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Applications > Windows
5.27 MB

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Oct 7, 2005

FlashFXP v3.4 Beta 3 (3.3.3 build 1100)

            This is a BETA release.  It contains experimental code
            that may be unsuitable for production environments.
            If you are dependent upon FlashFXP in a production
            environment, but still want to test the beta, we recommend
            you install to a new directory.

            Updates since FlashFXP v3.2.0.1080

            New Features

            - The graph font can now be changed seperately from the
              application font.
            - Global "Bind Socket to IP" setting.
            - Per-Site "Bind Socket to IP" setting.
            - Multi-language support. See the translation forums
              for more information.
            - Added new status msg "Listening on PORT: X, Waiting for
              connection." to help troubleshoot PORT mode connections.
            - If Passive mode fails two times in a row, FlashFXP will
              switch to PORT mode or vis versa.
            - If the connection is lost to the ftp site you can
              continue to browse cached folders and queue files,
              if a task is performed that requires a connection
              flashfxp will reconnect back to the ftp site and then
              perform that task.
            - Syncronized Browsing. When browsing remotely the local sync
              now occurs after the change dir, rather than after the list
            - Rename will now cancel out if the folder/file name only
              contains spaces.


            - When selecting files in the local browsing the selection size
              isn't updated probably due to a syntax error.
            - If FlashFXP was locked with a password and on transfer
              complete triggers it was unable to close properly.
            - If the connection is lost during a delete operation and
              the user clicks yes to the a reconnect prompt, after connecting
              FlashFXP sometimes ended up in the wrong folder.
            - Once the connection retry count was reached the 'Go' and 'stop
              after current transfer' buttons states weren't updated properly.
            - If you connect to a site and while that connection is still
              being attempted click 'go' the connection attempt isn't
              properly reset prior to connecting to the site in the queue.
            - Other minor fixes.