 4.03 or whatever the new one was, i tryed 4.00, i tryed 3.47, i tryed protostop, asr, alcohol120, evrything! but all i get when trying to start up is the shitty could not verify original cd rom within the time limit, or, conflict with emulation software detected... wtf????
Need help.
On my stationary computer on the other hand, custom built for this shit, overclocked 3000+ 64 bit cpu, geforce 7800 gt, 1024 mb ram, and 1 terabyte of ram and 5 cooling fans and aerogate 2 fan steering, windows xp proffesional, i tryed daemon tools 4.03 or whatever the new one was, i tryed 4.00, i tryed 3.47, i tryed protostop, asr, alcohol120, evrything! but all i get when trying to start up is the shitty could not verify original cd rom within the time limit, or, conflict with emulation software detected... wtf????
Need help.
This image contains a virus. win32 modification
This image contains a virus. win32 modification
Redhammer,use the crack from gameburnworld AND remove the CD from your real and physhical CDdrive, and it should work.
Any way to get this working online?
hmm,anyone know ca. how many percent of the game i have done when im on the level where i have to find some goldto free the girl(molly)?? Im playing as billy on this level,and im wondering how large this game is, anyone who has finished it?
need help! i installed and cracked the game but when i try to open it windows just says that COJ has encountered a problem and needs to colse... send or dont send error report... WTF? i tryed reinstalling but wont work.. help
Instead of cracking it, you can just download the mini-image and open it with Securom loader. I did that and played the entire game with no crashes.
What IS this?!?! Now I have the crack. And the game starts but all i get is a black screen and the only thing I can see is my pointer.?!?
Vad i helvete är det här?! Nu har jag cracken och spelet startar men allting blir svart och det enda jag ser är min muspekare.
Vad i helvete är det här?! Nu har jag cracken och spelet startar men allting blir svart och det enda jag ser är min muspekare.
Well i don't think Win32 modification is the actual virus, what it does is download other files to your hd.
When installed all of a sudden i got some malware and spyware on the hd, in my win/win32 directory there was this file: srshost.exe all of a sudden, which wasn't there before installation. Norton just found it in my win directory after installation of the game, maybe you should keep an eye on that one.
When installed all of a sudden i got some malware and spyware on the hd, in my win/win32 directory there was this file: srshost.exe all of a sudden, which wasn't there before installation. Norton just found it in my win directory after installation of the game, maybe you should keep an eye on that one.
This is my actual problem: installed the game, cracked it and starts but when I select "new game" it always crashes with this message
"exception:file'.\src\TerrainNew\GeoMipMap.cpp',line 679,msg:CMipMapTerrainBlock::BuildMipMaps(..):unsupported position stream : terrain.mat"
Can someone help me please? Dunno what to do, reinstalled or downloaded another image, doesn't work anyway...
"exception:file'.\src\TerrainNew\GeoMipMap.cpp',line 679,msg:CMipMapTerrainBlock::BuildMipMaps(..):unsupported position stream : terrain.mat"
Can someone help me please? Dunno what to do, reinstalled or downloaded another image, doesn't work anyway...
This shit dont work...I installed the game, downloaded the exe fix but all I get when I try to run the game I get the following message "CoJ.exe - Application Error"
Did anyone else see that redhammer said he has:
"1 terabyte of ram"
Does he not realize most MOBO's have 4 RAM slots, each of which would need to be holding a 256GB stick of ram... the maximum current ammount ive seen is an 8GB stick, for servers, meaning his motherboard would need 128 RAM slots.... highly unlikely. Noob.
"1 terabyte of ram"
Does he not realize most MOBO's have 4 RAM slots, each of which would need to be holding a 256GB stick of ram... the maximum current ammount ive seen is an 8GB stick, for servers, meaning his motherboard would need 128 RAM slots.... highly unlikely. Noob.
where does i find Securom on the nett
I have tried everything but cant start it. but it saing: konflikt med en emuleringsprogramvara som körs. daemon tolls dont work or securom loader? Help
Good game i like it! but is there ANY way to get the frikkin multiplayer to work!?!?!? please if there is plz answer on thi forum!
Oh and also! i completed the its not impossible! AND I DIDNT GET ANY FUCKING VIRUSES SO U PPL STFU ur computer just suck!
