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550.15 MB

Private Internet Internet privacy email privacy vpn gateway privacy any client can be host

May 31, 2016

PI(Private Internet) is a Virtualbox image designed for total Peer to Peer privacy. 

PI services includes "any host can be a VPN gateway", firewall, secure email, xmpp chat, https, sftp, SSH-VNC-GNOME office desktop server. 

Client connection packages are generated by PI in real-time each with a unique RSA encrytion key.

Connecting users must provide their new login password to download their connection package via a https link sent to their email address.

ALL DATA, including emails,files, https and chats sessions are encrypted during transit and data is stored on PI virtual drive(zero footprint system) PI allows three incoming user selectable ports, vpn(requires users RSA key), sshd(requires users RSA key) and https(requires user login password).

On top of hosting SSH-VNC-GNOME office desktop sessions, PI is also designed to internconnect with other PI's to form a full fledge dynamic VPN network. SSH-VNC-GNOME users on one PI can email, chat and share files with SSH-VNC-GNOME users connected to other PI's. The VPN host PI can also be set as the default Internet gateway for remote computers