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Video > Movies
1.46 GB

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Jul 2, 2005

Best release on the net as of now. Russian TS with POT audio. Video tweaked to be brighter and sharper, you can actually see the basement scene now.


Post Picture of quality :) And also tell if it has ALL the minutes ;)
Is it wide screen? Can you please t3ll us the details of it. Thanks shad0w1320! Much, much appreciated!!
Thanks Maan!!
just watched a 5 second snippet of the movie via vlc i can confirm that it looks like the russian version ie NOT widescreen but picture quality looks much better plus the sound is pretty good also. The quality is also better than the aradi version
oh yheah almost forgot thanks for a sorting a great movie :):)
and thanks shadOw1320 for this!
don't know how true it is but ABC is showing 776 peers and 4 seeds, so it takes a little time, it's worth it ,you'll get there lol. that's a lot of orders to fill and there will be more. so kick back and let her go.
I'll keep it seeding all weekend once I get it, but right now it's going at 21k/sec. Oy vey. ;)
it better get better... otherwise i may have to nuke this torrent and start a new one without all the selfish fuck3rs
Hey guys, my share ratio on this is currently 11.. What is yours? Is nobody seeding ANYTHING back of what they are leeching?? Torrent-n00bs.. lol
no clue, carolina.. but my bandwith is getting raped... will probably take 3 minutes for this to get posted... don't give up... i don't wanna upload all of this video then not have people able to enjoy it cause they give up hope on their torrent... just, keep, moving...
now ain't that weird i posted at 6:57 came back hit refresh at 7:15 and it posted the same over again, maybe i should go to bed huh?
i 'm not going anywhere if i can take staying up all night my computer can to.he,he no it can do this all by it's self come to think about it.i'm going to get some rest.later CW
is the quality more or less the same as the
Samfu & Deacon release, which is
also from a russian source + pot's audio.

thanks for your help.
det går jätte segt när jag försöker ladda ner den men ja vet inte varför det går så långsamt. kan nångon hjälpa mej snälla
seed plase!!
Thanks shadow. will seed when done.
OMFG, it has been d.loaded 53 times and only 5 seeders fckin morons!
Is this one dvd version? can i choose my language? Is this better than cam pot version ?
I am Uploading on 9 Computers wich are splitting on 600 mbit 6x100mb ported , and totally uploading 4.9 Mbs average , and im uploading at home aswell on 24 mbit , upping about 140 kbs , i have noticed heavy leaching on this torrent since it took sucky long time to get it at my place , not appreciated . and plz shadow dont nuke , i still havent got it at home yet , ihave 9 servers sharing it and i dont wanna have it nuked since i worked alot with it , p.s if u want help with any other releases pm me , ;) i can help u and all others seed the shit :P bye
double post 4tw :P
why does the sample play so slowly?
Still no seeds from what i can see though
Please seed....
wheres the dude who uploaded this, shouldnt he have the f'ing file?
coming in at 82k/Bs now
coming in at 102 k/Bs damn if it's a trick ,i fell hook line and sinker,have to stay with it to see what happens
someone on dididave has the same problem securityguy, i bet the sample is the only working part
"my copy will not play, it is crashing my media player and power dvd."
yep as carolinawolf said thats where all the seeders are thats pretty shitty of dididave
i'll fire back up the piratebay torrent when mine is done and seed it there
Common , help the other people (including me) SEED, My max atm is 18kb/s.. it will take VERY VERY VERY LONG.. How the quality? Greeetz
Is the sound really that bad?
The sample makes it seem like quite a good copy.
Why cant someone seed?
maybe it's my file even the sample [in the download] plays way off sync.
the sound is off by a least 3 min.on my file ,it starts 3 min to fast. hope everyone else doesn't have a problem. but my copy is a waste.
it must be your codec pack or something, cause it's definately in sync for alot of other people. update your Xvid codec and try it again... cause this is perfectly in sync... i wouldn't seed it otherwise... i didn't waste all this bandwith for it to be off sync, i spent 2 hours syncing that audio
i had problems with sound and that, i got the latest version of divx and it fixed it.
Your an asshole coolaidman! - Have you nothing better to do than flame someone that is trying to HELP others here? Im not the asshole insulting others. GET A LIFE! (sorry to those just reading this)
Finaly... Now i reached 100% and i guess that Maaaany others did that in the same time.
I must say. this has been the worst download in the history of torrent downloads in my case!
insulting others? u were saying u ahve to be on drugs to watch sincity and,flame someone else trying to help others? people just wanted to knwo wut sincity was about and the quality of the file n ur saying u have to be on drugs to enjoy it ur the one insulting and ur the one not helping
lol damn i saw that everyone got done LOOK at seeds now LMAO damn this has to be the worst torrent in history period well we made it nice talkin to all u thru these hard times lol well cya wow that was quite the journey
dammit.. it reposts if you reload the page... annoying... cant they fix that?
my as is in whit the holew thin on a 10mbit so suck it dry and seed :)
pardon me?
I dont understand why there isnt many people using MPlayer on Win32... its THE best player there is.... ok... the GUI isnt amazing in the Win32 version... but it gets the job done