Ett av det snyggaste spelen jag spelat. Riktigt skön känsla i action förandet. Kräver rätt bra grafik kort om det ska vara värt det!
It works! Nice upload, thanks! :)
Game works, but I cant play on online servers!
- Thanks Ythan!
- Thanks Ythan!
Alright. The game started to work for me directly, just using securerom and later the crack when that was available.
However, the game is really fucked up... I got a green sky (not really normal) and the game freezes all the time. That is really annoying. Does anyone else has the same problem (and the solution to the problem)?
However, the game is really fucked up... I got a green sky (not really normal) and the game freezes all the time. That is really annoying. Does anyone else has the same problem (and the solution to the problem)?
Of course u can't play online, which game can you play online at all that u have downloaded?
Everytime I start the game, the screen turns black. I can see my mouse, but can't do anything but restart my computer. I tried disconnecting my internet. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.
everyone who has the black screen problem. shut down your firewall and try again
the windows firewall? I don't know how to shut any of the others down if there are any others. I suck.
how does it work? the instal proses i meen....what do i need to get i to work?...
Is this really the real deal? Due to gamespot this game isnt supposed to be released until December...and its a little early if its already uploaded in September.
Also, the filesize seems strange. Only 1,8Gb for a new game like this and with those amazing graphics...I mean, Just Cause was over 6Gb and most new games have been atleast 3Gb.
Also, the filesize seems strange. Only 1,8Gb for a new game like this and with those amazing graphics...I mean, Just Cause was over 6Gb and most new games have been atleast 3Gb.
" type win32 " that's not a fucking virus you fucking noobs. thats a fucking winrar file!
the game crashes when i press " new game " ... i think it has with my comp specifications to do.. my comp is kinda crappy.. i didnt have the minimum requirements of graffics for my g-gard.. i have a geforceti4200 .. wich didnt quite work i guess.. they said that i at least should have a g-card in the geforce6600 series... .,.
the game crashes when i press " new game " ... i think it has with my comp specifications to do.. my comp is kinda crappy.. i didnt have the minimum requirements of graffics for my g-gard.. i have a geforceti4200 .. wich didnt quite work i guess.. they said that i at least should have a g-card in the geforce6600 series... .,.
Did anyone else have the same problem as "sciambo86" ? I have same error when starting a new game....."exception:file'.\src\TerrainNew\GeoMipMap.cpp',line 679,msg:CMipMapTerrainBlock::BuildMipMaps(..):unsupported position stream : terrain.mat"
Anyone know a fix/solution?
Anyone know a fix/solution?
i have just started downloading, and am at 2 percent. But I cant install it. This is fuked up
And also how do you become a seeder or a leecher. what is this.
If i become a seeder then will this game work
Fuki u all i am goin shop to buy this, no more hassle
And also how do you become a seeder or a leecher. what is this.
If i become a seeder then will this game work
Fuki u all i am goin shop to buy this, no more hassle
Hej hej! Jag lyckas inte installera spelet. Jag mounter i daemontools men istället för en installer så dyker det upp en svart ruta som försvinner på en gång. Vet inte ritktigt hur jag ska lösa det här. Tacksam till hjälp!
pleeeze seed...stuck on 98,4%
Is it just me, or is this torrent "poisoned"?
Currently, torrent has 1.69GB complete, but in same time 3.18GB of data downloaded (almost half of waste).
Some parts just get HASH CHECK FAILURE, and get redownloaded again and againt.
uTorrent bans such peers with corrupt data, but this still happens a lot.
Currently, torrent has 1.69GB complete, but in same time 3.18GB of data downloaded (almost half of waste).
Some parts just get HASH CHECK FAILURE, and get redownloaded again and againt.
uTorrent bans such peers with corrupt data, but this still happens a lot.
im sry to sai it but this game dont work.. Better luck next time Ythan
For example I can play Call of Duty 2 online and Halo. That's two examples.
And just to keeping you informered everyone, this torrent has a virus.
For example I can play Call of Duty 2 online and Halo. That's two examples.
And just to keeping you informered everyone, this torrent has a virus.
Vad fan blir det svart för ibland för?? har jag installerat den fel eller är det crackern som är cp??! någon som har någon aning??
