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Games > PC
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Sep 29, 2005

Û²      ßܲ²²       Û         PROUDLY PRESENTS                 ²²ÛÛß     Ü
 ÛÛ       ÞÛ²²          Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker           Þ²ÛÝ      ÞÝ
 ÛÛ        ÛÛ² ÜÜ                   (c)                         ßÛÛÛ     ÜÛ
 ÛÛÜß      ÞÛÛß                  (c)Atari                    °   ÛÛ²ÛÜÜÛßß°
 ÛÛÝÜÜÛßß  ÞÛÝ                                          Üܲßß°ß²ÜÛÛÛß ÜÜÜÛ°Û²±°
 ÛÛÛß       Û RELEASE DATE :: 28-09-2005              Þ²²ßÜÛ²±²ÜßÛÛÜÛ²ßß Ü°
 ÛÛÝ        Û PROTECTION   :: None                    ²²ÝÞÛ²±±²²ÝÞÛ²ß Ü²Û²±²Ü
ÜÛÛÛÜ         SIZE         :: 21 x 15mb               ÞÛÛ ßÛ²±²ßÜ۲ݰ°²Û²±±±²Ý
ÜÜ ßßÛÜ       MEDIATYPE    :: CD                       ßßÛÜÜÜ°   ²ÛÛ  ßÛÛ²²²ß
Û²²Ý ÞÛ²ÛÛß   FORMAT       :: BIN/CUE                       ßßÛÛÜ°ßßÛÜ  ßßß
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 ßßßÜÛ²ßÜÛÛ In a party with a cowardly Wererat, a scarred Nymph, an exiled   ÛÛ
 ÜÜÛßß  ÛÛÛ Rakshasa, and a quick-tempered Azer, you seem to be the only     ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ normal one... but are you? Embark on a journey to face your      ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ nemesis outside the embattled ramparts of the Keep of Cyan. It   ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ is a journey that will test your loyalties and cause you to      ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ question the very bounds of life and death. Evil lurks in the    ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ war-torn keep and it's up to you to unearth it. To learn the     ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ truth, you must win the throne.                                  ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ Also:                                                            ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ This cd does not only include the module Kingmaker it also       ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ contains Shadow Guard and Witch's Wake.                          ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ                                                                  ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ                                                                  ÛÛ
        ÛÛÛ                                                                  ÛÛ
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       ÛÛÛ first :                                                           ÛÛ
       ÛÛÛ Requirements                                                      ÛÛ
       ÛÛ° * Neverwinter Nights                                              ÛÛ
       ÛÛ° * Hordes of the Underdark                                         ÛÛ
       ÛÛ± * Internet connection while playing                               ÛÛ
       ÛÛ² * Microsoft Windows with NWN 1.64+, or Linux with NWN 1.65+       ÛÛ
       ÛÛÛ * 168 MB of disk space for install                                ÛÛ
       ÛÛÛ second:                                                           ÛÛ
       ÛÛÛ burn with your favourite program  or mount and enjoy the game.    ÛÛ


Weird, it says I need to install Undrentide expansion even tho I have used the 1.66 patch that's on the cd. It shouldn't matter which expansions I have installed as long as I have the patch, true?

Any help would be appreciated.
doesnt playing this thing require that you paid for it, given you have to have an active internet connection?
@ Profoss
You need to install the expansion packs, even if you have version 1.66 installed. (Actually you might want to upgrade to 1.68 while you're at it.) Each expansion pack adds more content to the core game engine--Hordes of the Underdark for example adds the content required to enable your characters to progress into Epic Levels (level 21 to 40).
i'm requesting seederes, come on people, it's just 295 MiB's....
When i'm done, i'll seed it for sure.
So what do you do to install these? Mount each of the .rar files?
The requirements are wrong, they list the requirements of the kingmaker premium module; which required an always on internet connection to play.

This is a DLC pack on CD that contains 3 completely unrelated premium modules without the DRM, and thus doesn't require an active connection to play.
unrelated to each other that is, not unrelated to kingmaker. One of the three premium modules on this disk is kingmaker (sans the DRM)
Ok, I downloaded and ran it (after fixing the cue file which was pointing to an absolute directory rather then relative... I went ahead and converted it to an ISO)...

anyways, the readme says you must authenticate online, but you do NOT. I tested it and it clearly works offline.
The install menu says "v1.0", however, the module itself says v1.1 (which is the latest version).

This entire farce is pretty amateurish of bioware... but it works. This is a great download even if you already purchased all those modules (which I did) because the online authentication:
1. Requires disabling peerblock.
2. Is slow.
3. Is not guaranteed to be there much longer.
4. Is required every time you load the module, this INCLUDES reloading a saved game...