latest builds here
tjenis....finns där nån liten (trailer) test på denna vers?.....nice 1 shad0w1320

does anyone know if there is a clip of this vers?

If you guy's have a problem with the audio being outta synch get a program called Vdub, you can save the wav file (AUDIO) and then re-encode to MP3 and then get another program called AVImux add your movie in with the new MP3 audio file and it will fix it 100% I've done it to alot of movies and they work perfect now MZA
Is there audio at the end? when morgan freeman talks? If so, could someone post what he says?
"Is there audio at the end? when morgan freeman talks? If so, could someone post what he says?"

idiot, wanna spoil it for us?
Ok I asked my sister who saw this in the theater and apparently he does just say one sentence and that's the end. If you want to know what he says look at my previous post. And it's really not a spoiler, anyone with a clue knows how the aliens are defeated. The story only got published 100 years ago...
Nope I was wrong.. the end sentence is cut off.
Whoever fucking encoded this, why did you cut off the last 10 seconds of audio..
Look at the #1 ranked war of the worlds comment, someone wrote everything else he says after what I wrote. Time to stop seeding this incomplete version!!!
This is the whole end narration that gets cut off premature... Dont read it if you don't want to, but you won't hear it in this file. The audio goes dead before he gets the first 10 words out.

"From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate, and drank, they were doomed. They were undone, destroyed after all of man's weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom put upon this earth. By the toll of a billion deaths man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms. And that right is our's against all challenges, for neither do man live, nor die, in vain."
Спасибо группе KinoFan!
someone slap submariner everyone her eknows the last like 10-15 sec of audio are missing the audio is from the nuked version retard so all copies out on the net have those last words of the movie cut out nothin u can do about it till a new releaseand dont blame shadow who is the encoder u retard its not his fault he did what he could with what he had and he did a great job so stfu if u dont read other posts to get informed b4 u start talking
Wow, things sure changed quickly on this torrent! Within a few hours we have gone from 8 seeders to 428!! - Say, would somebody be so kind as to advise what the common terms like "POT" (no idea), "TS" (I think I know this one, but ' not sure) and the other common terms here stand for? Thanks.
As far as the final words go in this movie... from the looks of it, I think there the exact same remarks made in the ending of the original 1953 version. (if that helps anyone)
POT-Release group "Pirates of the Theater"

CAM - This type of VCD was recorded by someone in a cinema with a camcorder. The picture quality and sound varies from OK to poor.

Telesync (TS) - Also recorded in a cinema but usually with a high-end camera and a separate audio source; These are generally decent to good quality.

Telecine (TC) - Done a number of ways, all from taking directly from the reel. Ripped in either widescreen (letterbox) or in full-screen (pan and scan) with excellent audio and video. The most common way is to get a device that you attach to the reel that generates a VHS tape of the reel. (called a telecine machine, but there are other machines that generate a digital output of both audio and video that are then put into a VCR, laptop or pc, and made into a VCD).

Screener - A Screener is usually recorded from a promotional video tape or DVD which is sent to censors and film critics etc.. The quality is usually as good as a commercial product, some times a copyright message appears on the screen.

Work-Print - Each frame of the film is copied from celluloid (or another source), these are sometimes incomplete movies. The sound is usually perfect and the visual quality can vary.

LD/DVDRip - VCDs with this on the cover are ripped from DVD or Laserdisc versions of the film and the quality is as good as genuine VCDs.
Thanks coolaidman! (' guess you can be pretty cool after all) ;) - Peace.
hey thnx man ur alrite too just like to help out here sorry bout earlier
coolaiddouche get a life.
I have better things to do in life than read 140+ comments from wankers such as yourself. Someone asked what he says at the end of the movie. I answered him.