Snälla hjälp mig tycker det är fet bra spel men inte när det blir svart, men man kan fortfarande spela skiten men det är svart och det är fan inte kul=(! Någon som ha en ide vad lilla jag kan göra!
Men ha det gött // Göteborg
Snälla hjälp mig tycker det är fet bra spel men inte när det blir svart, men man kan fortfarande spela skiten men det är svart och det är fan inte kul=(! Någon som ha en ide vad lilla jag kan göra!
Men ha det gött // Göteborg
when i click on icon appear the text please insert a labeled disc call of juarez play disc i cracked the game and it dont change situation
What can i do to play this gme
Need help when I trye to run the game it come:
A required security module cannot be activated.
This program cannot be executed (5010).
Please have a look at for further, more detailed information.
Plezzzz answer some one need help realy want to play this game
A required security module cannot be activated.
This program cannot be executed (5010).
Please have a look at for further, more detailed information.
Plezzzz answer some one need help realy want to play this game
for everyone of you that get this shiit up when start to start the game. Please have a look at for further, more detailed information.
You shudent only copy the crack for call of juarez, when you downloaded a crack you will se in the patch there are more files, Copy them all and replace them in your call of juarez map! Enyoy the game you wont have trouble with Please have a look at any more. Fantastic game! one of the best of 06 games.
You shudent only copy the crack for call of juarez, when you downloaded a crack you will se in the patch there are more files, Copy them all and replace them in your call of juarez map! Enyoy the game you wont have trouble with Please have a look at any more. Fantastic game! one of the best of 06 games.
Alright. The game started to work for me directly, just using securerom and later the crack when that was available.
However, the game is really fucked up... I got a green sky (not really normal) and the game freezes all the time. That is really annoying. Does anyone else has the same problem (and the solution to the problem)?
Yes buy a new graphic card! this game aint suported by bad cards, you need a new good card.
Alright. The game started to work for me directly, just using securerom and later the crack when that was available.
However, the game is really fucked up... I got a green sky (not really normal) and the game freezes all the time. That is really annoying. Does anyone else has the same problem (and the solution to the problem)?
Yes buy a new graphic card! this game aint suported by bad cards, you need a new good card.
Slight problem... when I go to unpack, I get an error messages galore. Has anyone else had problems like this?
gogubbeigoteborg jag har samma problem. men orkar inte skriva det på engelska^^
could plz someone write an Cd key, i cant find any
Hello anyone please seed this Wonderful game!!
Hej nån snälla seeda detta underbara spel!!
Hej nån snälla seeda detta underbara spel!!
Funkade utan 1 ända fel skit bra spel asså de bästa Vilda västen spelet på skit länge!.... PS. jag seedar när jag när hemma \ på datorn hoppas fler seedar jag fick vänta 2d 7h på den skulle bli klar
i gonna stop seeding if no one helps me seed it soon 2000 downloaders =)
does this game works???, because im sick of games that are empty......wast of time
if some one needs a cd key i´ve got it from a empty game lol........crap face......not you the other server.....COJ-RKYRT-9FACF-YE9AA-E9XCF-ECF9Y, i dont know if it works, but it should.....whell if some one could help me i will aprecheat.....thnakyou
some one help me........i have a core 2 duo 4400 2.00ghz, geforce 8800 gt 512 mb and 2gb ram.....and when i´ve finished the instalation it says" you´re cpu is compatible wiyh this game, you will have problems when trying to plya this game" some one help me......i hate this lies...-.- i know that my pc runs the best games in the market, i´ve allready played this game on demo........
CAn i just mount this with daemon tools and install from their?
1of all great game,thnx for the upload and for you seeders 1big thanks, my problem-i stoped on one level,when defending the train,with scope rifle i must hit a "door" from a hill,where?how? thnx
Never mind,found it
Nice speed on the download 1,5mb/Sec!! I´ll continue to seed this for a couple of days, when I´m through downloading it.
can I play play this online?
If anyone can upload the Xbox 360 version of this game (not Bound in Blood) I would be much appreciative :D
wow.... seeds 4 of 6 330kbps...
i hope it works! :D
i hope it works! :D
HELP MEEE!!!!!I ENTER IN COJ.EXE AND IT'S SAY: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000018). Click on OK to terminate the application. I NEED HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WANA PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sory for bad english...
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