Details for this torrent 

Games > XBOX360
2.24 GB

Mar 31, 2006

_________________________       ___________  _________________ __
  _/         / _     /           /     / _   | /      |     ___//_/
 |   /      / /     /   _    ___/     /  /   |/   /___|_    |__._______
 |     ____/       _        /     /    ___/_  /      |   |  |      /
 |_____| |__________/________//     /__________)________|___|  |    _/
-X----- - --- - --- --- /___________/ -- -- ----  -- --- X/           
  Presents ......: Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers
  Company .......: THQ

  Origin ........: NTSC                   Format ...........: *.ISO Image
  System ........: Microsoft XBOX         # of Files .......: * x 50MB
  Released ......: March 29th, 2006       Filename .........: px-fsw.r00
-X- ---- --- - --- ---------- -- - ------------- --- -- --- ---- --- --X-

  Sequel to the critically acclaimed squad-based real-time tactical combat 
  game, Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers takes the brand?s innovative and 
  authentic military gaming experience to the next level with new features 
  in every aspect of the game. 
  * Multiplayer Excitement 
    Prove your squad leadership mettle in fast paced head to head action. 

  * New Resources 
    Deploy US Light Infantry, Rangers and United Nations multinational 
    forces, including sniper units. 

  * Mechanized Units 
    Now you have control of armored support vehicles. 

  * Interior Environments 
    Clear building interiors and use elevated firing positions for tactical 

-X-- --- - ----------- -- -------- - - -- ------------- -------- --- -X-
                _____ _____  ____   /____   __  ___/___  /
               /_____)_____)/     //__    /      /    /
           _ _/    /   _  /______/______/______/     /
                              ___/              /        _ _

                          "LEGENDS NEVER DIE"



thanks man
yo thx for the game :-)
sweet! thx!
Can anyone tell me how to put this game on my HD if i download it and it looks like a folder... unlike the others which are either compressed or a .iso?...
can someone tell me why im getting a permission denied error please. im using bit tornado
Hur kommer det sig att det finns fler Reciprokörer än vad det finns nerladdat ??
synd att man inte har xbox :( hoppas någon snart slänger upp den här till pc med :)
får inte denna att funka varken med alcohol eller nero nån som fått det?
"sweetjohan" allt du behöver göra är att du bränner .iso filen som ligger i .rar - filerna med t.ex Burn4Free som du hittar på Du ser själv...
"Big_Bad" va tror du själv? Kanske för att fler folk håller på att ladda ner den än vad det finns folk som redan är klara med den! Det brukar alltid va så i början...
Ngn som vet hur man får över spelet till x-boxen med korsad nätverks kabel??? gärna ingående beskrivning. måste den vara chipad?
Any luck that someone has this for PAL? I would appreciate that.
seeders, please come back!!! pleeease
very hard to find game, please seed this!
Could some one please seed? The 2 seeds that are supposedly there aren't showing up on utorrent and I'm stuck at 70%. Thanks