Now drink some Jim Jones koolaid, fuck off and die.
shut the fuk up dude u were blaming hte encoder aka shadow for cutting off the last 10-15 sec of the audio its not his fault so shut the fuk up if u dont know wut ur talking about and the one ur recomending people to go get is the nuked version why the fuk would we want that when we got this piece here WAY better quality if we wanted shit we go running to the nuked version were here because this is the best there is so fuk off bitch
That is strange I only posted that comment once and it repeated. There is something wrong with this comment section because I noticed that it happens a lot and I thought it was the users just double posting by mistake. If I could delete the second one I would but I have no control. Sorry for the double post but I didn't do it!
is neone else havin trouble converting this??? ive tried converting it to mpeg2,vcd and dvd and they all stop at 99%,weird, wanted to watch it on my standalone dvd player, ah well, u cant have everything :D
i was using winavi converter,never had a problem with it till now,i dunno y it wont convert, ah well i will try another encoder
I must say i agree with emesis. So theres a few narrator lines missing in the end, so fuckin what? Just burned it and watched on my divx-player in my livingroom, the quality works, not a very great movie though but thanks for the upload, saved me some money at the cinemas.. :)
hmm...the audio is pretty messed up from time to time. but the video quality is quite alright.
EmesiS, the double posting occurs when you have posted a comment and then press the reload button, since the webpage contains postdata it gets posted again and you basically send the same post once more. At least that's what I believe to be the cause : /
You need to browse back to the torrent again(not using back/foward-buttons either) after you've posted if you are to reload the page in wait for replies.
is there no moderators how can that scum norbagen be allowed to post that shit iznt there a site for the weak minded they can spew into on their own peace and love people
well me im happy to get a copy and seed it back thats wat we all here 4 thanks dude
okay im sendin 'bout 50kbs/s
Than you for this nice torrentt shad0w1320.

Og til deg norbaggan. Det er tydelig at du er en ensom taper uten venner eller dame. Og med et sterkt behov for oppmerksomhet. Gå å finne det et annet sted din patetiske homo.
Norrbaggen; It is people like you that make non-blacks look stupid. You racist peice of shit. A Negro might be fucking your mother asnd your girlfriend right now
All I have to sya is Thank You!!! Just Can't wait for a higher quaility version! Once agin Thanx for the upload!! Oh yea, cooliadman tanx for explaing all the stuff to it helped alot!!
Oh bigjm23... you can't be more OFF... Norbaggen does NOT have a girlfriend. Skinnheads are like the spartans - they screw themselves. As for his mother, it's prolly Eva BROWN.
norrbaggen: Haha, that´s some damn funny jokes you got there, i´m not a racist but i enjoy all types of jokes ^^
finns det bara ryska sub?
are there only russian sub?
Vad händer när Norrmännen krattar löv´????

Dom ramlar ner ifrån träden
jeesh.. Do you ppl still exist norbaggen.. god damn nearly 2006 i thought ppl would get wiser by this time around.. One thing I can say to you is to rethink everything you ever done in your life
Hur många seeders som helst o ändå bara 11kb ner...? Underligt...
Haha, just det, nu kan alla ta fram sina billigaste norgehistorier :) Passa på medan ingen dömer er ! :P
Hey Norbbaggen.. you little dickwad.. I'm fuckin your mom right now .. and with no rubber either.. just want to let you know that you will get a BROWN brother or sister around febuary next year.. plus I'm your new daddy.. your moms was sick of white dicks (including your dads) so she moved on to blacks.. and who can blame her, she had you.. so you know that bitch is craving for some real dick dont'ya?? hehehe... boy you should see here go.. she deepthroats like crazy.. so I guess I can call you son right??
norrbaggen. Jävla idiot! hahaha. Skit kul hörru. Dra dig i brallan och skit ner dig. asså hur kul är dina skämt? Du måste ha jävligt tråkigt asså. Jävla pundar barn. Du känner tydligen inga mörka ^o)
hahah norrbaggen e ju för jävla skön! ;P
I'm thinking of seeding a 2 hour movie about a turd drying out in sunshine. Nothing really happens... Sheesh, uou kids apparently download ANYTHING... Sheeet!
the narration at the end of the film is missing 15 seconds spoils the whole movie
15 seconds narration at the end of this movie are missing and it spiols it
THIS FILM IS SHIT! If u really badly need to download this rubbish (& im a massive h.g wells orginal of this fan) get the 440mb from (torrent listed here on piratebay). The Quality is EXACTLY the same and download speeds r mega.
and no nelia2 the 15 seconds missing from the end does not, and could not spoil the ENTIRE film u slut.
da docta - go ack to africa and die already.
haha alchemist1983 what the hell did you mean by that? "go ack to africa and die already." ack? die already?
Haha me like da_docta!
Im not one to complain about a free movie, even if it is the best on the net at the moment, but it's still shit.

