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Video > Movie clips
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Jun 14, 2006


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date: 07 february 2005
comments: 27x beheading&shooting
format: wmv/real 

5125028 505.wmv
 -- iraqi police officers in iraq (shooting)

3294790 american2.wmv
 -- jack hensley in iraq

1085798 amil.WMV
 -- unknown in iraq

6545968 amraky.WMV
 -- eugene armstrong in iraq

8231054 ciaamil.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq

2200551 cj_9833.RAM
 -- daniel pearl in pakistan

369937 fas.wmv
 -- russian in chechnya

4187566 Intikhabat.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq

5566007 iraq2vediom.wmv
 -- nick berg in iraq

1998520 iraqiarmymanf.wmv
 -- iraqi officer hussein shanun in iraq

1084964 italywaturky.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq (shooting)

5357890 KenBigley.rm
 -- kenneth bigley in iraq

1421286 koria1.wmv
 -- south korean kim sun-il in iraq

1028476 lazof.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq

4730704 masseer.WMV
 -- unknown in iraq

7210324 mokh.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq

4171087 murtad.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq

2416030 Musil.wmv
 -- unknown in iraq

3333310 nepal.wmv
 -- nepalese in iraq

6180949 nz.rm
 -- paul johnson in saudi arabia

5617330 pog0078.WMV
 -- shosei koda in iraq

1644245 sh_1.WMV
 -- unknown in iraq

 725224 russian.wmv
 -- russian in chechnya

4324945 russian3.asx
 -- russian in chechnya

2995840 turken.wmv
 -- murat yuce in iraq (shooting)

3212062 turky2.wmv
 -- turkish driver durmus kumdereli in iraq

5687788 yahudi.rm
 -- unknown in iraq



is this propaganda?

does it have beheadings?
yes there are multiple behadings -- (TM) al-zarqawi...
it´s like a box of chocolates...
Om du skall gå och äta nu så titta inte på de här filmerna.
If you have a weak stomac, don't dl these movies. You have been warned.
This is so sick that only a Finnish poor retard would even think of uppload it. And you ask why the world don't like muslims...
happy 4th of july 2006 george w. bush. "allahu akbar" indeed.
"The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy mosque [Mecca] from their grip, and in order for their armies to move out of all the lands of Islam, defeated and unable to threaten any Muslim. This is in accordance with the words of Almighty Allah, "and fight the pagans all together as they fight you all together," and "fight them until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah."

-Shaykh Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin
-Ayman al-Zawahiri, amir of the Jihad Group in Egypt
-Abu-Yasir Rifa'i Ahmad Taha, Egyptian Islamic Group
-Shaykh Mir Hamzah, secretary of the Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Pakistan
-Fazlur Rahman, amir of the Jihad Movement in Bangladesh
No you should all download this and see what these animals are really like. This is not what you do in a war, not even in a battle. This is what an animal does when he has no God, no morals, no humanity.

Anyone who actually believes these horrific acts are in any way justified deserves nothing less than the same. To torture for pleasure is actually something worse than an animal.
you people are sick, how can you watch beheadings for fun. there is no excuse for this.
I'm a Muslim and I don't deny that it may be a gruesome way of killing someone. That is - execution by beheading but it's only revenge by murder, what would you rather want execution by lethal injection or the electric chair???

Seriously, you only upload this movie because beheading is considered uncivilized and outdated in the western world thus the Muslims are considered extra backward or unhuman.

But tell me instead. Why don't you post videos of American Soldiers raping Iraqi girls???

Everyone of you ask yourself, is the Iraqi/Afghanian Army in the U.S. occupying them or is it the opposite?? Why the hell shouldn't you expect rebelling forces in Iraq take every chance they'd get to get even with the U.S. army???

Btw......have you found those WMD yet???

The war in the middleeast is purely POLITICAL and has NOTHING to do with religion. The extremists hide under religion to pursue ignorant muslims to join them but that doesn't mean all the muslims of the world support them because they suffer from the extremists too!

Hope people will post some enlightening stuff in the future, nothing like FOX news.
Fuck FOX news it`s so pro jewish that it`s making me sick...
Fox network is run by the jews...
The american army comes down to irak ,killing innocent people and little kids, torture those who are in iraqi prisons AND expect the population of Iraq to smile back????!!!!

Arent the US-force animals and brutal, those MO-FUCKERS, just because the amr president wares some nice clothes and looks uglier than a monkey gives him the right too attack an innocent nation whom never had done anything against the USA....

F... the Capitalist`s occupiers!!!!!!

Im NOT a muslim BUT im NOT stupid eighter, when u know how the world runs and the powerfull idealist`s UGLY plans and scams, shit many people fall for it..

We in the western countries are so stupid and the arogance just shines out off our faces!!!

Who do u think made ur NIKE shoes?
Who do u think made those discount towels?
How do u think Bill Gates got so rich????
Why do u think that the Jews got the country RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE EAST????
Why do u think Africa is so poor, when they got MASSIVE naturel recources, like gold,diamonds and oil???
Is Iraq a better place to live in NOW????

Fuck`n assholes answer me that!!

I could continue untill tomorrow, the US is worse than every country put together 3 times..
Just because they speak nice and allways talk about democracy..
How can they force some other country how to think and behave (and im talking about Iraq now if u haven`t noticed)..?

