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Games > PC
629.72 MB

+1 / -0 (+1)

Oct 2, 2004

KULT Heretic Kingdoms (c) Project Three Interactive 

10/2004 :..... RELEASE.DATE PROTECTION .......: N/A 
1 :.......... DISC(S) GAME.TYPE ........: Action Adventure 

Kult Heretic Kingdoms is an isometric computer RPG, combining 3D 
technologies with the intuitive environment of an isometric game. Developed 
by Slovakian studio 3D People, the game is built on cutting edge technology 
with a philosophy that balances ease of learning against depth of play. 

Featuring an engaging storyline written by a script team lead by critically 
acclaimed game writer and designer Chris Bateman (Discworld Noir, Ghost 
Master) , and uniquely immersive game mechanics designed by Chris’ infamous 
International Hobo team, the game is certain to appeal to fans of RPGs and 
fantasy adventures. 

Set in the world of the Heretic Kingdoms, a world where God is dead and 
religion heresy, you are cast as a young female inquisitor, working to stamp 
out the last remnants of religion. On instructions to destroy a relic 
which the Inquisition considers to be a significant threat, you are drawn 
into a war between two warring secret societies – a conspiracy of mages 
whose goal is true power, and a shadowy cult who seeks to resurrect the 
Dead God. 

As the story progresses, you will be placed in an amoral world and left 
to decide your own morality. Just like the real world, your actions have 
consequences, and it is up to you to decide if you can live with them or 
not. Play as an altruistic heroine, a vicious and selfish egotist or just 
a woman trying to get her job done – your actions will lead you to one of 
six different endings depending on where you decide your loyalties lie. 
Will you crush religion underfoot, or become its saviour? Only you can 

Featuring a vast world to explore containing around fifty locations, 
scores of unique monsters and more than fifty quests, all of which affect 
the people or the balance of power in the kingdom of Corwenth and its 
neighbours, and a simple but rewarding combat system that keeps the action 
flowing thick and fast, Kult Heretic Kingdoms is an essential purchase for 
any fans of fantasy storytelling or computer RPGs. 


Enjoy :)


Sorry for at jeg måtte ta den opp igjen på ny,jeg fikk ingen respons från tracker,å den sa til meg at jeg har bare 99,8% på nå håppas jeg det skal være i orden så happy download,nu funker det fint her.

Bugar och bockar, tack ska du ha.
ahh nice. Thanks!
är det nytt lr gammalt spel?
10/2004 :..... RELEASE.DATE PROTECTION .......: N/A
ganska nytt imo
Ingen som har upptäckt att det är en "UNKNOWN" Trojan i setup filen, enligt Pestpatrol.
Får 99,9%, sen e d stopp.
hmm,jeg scanner alle mine filer for trojan når jeg har dom nede,jeg fan ikke noe trojan ved dem.kansje noen som seedar som har et virus problem??
ah, ny nedladdning å d perfa.
Spelet funka fint inget virus eller annt otyg vad jag kunde se, Kan inte säga att det var ett höjdarspel direkt, hade nog vart skoj till amigan.
Idioti att setupen MÅSTE packa upp på c:, ren idioti jag har inte plats på C: för det.
spelet var ball förutom diverse oförklariga nedstängingar, att föremål man hade i väskor försvan när man loada och slutet. Slutet, sista bossen fick in en träff på mig och gjorde lite skada annars var han död på 10sekunder och inget kul hände när man dödat han :(

men jag gilla spel konseptet grovt annars, bättre än dungeon seige...
riktigt lätt å varva detta spelet,,, sista bossarna dog ju som flugor.. trist...
Men annars va det okej...
Seed plz.. i got 75% done...ty
Seeda plZ
What do i need to play??? Demon tools??? or what if you know plzz add me or send me a privat Mess, (or mess me here on Piratbay....) Thx
Please, someone seed this RPG... it has an awesome history and for sure it is a very interesting game.

I couldn't find anywhere... its very rare
E det virus eller ikke ;)
Ey, come on guys! I and two other guys staying here since some days on 99,6%. Please seed a little bit.
Heh, could anyone seed please?
I'm trying to get this one and I REALLY want it...

(yeah I'm a kid).

Any for everyone else who like these kinds of games: BUY THEM AT !!!
They cost like $20 and that's like 140 SEK!



seed please
FUCKING SEED THIS ppl. It's stuck at 78,4%. C'mon it won't take long for me to get it :) kplzthx
ser ut som diablo om man kollar trailers... e det värt att ladda ner?
Har lastet det ned, hvordan får jeg installert det? :D