Sound is hollow and i'd give the picture a 4/10.
i hear that there is a screener copy out somewhere.... probably still internally being passed around by groups... once it gets out into the public more, i'll grab it and post it here
Shitty quality! but meh it's still okay and you get the idea, and yeh the sound is not too good... it's like from a distance or something. But still okay I hope their will be a better release of thise movie soon.
Naziscum your time will come.

Time to die.
Holy shit aint this bitch... ?? I'm I the only one that got norr"baggen" comming out of his shell? damn.. my little remark must of hit to close to home... =) so your mom is REALLY a whore isn't she?? hehehe.. man I love u litte racists sons of bitches.. it makes it so easy to pick on your asses.. hahhaha..
come on now norrbaggen.. did I hurt your feelings with the comment ?? ahh little baby.. did you start to cry??
är detta war of the worlds 2005
Norrbaggen posta ditt skämt igen!
Norrbaggen post you joke again!
Hahahaha da-docta... I guess the whole thing about him having 2 daddies now made him kinda speechless! Man that is hilarious!:-D
Is it good kvality?
Är det bra kvalitet på filmen?
thanX sooooooo much
how do i extract and get the movie to work only the sample works fo me:( what programes do i need to get the full movie to work? answer fast plz!
can someone help me i cant find anywere finnish subs to this movie i cant find even english subtitles to this. i only find subs to year 1978 movie witch name was war of the world or something
Retoxic Use Winrar/winzip with the first file then click on extract.
Where the fuck is the moderator?! Can you stick with the subject and stop flaming!
Chrem88 dont think he was talking to you. :)
Use VLC player, just search on google for it. :))
Perfect, Thanks alot. I dont know what all you idiots are complaining about
Perfect???? Man, there is no way your screen looks like mine on this movie! Shesh.. Im about ready to try downloding the same movie again. Honest, my copy is all screwed up in the video. (played with VLC)
Aren't you contradicting yourself right now norrbaggen? I mean being a homosexual and all.. racist people don't like homos either right? hahaha =) i bet you and your little bald friends just love 2 get together and fuck eachother up the ass.. cuz u damn sure can't get any women.. looking like circumsized dicks with the shaved head and all.. hahahaha.. why dont you go blow somebody.. and swallow the cum.. =) hehehehe
I'm sure u are custom to that
I used windows media player and i had no problems at all exept for the 15 sec of missing audio. The picture was good
Pretty good...interweaving of audio and video...perfect actually. Nice work who ever did the encoding. Well for all you haters who want screener quality you will get it when or right before the offical dvd is released. Spend the $6.50 or so for the movie in the theatre like I did. It's worth it.
Hey, Im not hard to please at all.. But, Im very confused as to how some say this is "perfect", yet my downloaded resulted in a very chopy video with block shaped images. For me the "nuked" version plays better than this one.
Jammer_2005 this is a TS, there is no good TS movies.
This movie sucked donkey balls.
Nem vou questionar a imagem. Tá de bom tamanho. Dá pra apreciar, sem problemas ! Thanks !
i lost the sound when the dude started to talk at the end of the movie. it was a watchable quality. but it wasent any good. the cameraman filming this movie was coffing and moving so it made disturbance when you tried to hear what the characters in the movie said....
Bantex, are u like twelve yrs old? Wtf is the dude talking 'bout??
I think that all the whiners that complain about quality are actually represents of companies doing what they can to stop the File sharing and bring the mood down of community wich is achieved by starting arguemnets and meaningless trashtalk about the quality!! :P
oops sorry, didnt mean to re-submit last post!!
word phaze
quick note:
EVIL i say!!!
My video is all screwed, what do I need to install to view this film?
PhaZEtwO™ - I'm with you on this.