But u don`t get any of this shit im talking about...
you have opened a real can of worms here parazite... Although i wont be downloading it myself, watchin ppl die aint my thing.
i think a some of the comment's posted make a lot of sense.
Sorry people but if you believe in this crap then youre fucking idiots. I havent watced this video because I have read the comments posted.

It probably is mindless propaganda brainwashing people. And nobody has the right to kill people in horrific ways publicing it.

Why blame everybody else for what a small minority of americans or even british troops have done but you cannot go round killing innocent people.

The guy is right in a way, you wonder why people dont like muslims.

Amoren are you trying do some kind of rap cause its shit. And what the fuck do you have against jewish people, im not one myself but seriously go fuck yourself. You fucking self-appointed moron!

I can go on and on because I am disgusted about all of this. parazite is a fucking freak for showing this and thinking he is so fucking great and self rightious bastard he is thinking he is doing gods will or somthing.

Dont download this and be like everyother suceptible fag like parazite and amoren.
So sick. H T F can you even think of watching people die as amusement. It makes me sick.
31 . 08 . 2007 ... update ... paraZite is being investigated by the helsinki police for these videos at the moment . the trial on the continuation of 3 computer(s) and 1000x cd/dvd confiscation will be in 06.09.2007 at helsinki courthouse...
ive seen all these sick vids and let me say:IF YOU WATCH THESE MOVIES YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGIAN. you have been warned, MUDSCUMS are the filth of the human race
dirty filthy fucking sand nigger trash. these mongrels have no humanity. yet we are supposed to be tolerant towards these people's countrymen in our home?
i say we go out and kidnap any middle eastern people we see off the streets and do the same thing to them like in the nazi beheading video.
and those of you brownish mud race piece of shit sand niggers who say you don't agree with or go along with jihad terrorism i say ya,right,you love it.
hey amoren
how about we blindfold you and then cut your head off you piece of trash.
hasnain, nothing excuses what your people are doing here and i would like to behead you just because you are a muslim.
This is truly an example of how religion will be responsable for the demise of humanity.The
U S shud pull out of iraq and afghanistan and let those those pieces of trash kill each other and worry about their own country.
Why do some of you react on this? Killing has been a big part of most country's history.

Remember that the US still have death penalty in some states. How is that better than this?? How can you explain that many cheer when a "bad" person has been killed. Is that any better?

The difference is that many know of the bad things, but won't actually watch it. It's just as stupid as buying beef at the store, and don't want to think about how the animal was killed (or see a video of it).

Watch it and accept that this acually happens! It's OK if you don't like it, but sometimes we all need a reality check.

I watched stuff like this when I was a teenager, and is more or less immune now. But I'm still against the US invasion of Iraq for exampel, and the following waste of life.

BTW, this is NOT snuff (constructed as a movie).
Amoren....take a look on beirut....bombed out for a couple decades ago..NOT only by USA...its to much "GOD" in this...we are all humans,BUT i tell you i thing..come too my country,if i spot anyone doin anybody hurt..ill act for this person,and protect her/him..nobody should hurt somebody else..

BTW...fuck "believing" armed,plz make my day,dirtbag should be ashamed of your know whats going on,and understand the"wrong"thing in it,so dont tell me its OK by muslims to do this...nobody have the right too hurt anybody..dont cry now,plz Hasnain..i know you can see the wrong in allahs "picture"...all muslims be day the world had enuff of your fact your faith,is growing my faith..on one over

THX Parazite 4 the highlights about how people are..but its not the first time..take a look on hiroshima..and vietnam..

BUT its time too stop now..muslims could put down weapons..all muslims could do this..but they wont do it because its their destiny too fight until death,just read allah...but in the end its your choice,even if you hid behind allah,god or whatever..
This is what you call a reality check, don't watch it for pleasure watch it for education. As brutal as it may be; at least its real. The fact of the matter is most muslims are just as sickened by this shit as we are. Some of these extremist groups are employed by the US to make these clips and 'LEAK' them to the western public on purpose. As you can see it generates animousity towards muslims. Thus helps them justify to the US people their illegal war. Ignorance is not bliss. See the full picture before you condemn someone based on race or religion.
Soldiers know the dangers when they go into a war zone. The fate of a prisoner of war is always bleak. But some of the people beheaded on these videos are aid workers and peace envoys. Shit man, they went there to help the muzzy scumbags and were beheaded for it. Fucking islam is a disease not a religion.
To everyone typing this prejudice bullshit STFU! Have you read the Quran? it says nothing of the shit these scumbags do. These assholes will burn in hell forever. But dont condemn an entire race or religion for the actions of extremists. Nazis were extremists in Germany responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS of Jews yet you do not speak this way about Germans in general. Same goes for the KGB's and the Japanese Kamikaze's and the Vietcong. The people responsible for these disgusting acts are criminals and know nothing of Islam even though they claim to. And you are all no better than white slave owners or Neo Nazi skinheads when you spew hate speech.
Thanks parazite.
Thanks to the seeds. I got this fast and will keep it seeded.
OO im so glad the muslims talk finnish and its also texted in finnish language :P When do u ppl suspect this blockbuster will hit the cinemas ?




I have been looking for uncensored information on TPB, so far that's the only post of value

And once again

I did not realize it was so gruesome. I could not watch it.

It is sad that these acts continue to be committed, as they have been throughout history, in the name of God. Nothing has changed; nothing ever will. Religious fanaticism continues and there are nuts in EVERY religion that would carry out these atrocities, given the chance.

Be warned, Guys this is gory!