Details for this torrent 

Games > PC
1.24 GB

Oct 5, 2004

 ³ Release Date: 03-10-04              ³³ No Of Rars.:CD1 52/752MB            ³
 ³                                                    CD2 36/513MB            ³
 ³ Supplier....: Niceguy               ³³ Game Type..: Strategy               ³ 
 ³ File Format.: CCD                   ³³ CD(s)......: 2 CD's                 ³ 
 ³ Protection..: SecuROM  ³³ Version....: Retail                 ³                  
                             *** Release  Notes ***                             
  Special Notes

  Another sweet clone for you non-crack heads!
  This game had a nasty version of securom which actually automatically
  unmounts the image from Alcohol 120% and requires you to uninstall
  Blindwrite drivers.As a result we decided to twincreate this image with 
  a clean BWA file.This may also help with blacklisting of the clone
  when updates are installed as was the case with Blitzkreig Burning Horizon.
  Recommended System Requirements

  Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP .
  Intel Pentium III 1 Ghz or AMD Athlon 1 GHz .
  256 MB RAM .
  1.3 GB hard disk space .
  8x CD-ROM .
  16MB graphics card .
  DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card .
  DirectX 9.0 .


  Medieval Europe is a dark and dangerous place. To conquer 
  it you must prove yourself a mighty leader, a great tactition 
  and be more devious than your many enemies. In Knights of Honor 
  you must lead armies into battle and build your empire with the 
  help of your powerful knights.   

  þ More than 100 playable kingdoms with three historical periods 
    on one of the largest and most detailed maps ever seen in a game.
  þ 6 different types of knight stand faithfully by your side; marshal, 
    spy, merchant, landlord, builder and cleric. 
  þ Different battle scenarios that can be entirely controlled by the 
    player with over 50 types of military unit and siege weaponry. 
  þ Extensive diplomatic options, such as white peace, non aggression pacts,
    trade agreements, alliances and marriages. 
  þ 4 action-packed multiplayer battle modes for up to 6 players.


                            *** Installation Notes ***                           
  Game will not run mounted due to virtual drive blacklists so....please burn!.

  CD1 is not protected and can be burned as a normal iso.

  For CD2....please do the following..

  Burn using newest Alcohol 120% Version. Start alcohol’s image burning wizard 

  and burn ccd' using the securom new (not securom new 4.x) datatype setting. 

  Burn at 8-12x for best results though it has been tested at 52x.

  Liteon Cd Rewriters are the recommended hardware.

  [Note: Before burning you'll be warned that the image size doesn't match 

  the lead-out specified in the toc and you'll be given three burning options. 

  The first option is correct: "Keep TOC as on source cd, write until end  

  of image file".]

  If you aint used to Clones use a CDRW!

Enjoy :)



Tack du!
Jag var helt salig på Stronghold och Stronghold Crusader och sr verkligen fram emot att testa denna.

En liten varning dock: På CD-Freaks har det skrivits att en installation av spelet "sabbar" Daemon Tools, genom att dess dll-fil tas bort.

Länk om detta:
tackar.. *lyfter på hatten*.. :-P

Det här är STORT!
AiTeK bjuder på en release som ännu inte är aviserad på vare sig NForce eller ISONews.

Jag är mycket imponerad (samt en smula undrande) och hoppas att "bedriften" förstås och uppskatas efter förtjänst av alla oss "leechers".
seeda snälla
Sweet Jesus...otroligt snyggt spel, funkar perfekt. Tack!
sirjonte: det står i infon om du läser att det kommer säga att det inte finns plats men där står också att man ska säga överbränn,, läs mer i infon
jag tog bara och installerade med deamon och sen brände ut 2an med Alkohol 120% sen funkade de perfekt.. :-P
Vad menas med seeda??
Vart fan får man tag på alcohol 120%?!
Gör som det står i i infon.
Men testa olika märke på cdn.
Jag testade först noname silver skivor men det funkade inte, sen testade jag med två st olika rw märke och det gick inte, men sen testa jag bara för skoj skull ett annat märke(för min del var det Fujifilm CD-R 700mb silver disk) och det gick galant.
Jag har en Plextor plexwriter 24/10/40A
Fungerar inte:
Mounta med deamon tools
när jag ska packa upp rarfilerna så säger den att rar 49 är korrumperad
ok en dum fråga, va ska man gö efter man brännt ut det? packa upp rar filer? deamon? :S
Im getting an error when i install the game !
After disc 1 is done he asks for disc 2 but when I try to install it it gets this error :
Feature : FirstLang
Component : Packs_En
File :
Error : Incorrect Function (transfer error)
plz help me :-)
Come on plz help !!
CD 1 works but CD 2 doesnt !!
Show me how to make disk 2 to work
E-Mail me to :
Jag behöver hjälp.
Jag har gjort som det står i infon och brännt cd2.
men när jag ska spela spelet så kommer det upp ett medelande som säger: please insert orginal disc
Ive had the same problem, burnt exactly as per instructions to CDRW with Alcohol 120% latest version with securcom as suggested but CD 2 will not work. Has anyone actually got this to work?
Oh, just in case i have missed the answer in any of the previous comments, can someone please translate the solution into English?
please seed
Tried this one, but the CD #2 didn't work and I gave up after two unsuccessful attempts (and two wasted CD-Rs). I then copied the CD #2 via DC++ , burned by alcohol120% and installed crack and... it worked..
read the instructions AiTeK gives, i followed them exactly and mine has worked fine.
Testade Att Göra Som Han som hade installerat med daemon tools och brännt ut cd 2 men när jag hade brännt cd 2 i alcohol 120% och skulle använda den så fanns inget på skivan!! vad har jag gjort för fel??
Seed please! im at 87% and i would love to finish this download soon.
Seed please! Im at 98.9% and have been there for a long time..!
Come on..
I am at 99,3%.. Please seed..!
Hmm I have done exactly as it reads in info but still it dont work.

When I put the CD 2 I just burned in it opens the game screen and I click on play...then it starts to load and after a while it just says:

Unable to authenticate original disc within time limit. Please eject and reinsert the cd or use a different drive.

So do anyone know what I should do to make ot work? Thanks
Im also having trouble installing it, the whole thing. anyone found a solution to that problem, or what causes it?
just go to and searsh for crack
or you just need to find some files to put in the KOH folder so look search in google or something like that
This is a great game
Is anyone downloding this one now?
Someone, please seed
sedddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaa plzzzzzzzzzzz
seddddddaaaaaaaaaa .....
Ååh snälla att det måste bara stanna när det är 1,9% kvar. Varför? Snälla
kan ingen börja seeda de här vil ha det här ju :(
ngn som vet vad man ska göra när man får upp ERROR! rutan å den säger Deamon tools is installed but locked! please unlock deamon tools and restart application.

hey i have the datacab3 problem,can anybody help me????
hey guys,I have a solution for those who had the datacab3 problem using alcohol 120%...Instead of using alcohol,use Daemon Tools with all options ON,this won't need any CD's and it actuallys works and no datacab3 problem :)
what do i do once it is downloaded im lost please help
PIEEEASE seed, i hav'nt been able to download for some time and now there's no seeders :(
this is the same as:

seed please
trojan in it, pl tell me if you know some virus free knights of honor
No need to burn to CD or anything. Just mount the extracted Image with Daemon tools lite ete, install. Then download

Install and play. Works flawless for me
Why you didn't do the burning thing and then upload???