Some people are unbelievable on this site and on torrent spy. I prefer registration only sites where people are much more polite and grateful.

People might want to remember that if you go and see this in the cinema you'll more than likely have someone sat near you who coughs every now and then. You KNOW that a CAM is going to be done in a cinema and there WILL be background noise. Get over it and shut up.
Oh and ditch BitLord. You can't beat Azureus IMO.
best ive found so far is BITcomet0.59 I tried Azureus but found its bit of a resource hog but thts just my opinion.
and tussfc.. you got any registration torrent sites you can recommend?
For the record, I have no problem with free downloads of popular movies, and Im not picky about quality... Heck, I praised the nuked version of this movie!- then I got flamed many times for saying that I liked it. What Im talking about here is FAR from the typical cam-recorded movie quality- My download was totaly unwatchable due to extremely messed up video- it looked real good in spots, then every few seconds the video showed huge block shaped images.. The video got so distorted that it was totally unwatchable in many spots. On my computer the nuked version was very watchable, and I did praise the nuked version in the comments. So, please dont mistake me for a person that expects dvd quality from a cam shot, I dont. I really think either my download got corupted, or perhaps my computer is too slow to play this correctly- although other files of this type can be played with no problems. Did anyone else find that the nuked version looked better than this one? Im just trying to figure out if my file got corupted, or what. I already deleted this download because the video looked like a scrambled pay tv channel in spots.
Why is the download going so deam slooooooooooooooooow...
5kb/s is noot much
Could anyone tell me why??
And now its not downloading at all!!
What is this, its happens every time I downloading a torrent!!
Its reeaaly boring...
I dont know what to do!
Helt OK kvalitet egentlig. Har sett mye, mye bedre, men hva kan man vente når den akkurat har kommet på kino... Eneste som ødela for meg, var at lyden helt på slutten var borte...
Ljudet dör ju i slutet ju, vad säger rösten? Jag fattade ingenting av denna filmen. Lätt en av Spilbergs sämsta ever!
Eyy everyone dont download this crap its bad quality.....dont donwload i say it because its true

and shadow1320 bad thing from you
excuse me, sherko... i think if you look 2 comments down you will see that this release has been beaten by the new TC... this copy was the best on the net AT THE TIME OF UPLOAD... read before you speak, you inconsiderate son of a bitch
Tom Cruise sucks! Discuss...
Rumor has it another version has much better quality (based on coments) than this one:
Yes better quality!!
Get it here:
Tack för uppladdningen.
Well said PhaZEtwO™, you hit the nail right on the head. As the for torrent, its very good quality for a TS, very watchable. The only negative thing come with the nature of the release as a TS's, a bit of crowd noise and a such, but a very good release IMO.
WTF at end Cuts off to soon I think, announcer says
"on the moment the envaders arived breathed are air and ate are food they were doomed"

Or somthing close to that.
Is this the entire end comments ?
Can someone post the rest of what the announcer is trying to say? I don't want to wast bandwidth on downloading a diffrent version of this.
was good movie
xlioilx: if you download the original OST, track 14, "reunion", has the full ending monolouge by morgan freeman.
Don't download this version!!! There is a much better one here. Look for the DivX one, way better!!
This version has horrible quality.. many dark scenes you can't even see!!! the DivX is better quality
Quality of this one stinks. Sounds like someone scratching their bollox for 80 mins.
Here Here PhaZEtwO™ I know exactly where you're coming from ! These Rude Little Dweeebs ! Grrrrrr.
Don't Know As Of Yet, As I am Downloading It Now...
Ur a prick PhaZEtwO™, maybee the reason that we dont go out and buy these films is coz they r way 2 over priced by the greedy fat cats at the top, for 1 film it will cost £18 and cost only 2 pence to make, so when u say we should'nt download, u sud buy the films 4 us, or wont u stick ur word.
bigfatsmoke - You are so right, fucking piece of shit :D
Excellent best one out there
Quite good quality of sound and picture. Actually there is Russian text only at the beginning, besides the movie looks like an original English version. Thumb up!
(PO POLSKU: całkiem niezła jakość obrazu i dźwięku, rosyjski napis tylko w czołówce filmu, polecam!)